Although the original people have super strong physiques, they still get sick and go hungry... In this era when there is no medical treatment, getting sick is tantamount to resigning yourself to fate. You are lucky to survive, unlucky to die... No one can help you.

After paying the price of a dozen lives...

The chief of the Jiuli tribe no longer allows the tribe to prepare food in advance... so they still have to go hungry in winter.

However, they also came up with other methods for this, such as—when autumn comes, eat make themselves chubby, at least in this way, in winter, they can be a little hungry...

And today's harvest———

The Jiuli patriarch looked at the prey carried by the soldiers behind him, and he could see the back molars.

Today's harvest is not inferior to the harvest of the season when the prey is the most abundant...

Even, they got a lot of fruits.

Those were plucked from the lairs of beasts.

All this is due to Ye, the warrior beside him who just joined the tribe.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but said to Ye: "Thank you... Ye, thank you... If it weren't for you, we would starve to death again this year in the snow season!!"

Talking about the emotion, the Jiuli patriarch even choked up.

"Uh—it's nothing, patriarch!!" Zhou Ye felt really embarrassed... In fact, he didn't do anything, just relied on his five senses, hid those things in tree holes, in holes in the ground, and even used soil to hold them. The beasts that I buried were caught one by one.

"No..." Jiuli patriarch shook his head vigorously, he turned his head and shouted to the beaming soldiers carrying prey behind him: "Tell me, who brought so many prey you found!!"

"It's Ye!!" xn

"Who told us not to starve during the snow season!!" The patriarch shouted again.

"It's Ye!!" xn

"Look, this is what everyone thinks!!" The Jiuli patriarch said, looking at Zhou Ye and saying, "Thank you, Ye!!"

"Thank you, Ye!" xn

Zhou Ye shook his head speechlessly... "Okay, Patriarch, it's time for us to go back!!"

"Yes, hahahaha... We want to tell everyone this good news. This year, our Jiuli tribe will never starve to death again!!" The head of the Jiuli clan laughed, striding towards his own tribe...

This time, they had been out hunting for two or three days, and it was time to go back.

And those Jiuli warriors happily carried their heavy prey on their backs, and followed their clan leaders towards the direction of the tribe.

Of course, not everyone is happy...

Among this group of fighters, there is a fighter who has been expressionless from the beginning to the end...

His name is Chi You.

Before Zhou Ye arrived, he was the number one warrior in the tribe. After every hunt, the position next to the patriarch belonged to him—the cheers also belonged to him.

but now--

But after Zhou Ye arrived, he became an ordinary soldier...

This strong sense of gap filled him with resentment...

It even made him think of leaving the tribe.


He also knows that now that winter is approaching, leaving the tribe is tantamount to courting death...

Therefore, he still needs to continue to endure...

Until—the cold winter passed, and the earth recovered.

He believed that with his own ability, no matter where he went, he would become a respected warrior, but—but not here, because—Jiuli tribe has Ye.

Of course Zhou Ye knew about Chi You's thoughts.

However, he didn't take it to heart...

You are right, Chi You is one of the three ancestors of China in history.

However, that is on another plane...

In this plane called Soul Ferry, he? nothing...

At least, Zhou Ye didn't feel that this person named Chi You had done anything admirable.

To put it simply, it is - in the eyes of Zhou Ye, this guy is just a piece of garbage with the name of Chi You.

Jiuli Demon God? ? Just because he deserves it? ?

Along the way, a group of soldiers were chatting and laughing... and rushed towards their own tribe.

a day later...

This hunting team led by the chief of the Jiuli tribe returned to the tribe...

The other hunting teams also came back, but obviously, their harvest was far less fruitful than Ye's team.

But even so, the food for overwintering this year will no longer be as tightly packed as in previous years.

After feasting to celebrate...

Everyone dispersed and walked towards their respective houses...

After all, being in the wilderness is far less comfortable than resting in your own house... Not only must you always be on guard against the attacks of those large beasts, but you must also rely on your own flesh and blood... to resist the biting cold that is gradually blowing up in the wilderness wind.

Therefore, what the soldiers urgently need now is a good night's rest.

And Zhou Ye naturally walked towards his room.

His and Azshara's house was built on a cliff facing the sea.

Originally, the patriarch didn't want to give this house to Zhou Ye, because——many soldiers said that if they lived here, once they arrived

In winter, when blown by the sea breeze, it is bitingly cold, even if a raging fire rises in the firepit of the house...

Many soldiers used to live here, but later moved away.

They would rather live in a cave than live here.

For Zhou Ye, this was not a big deal.

If the sea breeze blows again, can it move his magic barrier? ?

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