The smoke and dust caused by the impact of the meteorite were so abruptly shrouded in there by a pair of invisible big hands... It was impossible to float more than ten meters high.

And, a transparent magic curtain shrouded the entire Zul'Aman...

This transparent magic curtain blocked the troll camp from the strong shock wave caused by the meteorite hitting the ground...

Even so, the Kaldorei soldiers in Zul'Aman felt a sway.

"Elune is on top, our mages are so powerful!!"

"Yeah, the one who just cast the spell is our Great Magister Elisande... It's really amazing!!"

And the great magus Elisander, who was full of praise in their mouths... was feeling uneasy at this moment.

After the magic was displayed, she realized that the power of this magic seemed to be unexpectedly large.

The big one, maybe he will destroy his own side too...

That's so embarrassing...

Thousands of years later - when future generations excavated this place, they found Elisande buried alive in the smoke and dust, and then, from then on - Elisande may have become a negative teaching material.

[When casting spells, you must do what you can, and definitely don't learn from that great Magister Elisande. She used a powerful spell to bury the enemy—and herself! ! 】

Thinking of this, Elisande felt a stomach ache.

Fortunately... her lover Zhou Ye helped her figure it out... Otherwise, I'm afraid she will become the first poor creature in history to bury herself with magic.

At this time - with Elisande's star meteorite technique - the troll camps outside have turned into a sea of ​​fire, even if the guy who escaped the impact of the meteorite could not escape the shock wave after the impact of the meteorite, even if he After escaping the shock wave, he will suffocate in the smoke and dust in the sky...

That's the scary thing about this spell.

Chapter 1670

Chapter 1670


Holy Land of Zul'Aman Empire—

The resting place of the ancestors...

All trolls have been constantly hearing names from their parents since they were born.

A holy place that every troll must visit once in a lifetime...

This pearl surrounded by countless beautiful forests...

Today - after witnessing the rise of the Zul'Aman Empire, it also witnessed the fall of the Zul'Aman Empire...

At this time, outside Zul Aman, in the dense jungle surrounding it, it still turned into a scene like the end of the day.

Pieces of trees fell under the meteorite that fell from the sky, and more - fell under the shock wave generated when the meteorite hit the ground.

Huge meteorites slammed into the ground, like a stone thrown into a calm lake... Above the ground, a string of ripples appeared.

That deadly earth rippling uprooted ancient trees with lush roots...


Like a toy, thrown in the air...

Pieces of forest fell down, and then... they were ignited by the high temperature air and turned into sparks...

And originally hidden in the woods, hundreds of thousands of trolls, like ants in the flames... turned into the fuel of this sea of ​​fire and burned to the ground.

When the meteorites no longer fall and the earth gradually returns to calm...

Some surviving trolls find...

Compared to those of the same clan who died in the first blow, the survivors were the most unlucky beings.

The endless sea of ​​fire consumed all the oxygen...

Those surviving trolls, in the ashes of the flames falling from the sky, found that they couldn't breathe no matter what...

They were desperately breathing in the air, not caring at all that they would suck in the burnt ashes...but—still didn't help.

These surviving trolls grabbed their necks desperately, and some even scratched their necks...the trachea inside leaked out...but, this didn't help them survive...because, The oxygen available for them to survive is already burning and exhausted.

When the last troll... fell to the ground with a twisted expression...

The whole battle is finally over...

At this time————in the city head of Zul'Aman.

Countless Kaldorei Empire soldiers watched the scene in front of them silently.

Perhaps, it was because of the tragic death of those trolls that their compassion was touched...

For a while, they felt that these trolls were a little pitiful.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in their ears... "I think these trolls are pitiful??"

Countless kaldorei soldiers couldn't help nodding their heads...

However, they immediately realized that something was wrong... This voice—this time belonged to the Supreme Commander, His Royal Highness.

Just when they're squeamish and don't know how to make amends...

Zhou Ye's voice sounded again.

"I feel sorry for them too... But, in order to prevent the people of the Kaldorei from suffering this kind of pain, all we can do - is to inflict this kind of pain on our enemies... with mercy Hearts are not shameful, but remember your race, and - you are for

What a fight! ! "

Hearing Zhou Ye's words... The pity in the eyes of countless soldiers gradually disappeared, and their eyes were filled with incomparable determination.

In front of them - these people who died in great pain, are their enemies... they are the savage races that ate their compatriots, such races are not worthy of mercy! !

Zhou Ye was very satisfied with the performance of these soldiers...

He doesn't care about the pity in the eyes of the soldiers just now, just like a human being, when he sees any race that has been brutally treated, he will have a pity, but - if you know clearly, this one is suffering Your race is your enemy, and if you don't, then pain may befall your fellow man, then... mercy, there will be no more.

At this time, Zhou Ye helped Elisande, who was a little weak because of the spell cast just now, and took Little Loli Maiev Shadowsong to the ancestors under the escort of Matilda and the guards of the months. The city head of El Oman.

"This is all caused by me??" Because he just concentrated on casting spells, Elisande didn't have much time to observe the consequences of his magic.

Now, facing the sight like the end of the world in front of her, she couldn't help but hide her shyness...

On the land of several hundred square kilometers, there are traces of meteorites falling everywhere... Black flames and smoke filled the entire earth, and even in some places, a huge crater was forcibly smashed by the meteorite, and there was still water in the crater. Light, obviously—the water system under the ground was smashed open by a meteorite.

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