Facing these hideous bugmen, Elsa shouted: "Holy Storm!!"

Following her shout, countless phantoms of golden hammers formed a tornado with a diameter of twenty meters around her...

Countless phantoms of golden hammers loomed in the tornado...

Those mantid who rushed towards her were instantly torn to pieces by the storm composed of the power of the holy light.

For a moment—Elsa's side was empty...


There are too many mantids...they rushed towards Elsa without fear of death. Even Elsa's holy storm became flickering in the army of these mantids. ...Finally, the golden holy light went out.

Facing so many mantids, Elsa was a little flustered, but—everything was still under control...

The unbreakable invincible shield around her gave her infinite courage.

She unhurriedly took out a golden book from her waist... After lightly turning a few pages, a word came out of her mouth. "Sacrifice!!"

As the word spits out...

In the land of nearly a thousand square meters centered on Elsa, countless golden holy lights gushed out from the cracked land...

Those mantid standing on the ground rendered golden by the holy light let out miserable roars...

Countless golden flames gushed out from their mouths, eyes, ears, and nostrils...

In the blink of an eye, the mantid within the range of the sacrifice turned into nourishment for the golden flames and disappeared into the air—leaving only a thin layer of white ash on the ground as evidence of their existence...

This powerful skill made the entire battlefield quiet...

"This, what kind of profession is this?? It's not a fighter, nor a mage..."

"No, I don't know..."

"It seems very handsome... It really fits my aesthetics... I want to know how to learn such a skill!!"

Zhou Ye couldn't help feeling embarrassed when he heard the discussions of the adventurers around him.

[Of course you have never seen such a high-end and high-end profession as a paladin! 】

【It will take at least 10,000 years to obtain such a professional inheritance...】

With such complaints, Zhou Ye suddenly jumped off the city wall...

After all, although paladins are very tired, but--Elsa is not good enough to practice...

After Holy Storm + Sacrifice + Avenging Wrath and Crusader Swordsmanship, there are no skills that can strike on a large scale...

In order not to embarrass his own woman, he had to go to the rescue! !

"Wow - another one who is not afraid of death!!"

"Don't say that, they are all heroes!"

"I agree with that..."

"In this case, why don't you jump off??"

"I'm a mage, have you ever seen a melee mage?? Stupid!"

Just when these guys were talking...suddenly their voices fell silent...



A voice that resounded throughout the battlefield made everyone turn their eyes to the place where the voice came from.

"I... I never knew that the warrior's big jump is so powerful!!"

"Elune, my lord... this lord is really..."

Countless people were stunned by the scene before them.

I saw———

The place where Zhou Ye fell was like a meteorite hitting the ground, smashing the whole land until it sank.

Zhou Ye's huge force when he hit the ground transmitted his own energy under the ground, just like a boulder smashed into the water of the pool, causing circles of ripples and bursts of microwaves...

The ripples in the pond naturally have no power.

But - this is the energy transmitted from the ground, the power that churned up the ground was enough to shatter the legs of those mantid standing on the ground.

For a moment—the entire battlefield fell silent.

No one even pays attention to Elsa anymore, their eyes are all on Zhou Ye...

They were very curious about what happened to this soldier under such power.

Every professional adventurer knows that power is mutual, how much power you use, how much pressure your body will bear.

As the smoke and dust cleared from the battlefield... Zhou Ye's figure reappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Zhou Ye's innocent appearance, countless adventurers couldn't help gasping... Could this guy's body be made of iron? ?

However, Zhou Ye's surprise for them is not over yet...

I saw him draw out the two giant swords behind him one by one left and one right... made a poss... Then, the whole person turned into a spinning top... and spun rapidly.

As he turned, a tornado with a diameter of ten meters surrounded him... In the tornado, if there is any reflection, people can't help but guess, what's inside?

Soon...they won't have to guess...because the mantid have already spoken for them.

"Kill him, kill him quickly!!" The mantid commander was already going crazy.


What is this taking our mantid army for? ? Jump down one by one to attack us? Do you really think we mantid are vegetarian? ?

Following the command of the commander, countless mantid soldiers rushed towards the tornado beside Zhou Ye.

Chapter 1692

Chapter 1692

On the battlefield at this time——

It's been a complete mess.

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