Is it my own woman after all?

Those mantid were not so lucky... Countless mantid screamed and turned into a puddle of flesh...

Countless adventurers were dumbfounded at this moment... They once again felt the pain of being dominated by Mages.

And what is the person who made all the adventurers feel the pressure from Faye doing? ?

At this time, Xavius ​​didn't have the slightest leeway to pay attention to those dull adventurers. He waved his hand... a white feather fluttered and landed on him, and then—he jumped without hesitation. Down the wall...

Outside the city wall, the mantid army, which was originally neatly lined up, had already become riddled with holes. They didn't have any spare energy to organize the encirclement and suppression of Xavis.

And Xavius ​​didn't pay any attention to these miscellaneous soldiers. At first—the miscellaneous soldiers were just for points...

Now, his target is the mantid queen... that is the biggest source of points.

With more than a dozen flashes in a row, Xavius ​​quickly approached the mantid queen behind the army formation...

The aiming point of the star fall spell he just cast is very tricky, aiming at the front army not far from the mantid queen... This distance will not hurt the mantid queen, but it can also cause the guards around the mantid queen to lose Exhausted.

Nearer—closer—! !

Xavius, who finally reached the range, let out a smile at the extremely ugly mantid queen. "One Finger of Desperation!!"

A jet of black light emerged from Xavius' fingertips, and shot straight at the mantid empress.

Chapter 1693

Chapter 1693


A scream came from the mouth of the mantid queen... Then, a soul wave that ordinary people could not see came from the mantid queen...

Xavius ​​felt the fluctuations in the soul gem in his hand, smiled in satisfaction, and then——

Sa Yazi ran away.

Don't run and wait to die? ?

The ground troops are almost wiped out, but the air troops of the mantid army still have a lot of strength...

When these flying mantid saw their queen die in the hands of this black-robed mage, they all went crazy.

They desperately danced the transparent wings behind them, and rushed towards Xavius...

And Xavius ​​unhurriedly cast the mage's flickering skills continuously, only to see his figure disappear in mid-air, and then reappear...

Every time it flickers, it can distance itself from those flying mantid.

When he ran under the city wall, those mantid had already been thrown behind him more than a thousand meters.

Then, Xavius ​​unhurriedly cast two flashes in succession... the first flash made him appear in mid-air outside the city wall, and the second flash made him jump directly onto the city wall.

Until this time - all the adventurers on the city wall reacted.

Fuck, it turns out that Faye is a part-time assassin, and let him successfully kill the mantid queen...

However, now is not the time to think about those things, the flying mantid has already arrived...

Facing these guys who are at the end of their strength, of course the adventurers don't care anymore... Countless long-range skills have been thrown away.

At this moment——the situation on the battlefield has completely changed after Zhou Ye and Xavius' fight...

The ground army of the mantid was almost completely wiped out, only tens of thousands of flying mantid remained, and they could not pose any threat to the Pass of the Setting Sun at all.

The elders of the Shado-Pan Sect of the Weirong Battalion at Setting Sun Pass made a decisive decision—open and close the gate, rush out, and hunt down these mantid.

Since such a high price has been spent this time, if these mantid are not completely exterminated, how can they be worthy of the money they spent? ?

As the gate of the Setting Sun Pass opens...

Countless adventurers rushed out with the disciples of the Golden Lotus Sect and the Shado-Pan Sect...

While cleaning up the mantid remnants on the ground, they also dealt with the flying mantid flying overhead...

The war has progressed to this point... Basically, it can be regarded as entering garbage time.

Zhou Ye took Elsa, who was like a pissed off daughter-in-law, back to the Pass of the Setting Sun in a calm manner...

"Hey, Elsa, you've been taught a lesson by my dear!!" Saloras taunted the obsessive Holy Light Defense Officer without any regard for the fellowship as soon as they met.

"You..." Elsa wanted to refute a few words, but looked at her man, and lowered her little head again.

Just when she was outside, she was lectured by her man...

Although she was scolded by her man, Elsa didn't feel wronged at all... because she felt a lot of care from her man's preaching... So, facing the provocation of the twins, she didn't feel wronged at all... Ignore them, just treat them as jealous——jealous of what? ?

Of course it is—jealous that his man is nervous about himself.

Thinking of this, Elsa suddenly felt much better.

Just when Zhou Ye met his wife...a female pandaren wearing the costume of the Golden Lotus Sect came over.

"My lord, thank you for everything you have done for us...tonight, His Majesty Shaohao will hold a great victory banquet in the Pass of the Setting Sun, please be sure to attend!!" the disciple of the Golden Lotus Sect said respectfully to Zhou Ye.

To treat the strong, one must treat the strong...

On the battlefield, Zhou Ye's

His performance is worthy of his status as a seven-star powerhouse... As for Xavius ​​who is even more popular? ?

This can only be said to be individual differences brought about by different occupations...

From the pandaren's point of view, if they practice alone, that Xavius ​​is definitely not the opponent of the seven-star powerhouse in front of him...

"Well, I will attend!!" Zhou Ye nodded, and then asked seemingly unintentionally: "Will the mage who cast the meteorite technique just now go to the banquet?"

"The lord said that because he spent too much mana on the battlefield, he had to meditate at night to replenish his mana!!" The disciple of the Golden Lotus Sect said with some regret: "However, the lord has already used up all his mana. The rewards have all been received..."

"Really?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly...

The actions of Xavius ​​were not unexpected at all... and he also made Xavius ​​do this on purpose.

"Okay, I'm going to rest first, when it's time for the banquet, I will go!!"

"Then, we look forward to your arrival!!"

So what is Savus doing at this time? ?

At this time, Xavius ​​is in his barracks, adjusting the soul of the mantid queen...

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