"Ai, you are amazing!!" A primitive man wearing animal skins and messy hair looked enviously at Azshara who was sewing clothes, and praised: "The clothes you sew are so beautiful!! "

If it wasn't for her bulging mouth...no one who saw her would think she was a woman—no way, no matter how good the base is, it needs to be a little bit dressed up, not to mention paint and powder, at least it must be Make it clean, right?

Such an unkempt... ghost can tell if you are male or female?

Cough cough—that’s a long way off, let’s get back to the topic.

Facing the praise of this barbarian woman, Azshara was really elated...

She has heard too many compliments about her beauty...

There are too many people who praise her for being strong...

But—praise her for doing a good job as a female worker... Ahem, let's talk about strength.

"Really??" Azshara couldn't help but put a smile on her small face... "Am I really good at sewing??"

"Hmm..." Hearing Azshara's words, the female barbarian desperately nodded her head... For her, good-looking is good-looking, and bad-looking is not good-looking... In their simple thinking, there is no Understand what is polite and what is duplicity.

"Then I'll teach you!!" Someone finally praised his female worker for doing a good job. Such a surprise made Azshara a little carried away.

"Really??" xn

Hearing Azshara's words, all the original women in the room cried out in joy.

In fact, they have long wanted to ask Azshara for advice... However, because Azshara just joined the tribe, and she didn't know the relationship with that powerful warrior—Ye, so the girls decided to dare not ask...

At this time—the place where everyone was staying was a big stone house...

Because the weather outside has gradually become colder, so - all these manual work has been carried out in the house.

In the center of the house, there is a firepit... The blazing firewood brings a touch of warmth to this stone house.

In addition to Azshara, there are sixteen native women who are working in the whole house.

Hearing Azshara's words, the sixteen native women stood up in surprise.

"Hmm!!" Facing the sixteen pairs of expectant eyes, Azshara nodded lightly, "I am also a member of the tribe, just ask me if there is anything wrong, and I will tell you! !"

"Ai, why is your face so beautiful??" A native woman asked curiously...

This is what the original women care about the most...

Perhaps because of women's beauty-loving nature, these native women have some flowers on their hair and clothes, but—the winter is approaching at this time, and there are no flowers to be found in the outside world. And the flower ornaments on their bodies have become dry and yellow because they haven't been replaced for a long time.

Even so, they are unwilling to throw away those withered flowers...

"This is the plant essence collected by our tribe's unique method!!" Azshara said, and took out a beautiful pottery bottle from her animal fur coat, which contained the treasures of Azshara and Zhou along the way. The plant essence collected by Ye... "Using this kind of thing to wash your face and take a bath... can make a woman's skin more white and delicate!!"

Although everything was pushed to the unwarranted tribe before, but in the second half, Azshara did not lie... These plant essences did have that effect.

Although Azshara is a great magister, she is still a woman... She still cares about her appearance.

This time, because she left in a hurry, Azshara didn't even bring her usual skin care products...

Therefore, she simply collected various plants along the way while traveling with her husband, and then extracted the essence of these plants using the common method of the night elves.

What did you say? ? Why would a queen act like this? ?

That's right, the queen doesn't know how to do this... But, don't forget, Azshara is still a great magister... If a magician doesn't know alchemy and magic, how dare he call himself a magician? ? ? These are two skills that a magician must learn.

Cough cough - pull away.

Looking at the pottery vase in Azshara's hand - a group of original girls, envious eyes could not help but leak out...

Although I am envious, although I really want...

However, none of them asked Azshara for it...

That's right, the food, clothing, and even shelter in the tribe need to be allocated by the patriarch... But, gadgets like this belong to individuals...

No one will ask for it from others... Of course, if you want, you can also exchange your own things...

But—that must be an equivalent exchange.

Facing the plant essence in Azshara's hands...they didn't know what they should exchange for such a treasure.

Among other things, as soon as Azshara opened the bottle cap, they could smell the fragrance of hundreds of flowers... Not to mention that these plant essences can bring them beauty... This made them completely at a loss as to how to bid.

"You... don't you want it??" Azshara looked at these original girls in a strange way... Obviously seeing the expressions on their faces, they almost jumped at each of them... But in the end, no one spoke to her Begging, this has to make Azshara feel curious...

"want to…

..." The original girl who was the first to praise Azshara said hesitantly: "But, but...we don't have anything to exchange... I only have more than 30 hangs of dried meat and seven or eight pieces of clothes... These, these I do not know enough! ! "

Hearing what the original girl said, Azshara was stunned... She curiously asked the other original girls next to her: "You think so too?"

"Yeah!" xn

All the original girls nodded...

"Hehe..." Azshara smiled... She suddenly thought of a very interesting thing, maybe in this way, it can bring some surprises to her man... Thinking of this, Azshara said to the original girls: "There is no need to exchange things...just do one thing for me!! Would you like to?"

Hearing Azshara's words, the eyes of all the original women suddenly showed surprise... Bartering for goods, this kind of thing often happens in the tribe... So, they didn't think there was anything wrong. "Hmm!! We are willing!!"

"Very good..." Azshara said with a smile: "Then... maybe we can stop what we are doing and try the benefits of plant essence first!!"

Chapter 1710

Chapter 1710

"Ye, you are really amazing!! This time the hunting is more than our previous two times!!" Jiuli patriarch said to Zhou Ye beside him with admiration.

No wonder he was so happy.

You know, winter is coming...

Those wild beasts either migrated to the south early, or collected enough food for the winter in autumn early, and then found a horned corner cat to get up and prepare for the winter...

At this time, the prey is more difficult to find.

Moreover, because food is not easy to preserve, even if enough food is prepared in advance, the Jiuli tribe will still starve when winter comes.

The food prepared in advance, even before the arrival of winter, will rot...

In the past, there was a person who was so hungry that he couldn't stand it, so he ate those rotten food... The result? ? As a result, he had diarrhea...he had diarrhea and died.

Is it funny? ?

Is not funny……

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