A tornado with a diameter of more than ten meters was on the battlefield, rushing from left to right... Countless mantid were swept in by the tornado that pierced into the sky, and never came out again.

However, this did not stop the charge of the mantid.

They rushed towards the tornado one after another... Shouting slogans such as "For the Queen", they rushed into the tornado...

Then? ?

There's no after that……

This tornado cast by Zhou Ye is like an insatiable gluttonous monster, thousands of mantid cannot satisfy its appetite at all.

Just when everyone was in a daze, suddenly, someone shouted...

【It's raining……】

Everyone looked up at the sky strangely...

The weather is still very good today, the sun is high in the sky, how can it rain? ?

However, when they looked up, they found—it was indeed raining...but it was raining blood! !

"This, what is this??" A tauren shaman pulled a piece of extremely finely minced meat from his forehead in a strange way... After looking at it, he threw it aside with a disgusted expression.

Obviously, these are the mantid that were chopped up by Zhou Ye's [Blade Storm]... After they were chopped up, they were thrown into the sky by the Blade Storm, and then turned into a rain of blood and fell to the ground... …

"Woooo...I want to be a warrior...!!"

"Brother, I also want to be a warrior..." This is a dialogue between a thief and a forest ranger.

And those soldiers were stupefied...

"Hey, buddy... Has the instructor taught you this trick??"

"No... Did your mentor teach you this trick??"


"Could it be that our inauguration is a fake soldier??"

"It's very possible!!"



Leaving aside the dialogue of these guys, let's take a look at Xavius...

At this moment, Xavis already felt great pressure...

He found that his speed of grabbing points was far inferior to that guy who used an unknown big move on the battlefield... The mantid army on his side was about to be wiped out, but there were still many mantid on his side... …

I can't care less...

Thinking of this, Savis gritted his teeth, and said to his entourage: "Use that trick!!"

"But... my lord, after using that trick, we will have no magic power. In that case, how can we kill the queen of the mantid?"

"I don't care much anymore!!" Xaviz's face was so cold that it was almost covered with a layer of frost. "Now - prepare the magic circle!!"

"Yes, my lord!!" xn

Since their own master wants to do this, as subordinates, they can't help it.

As the formation changed again, Xavius, who was standing in the magic circle, swelled a bit again, looking as if he had eaten gold.

When the magical power on his body reached the limit he could have... Xavius ​​spoke again.

"Feel the wrath of the stars—the wrath of the meteor!!"

As his voice fell, a small fireball appeared on the edge of the sky...

"what is that??"

"I don't know...but it looks like it should be nothing..."

However, the guy who said this was quickly slapped in the face...

As the fireball approached little by little, I finally had good eyesight and saw the whole picture of the fireball... Fuck, that's not a fireball, it's a meteorite...

A meteorite with a diameter of more than 20 meters smashed straight towards the mantid under the city wall...

Gravitational acceleration——

What would happen if a meteorite weighing more than 20 tons hit the ground at a speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour? ?

The mantid armies below have contributed valuable biological experiments to this scientific research.

Yes—no bones left.


A loud noise made everyone on the battlefield deaf at that moment...

With the bang—

The meteorite smashed a huge crater on the ground, and the shock wave caused by it turned the mantid army with a radius of 30 kilometers into a pulp.

Even the extremely thick city wall of Setting Sun Pass almost collapsed under this magic...

Although this huge pass has withstood the test of the meteorite shock wave, but—the huge crack on the wall also shows...it is not without damage.

"Damn it!!" Zhou Ye yelled at the shock wave rushing towards him, and hurriedly rushed towards Elsa.

He is not afraid of the shock wave in this area, but—Elsa can't...

Just when Zhou Ye came to Elsa and was about to jump up with Elsa in his arms, Elsa used a skill [Holy Shelter] instead...

With Elsa's skills, a golden cross centered on her and spread under her feet...

Then bursts of golden light burst out from the golden cross, and these golden lights finally formed a circular holy light shield composed of countless small golden shields in midair.

Holy Sanctuary - an upgraded version of the Holy Shield technique, which can form an absolute defense field, and in this field, all people are immune to all damage.

I have to say——The profession of paladin is really buggy, if you can fight it, you can resist it...it can be called panacea.

In the Holy Sanctuary, Zhou Ye also relaxed. Since Elsa has used such a skill, it doesn't matter. He was just afraid that Elsa had too little combat experience, so he intended to use his flesh and blood to fight against it. The damage from the shock wave... then it's not interesting.

Although he wouldn't die on the spot, but——if he was injured, Zhou Ye couldn't be more distressed.

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