
This time, Zhou Ye was still the commander-in-chief, and he gathered a standing army of nearly 200,000 people from the Kaldorei Empire and swept away the territory of those trolls in the south.

Zhou Ye led a magician army of nearly 30,000 people this time.

Under the leadership of Zhou Ye, who seemed to have opened the whole map plug-in and the omniscient plug-in commander, the army of the Kaldorei Empire eliminated these three troll forces without any effort. The Zul'Gurub troll empire and the Gurubashi troll empire next to the three troll forces were also completely destroyed.

Somewhat unexpectedly, when Zhou Ye was destroying the Zul'Gurub Empire, he saw the lead of the first troll war, the female troll Yarol.

At this time, Yarol was already a high-ranking priest of the Zul'Gurub Empire.

It's a's completely useless.

The first time she saw Zhou Ye, she screamed and summoned the god Loa to kill Zhou Ye...

No way, who called Zhou Ye her father-killing enemy? ?

When Zhou Ye swept the Zuo-Aman Empire, he happened to meet her father's Burning Branch Tribe, so—under Zhou Ye's order, the Burning Branch Tribe became eternal history and completely disappeared from the history of Azeroth. in the long river.

Yarol had already understood whose hands her father had died through spiritism.

Of course she was very excited when she saw Zhou Ye.

It's a pity that her actions didn't have any effect... The Loa spirit she summoned was completely dissipated in the opposing magic of Zhou Ye's Magic Legion in just a few clicks.

Even Yarol died on the spot...

After eliminating all the trolls in the south... Zhou Ye temporarily stopped his steps.

Because at this time, the territory of the Kaldorei Empire has already bordered the territory of the pandaren in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

As a race that loves peace, of course the pandaren sent messengers to Zhou Ye's army to meet Zhou Ye... They wanted to sign a peace agreement that would not interfere with each other.

Of course, Zhou Ye readily agreed to this.


After all, pandas are also animals that Zhou Ye likes. Although Zhou Ye really doesn't appreciate the pandaren girl's body that is as thick as the top and bottom, but... Zhou Ye still likes pandaren very well.

After friendly consultations between the two sides...the treaty of peaceful coexistence was finally signed.

The two sides also held the first food and cultural exchange meeting between the two countries on the border between the two countries.

I have to say that the pandaren race likes food culture, and they all brew beer.

In this regard, Zhou Ye said that good days are coming.

The one-month exchange meeting allowed both parties to get to know each other a lot.

In the eyes of the pandaren, the Kaldorei Empire is a powerful empire, but—they are not unreasonable. For example, the prince in front of him, whose reputation is only under the queen, is very friendly, and he is very friendly with them. There is a lot of common language when it comes to diet.

In the eyes of the night elves of the Kaldorei, the pandaren are a peaceful, hard-working and brave race...they created a culture that many night elves like very much.

Although the two sides are different in shape, they have many similarities in common.

And trolls are different...

The kaldorei have always been reluctant to be in the company of those man-eating monsters.

In this month-long exchange meeting, Zhou Ye really let go of his stomach to eat... He took his women, from the south to the north, and from the east to the west...

All the unimaginable things you can think of can be eaten here in Pandaren.

This made the girls gasp.

However, happy times are always short-lived...

Just when Zhou Ye planned to use his power for personal gain to hold another month's exchange meeting...

A news from the country made him have to hurriedly announce the withdrawal of the army, and left the military affairs to Matilda and Elisander, and returned to the palace ahead of schedule.

"Where? Where??" Zhou Ye shouted eagerly as soon as he came back.

"Here, Your Highness!!" A night elf girl wearing a high-level priest uniform of the Moon God smiled and gave Zhou Ye directions.

"Did you find it??" Zhou Ye looked at the high priest with a smile...

"Yes, Your Highness!!" The priestess smiled and nodded.

"Good job!!" Zhou Ye happily hugged the priestess and gave her a strong kiss, and whispered in her ear, "Clean up at night and prepare to receive my reward!"

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the blushing on the priestess' face almost spread to her neck, she nodded slightly, and hummed softly.

At this time, Zhou Ye had already rushed into the room. In the room... Queen Azshara, her little maid, and the adjutant were surrounding a crib, looking at the crib with curious eyes, lying on the bed. The baby girl with sparse green lanugo on her head...

"My Tyrande Whisperwind...hehehehe!!"

Chapter 1676

Chapter 1676

"Little Tyrande..." Zhou Ye said as he picked up the baby...

Seeing Zhou Ye's first glance, this baby girl who didn't recognize her at all giggled... She waved her little hand, trying to grab Zhou Ye... But obviously, with her small arms and legs, There was no way to touch Zhou Ye's body at all...

This made the little girl suddenly dissatisfied...

Tears began to well up in her eyes as soon as she was flattened.

There is a big one, if you don't let me catch, I will cry and show you the posture...

Zhou Ye smiled and gently held the little baby girl in his arms, letting her scratch his hair.

Satisfied little baby girl, giggling and playing with the long black hair at hand.

Zhou Ye's hair was already very long at this time due to the reason of doing as the custom in the country.

"Dear..." Queen Azshara looked at her man who was playing with little Tyrande and asked curiously, "Why do you have to let the priests search for this man named Tyrande in Val'sharah's village? ·What about Yufeng's baby??"

"Haha... This little guy will be a very amazing existence in the future!!" Zhou Ye said, looking at the high priest who had followed him into the house and asked, "The little guy's parents also brought Yet??"

"Yes, Your Highness!!" The high priest nodded hurriedly: "I told the couple that this cute baby girl is the beloved child of the moon god Elune, so it is necessary to bring her to the royal city. In the Temple of the Moon, baptize..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless... He never told those priests why he was looking for this baby girl named Tyrande Yufeng, but she had an idea, and used such a reason, this Is it a legendary number? ?

"Your Highness, did I do something wrong??" The priest who found the trace of Little Tyrande looked at Zhou Ye's face with some unease, and asked hesitantly, "Or... I'll..."

"No need!!" After Zhou Ye smiled at her, he said, "You have done a very good job... This little guy will indeed be a child favored by Elune in the future, where are her parents now? "

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