However, at this moment, that disgusting creature rushed towards Vivian...

Vivian sighed helplessly... It seems that if he doesn't want to make a move today, he doesn't know if he can exchange this thing's body for some rewards from the guards. After all, he doesn't have that much money recently.

While facing, Vivian shouted in a low voice: "The Ring of Frozen!!"

Following Vivian's words, the power of the arcane quickly circulated in his body... This incomparably quick freezing magic was about to be completed.

A faint light flashed across the two tentacles on the head of the strange dog...

Then, Vivian felt that the arcane power in his body was cut off violently.

As the arcane power was cut off, so did the magical backlash.

"Pfft!!" Vivian spat out a mouthful of blood... He had already forgotten how long it had been since he had experienced such a magical backlash since he became a junior magician.

However... there was no time to think about it, because—the hellhound had already jumped in front of him, opened its mouth, and bit him on the neck.

"Ho ho... sulfur... the breath of sulfur..."

Magicians who cannot cast magic are no different from ordinary people... Before Vivian had time to smooth out the reversed arcane energy in his body, his neck was bitten off by this disgusting hellhound...

And this kind of situation is happening in various places in Eldis....

Chapter 1703

Chapter 1703

"do not come……"

"Elune, what kind of monster is this..."


At this time, Aldis has completely lost the peace and serenity of the past.

Tens of thousands of demonic creatures run through the magical capital of the ancient empire, attacking Kaldorei civilians everywhere.

Although it is said that there are quite a few magicians in Eldis, but——when these magicians encountered the Cerberus, which is known as the magic buster, it was a complete tragedy.

A magician who has lost his magic is no better than an ordinary person.

Not to mention, the demon guards who haunt those hellhounds.

At this moment, Xavius ​​has led an extremely ugly demon lord to the lakeside of the Well of Eternity.

"Lord Mannoroth, this is the power supply place for the huge portal I prepared for my lord Sargeras!!" Xavius ​​pointed to the Well of Eternity in front of him, proudly facing the demon lord behind him , introduced: "This is also the source of power for our Kaldorei Empire—the Well of Eternity!"

Feeling the endless arcane energy surging from the Well of Eternity in front of him... The leader of the demon advance army, the demon lord—Mannoroth nodded in satisfaction. "You did a good job, mortal... When my great master, Lord Sargeras, descends on this planet... you will get the reward you deserve!!"

Speaking of this, Mannoroth turned his head and ordered to the demon warlocks behind him: "You lazy guys, hurry up and start working... Open more portals and welcome the Burning Legion to come to this world... ...We want to give this world equal destruction!!"

Following Mannoroth's words, the thousands of demon warlocks behind him began to get busy by the lakeside of the Well of Eternity.

Using the energy of the Well of Eternity, they began to build a large-scale teleportation circle across the star field...

Of course, such a magic circle is not just built...

Although the Well of Eternity is a powerful source of energy, it still takes some time for the portal to be established.

When Xavius ​​saw those demon warlocks frantically building a teleportation circle by the Well of Eternity, a surge of pride surged in his heart.

When the portal here is built...

Millions, if not tens of millions, of the Burning Legion will be sent into this world.

They will flatten this world and completely destroy it...

However, these are not what he wants...

What he wants is——

"Lord Mannoroth, can I borrow a little bit of the power of the Well of Eternity?" Xavius ​​asked cautiously.

"Oh??" Mannoroth glanced at Xavis, and then there was a hint of tears or laughter on his ugly face. "Of course, as a reward, of course you can use this large energy battery..."

Speaking of this, Mannoroth paused for a moment, and then said: "Is it for your queen?"

"Yes!!" Savis did not deny this.

"'s up to you, you can now declare ownership to that woman!!" Mannoroth said with some disdain...

Of course he knew what Xavis wanted to do...

After all, one of the conditions that Xavius ​​made of his master was that, after the Burning Legion gain the dominion of Queen Azshara.

Although it is said that only the advance troops of the Burning Legion are coming, but--for Mannoroth, this is enough...

The people here are so weak that they don't even mention it.

Moreover, in his opinion, a man who betrayed his race for a woman... is really a fool——

This is also one of the reasons why Mannoroth looked down on Xavius.


people? ?

How can women have fun burning, killing and looting...

Hearing Mannoroth's words, Xavius ​​didn't care about the disdain in his tone at all...

For him, half of his dream has been achieved...

Now, it's time to make that woman regret...

Thinking of this, Xavius ​​walked to the lakeside of the Well of Eternity, and then - lightly stirred the lake water of the Well of Eternity with his hands...

With the power of the Well of Eternity, at this moment—his arcane ability has been raised to the highest level...even surpassing Queen Azshara to a certain extent.

Xavius ​​put his hands in the Well of Eternity, and—he closed his eyes...

He was going to cast a magic that he had studied for a long time... a magic that could make Azshara live in regret forever.

【Subjects of the Kaldorei Empire...】

【I am Xavis...】

[Perhaps many people are not familiar with me...]

[But... it doesn't matter, because - after today, you will always remember this name. 】

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