"The child's parents are now waiting in the Temple of Elune... Do you want me to call them??" the priestess said hurriedly.

"No need, I'll go meet them!!" Zhou Ye said, gently put the baby girl in his arms back into the stroller, then brought the priestess and used teleportation magic directly to Ai in the Moon Temple. In Luen Garden, "Take me to meet the parents of the little guy!!"

"Yes, Your Highness!!" The priestess was no longer surprised by Zhou Ye's teleportation-like teleportation magic.

In fact, there is a permanent portal between the Moon Temple and the Royal Palace.

Otherwise, the priestess could not have brought little Tyrande to the palace under the eyes of her parents.

And this time-

In the side hall of the Moon Temple, a pair of night elf couples dressed in very simple clothes were sitting there uneasily.

They are all ordinary civilians who have been living in a village in Val'sharah...

You must know that when Zhou Ye did not completely destroy the Zu'Aman Empire, Val'sharah was a small place on the border of the Kaldorei Empire...

Although the folk customs are simple, it is definitely not rich.

For the Yufeng couple, the farthest place they have been is the just-built Suramar giant city.

This ordinary night elf couple never imagined that they would one day come to the legendary royal city, let alone that they would sit in the original Moon Temple, waiting for their daughter's baptism.

You must know that the Moon Temple in Aludis, as the original birthplace of the Moon God Elune belief and the earliest established Moon Temple, has long been closed to the public.

The usual baptisms are carried out in the temples of the Moon in various regions of the Kaldorei Empire.

Even in more remote places... the priests under the Moon God Temple went directly to the place to baptize the newborn.

Only the most devout Moon God priests can come to the Moon God Temple of Eludis for further education and promotion to high-ranking priests.

However, with the establishment of the great city of Suramar and the establishment of the Sisterhood of Elune, the Moon Temple there may become a new holy place for the faith of Elune in the eyes of ordinary people.


The status of the Moon Temple of Eludis will always be above all the Moon Temples. Who told the legend... The Well of Eternity is the place where Elune, the goddess of the moon, slept during the day? ?

This is the place closest to Elune, the goddess of the moon.

Whoops...that's too much.

At this moment, Tyrande Whisper's father was holding his wife's hand tightly, comforting her... "Don't worry, my dear, it's just a small christening... Don't worry!!"

"But, but why don't the priests let us watch?" Tyrande's mother said with some worry: "Isn't the previous baptisms carried out with everyone's blessing??"

"That's because our daughter is so different..." Saying this, Tyrande's father had a smug smile on his face: "After all, it can be said by the priest that she was born with the grace of the goddess of the moon. Child, our daughter is the only one!!"

At this moment, a voice came from outside...

"That's right, your daughter is indeed a very special child, she has been blessed by the goddess Elune!!"

Following the voice, a tall figure walked in, and behind him, followed by two high-ranking priestesses.

When he saw this figure, Tyrande's father stood up excitedly...

After all these years of war, in the entire Kaldorei Empire, there are few people who do not know this person.

He has many titles, such as - the ruler of the dragon, the immortal Eternal, the god of war of the Kaldorei Empire, the consort of Queen Azshara, and - the man Elune loves most...

In the Kaldorei Empire, almost everyone knows that His Royal Highness seems to be deeply favored by Elune, the goddess of the moon. He always carries the blessing of Elune, the moon goddess.

Regarding this matter, many gossip guys began to speculate about the relationship between His Royal Highness Prince and the Goddess of the Moon.

Not to mention, even the highest priest of the Moon Temple, the priest of Fina Yefeng, who has been out of sight for a long time, does not always carry the blessing of Elune, the goddess of the moon, like Zhou Ye.

As for such rumors, Zhou Ye didn't come out to refute the rumors, not even the priests of the Moon God Temple.

Seeing Zhou Ye approaching, Tyrande's father, a night elf civilian with a simple personality, hurriedly stood up and saluted Zhou Ye: "May the moon god bless you forever, Your Royal Highness!!"

"May the Moon God bless you forever..."

Chapter 1677

Chapter 1677

"His Royal Highness, my daughter..." Tyrande's mother asked with an uneasy expression.

"Don't worry!!" Zhou Ye looked at Tyrande's mother with a smile and said, "Little Tyrande is very well now, she is being baptized by Elune, it just needs some time!!"

"That's good...that's good!!"

Although it was said that Zhou Ye did not use any spiritual suggestion to Tyrande's mother——

However, his own status determines the credibility of his words.

So, although Tyrande's mother was still a little worried, she already felt a lot better.


"His Royal Highness is here..." Tyrande's father also remembered what Zhou Ye had just said when he walked in.

"I'll tell you something!!" Zhou Ye said, sitting opposite Tyrande's father, and said, "Sit down and talk, don't be so nervous..."

"Okay, okay, Your Highness!!" Tyrande's parents sat down carefully... Forgive them for such a move, just like a commoner who suddenly sees a leader who is aloof, maybe someone else did it Not as good as them.

"Your daughter, little Tyrande Whisperwind... is a child favored by the Moon Goddess, and she is a natural high priest..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Yu Feng and his wife couldn't help revealing a surprised look on their faces.

What does a high priest represent? ?

Represents the same social status as the nobility...

And their Yufeng family is a small commoner family. Zhou Ye's words are like telling them that your daughter will become an aristocratic existence in the future.

"But..." Zhou Ye's sentence, however, made Yufeng and his wife panic.

Will there be any mishaps in between? ?

Zhou Ye is very satisfied with the couple's performance... "The growth of every high-ranking priest is inseparable from the careful teaching of the temple... Although little Tyrande has Elune's favor, this is only for her Compared with other girls, they have a higher starting point, and education in growing up is very important... So, I will now give you two choices..."

"First..." Zhou Ye looked at the nervous expressions of Yufeng and his wife, and smiled slightly: "You entrusted little Tyrande to the temple to raise, and I gave you a piece of land and gave you the status of nobles. From now on... you can take a look at Little Tyrande occasionally, but you can't recognize her!!"

"Then, what about the second? Your Highness!!!" Tyrande's father asked in a difficult tone...

"The second thing..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "The second option is that you can live in Wangcheng, I will give you a monthly allowance, and little Tyrande will also live with you. , but... no land, no nobility..."

"You guys can think about it, which one to choose!!" Zhou Ye said, sitting there speechless.

At this time, Tyrande Whisper's parents began to fight fiercely in their minds.

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