
A strong heartbeat echoed in the hall.

With the powerful beating of the evil god's heart, streams of silver-gray mist were sprayed out. These mist did not fall to the ground and turned into little demons one by one, but—like silver-gray blood, Jumping and flowing on the door leaf.

Each of the skulls inlaid in it was dyed gray with a little bit of starlight by these silver-gray liquids.


Green energy echoes between the doors, and in the middle of the green energy is the deepest darkness...

Seeing the portal shining with black and green light, Xavius ​​couldn't help but said with joy: "The gate——finally opened!!"

Chapter 1702

Chapter 1702

Vivian is a kaldorei mage of commoner origin.

Blessed by the universal education of the Kaldorei Empire, he completed his junior magician course at the Farondis Academy of Magic.

However, with higher pursuits, he is obviously not satisfied with being just a junior magician.

So, after obtaining the adventurer certification, he joined the adventure team.

Why join Adventure Squad...?

Don't you think that the empire will help civilians complete intermediate, advanced, and even magister vocational studies for free after helping civilians complete primary vocational education? ?

The latter is precisely the profession that needs the most money.

Therefore, for the sake of money, Vivian had to become a risk taker... just to earn the large sum of money needed for subsequent studies.

If, at the beginning, Vivian still complained about the empire...

When he became an adventurer for a few years - after completing countless tasks and traveling all over the continent... all the complaints turned into gratitude to Queen Azshara.

He has been to the tribe of the tauren, and he has seen their poor life without the next meal...

He'd been to Pandoria, too, and seen the pandaren being harassed by the mantid.

No race, no country, like the Kaldorei Empire, opened primary vocational education to civilians for free.

No race or country is as rich and powerful as the Kaldorei Empire.

As the saying goes, superiority comes from comparison...

When he compared his own experience with those of other races, he was surprised to find that... his life is so comfortable.

He doesn't need to worry about his last meal...he doesn't need to worry about the invasion of foreign enemies. As long as he works hard, the Kadorei Empire will not starve to death. As long as he is willing to work hard, the upper passages of the Kadorei Empire will never be closed to civilians. door.

So - he is now Queen Azshara's most loyal supporter.

Now, he has saved enough money for his follow-up studies, and has come to the royal city of the Kaldorei Empire——Eludis.

Because, he once heard that this is the most suitable place for mages to practice.

Here is the most dense group of mages in the empire, and the air here is full of the smell of magic particles.

It also has the largest library in the empire, and it also has the holy place in the hearts of all mages - Quel'dore Higher Magic Academy.

So, here he is...

Although most of his savings have been used up for the cost of settling down, but—he now feels that it is so worth it.

Here, he can pay some gold coins in the Imperial Library to borrow any books he wants. He can also occasionally study and discuss the problems encountered in the study of spells with a few familiar mage friends. .

At this time, Vivian had just come out of the Imperial Library, and he still held a magic book of [Arcane Essence] in his hand.

This is one of the must-read books recommended to him by his mentor...

In fact, he has already been in the Imperial Library for a day, and that's just because - there is no need to pay for reading books in the library.

This is very good news for a poor mage like him.

The sky is now slightly brighter.

Vivian looked at the gradually thinning crowd on the street, and walked towards his temporary residence with the borrowed magic book in his hand...

What did you say? ?

Why not put the magic book in the dimension bag?

Ha ha... because of - poor.

A primary dimensional bag of only one cubic meter is worth tens of thousands of gold coins, not to mention those high-level dimensional bags with a space of more than a dozen cubic meters. Those things are completely priceless.

However, when a mage reaches an advanced level, he can open up his own dimensional space, so - Vivian feels that his future is still very bright.

However, just as Vivian walked down the stairs of the Imperial Library and was about to go home...

Suddenly, a strange creature appeared before his eyes.

One—a disgusting creature with two tentacles on its head...

"This is another monster that a magician accidentally created during an experiment!!" Vivian said with some chills.

A mage's curiosity is the strongest of all classes.

They often communicate with different dimensions and summon some strange creatures into this world...

Some time ago, there was someone who actually summoned an elemental lord, but luckily nothing happened, that

The unlucky guy was finally fined a huge sum of 150,000 gold coins, and then kicked out of Eldis, and he was not allowed to step here again in this life.

That guy is such a tragedy...

While complaining about the unlucky mage in his heart, Vivian looked at the disgusting creature in front of him...

Looking at its sharp teeth, it should be carnivorous.

But what are its tentacles for? ?

It is said that when every creature evolves, its useless parts will slowly degenerate... But obviously the two tentacles on the head of this disgusting creature are not useless...

For Vivian, who has experienced an adventurous life and completed countless missions, this ugly guy at the height of his knees does not make him feel intimidated... You know, he has faced a giant beast that is more than ten meters high... …how could a tiny, disgusting dog-like creature scare him?

"Hey, little guy, stay away from me, I don't want to hurt you, and I'm not your dinner!!" While talking, Vivian looked at the six eyes of the ugly creature, and slowly stepped back .

Such a guy will naturally be dealt with by the Royal Guards after a while, he doesn't need to reach out...

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