Besides, it is also the best choice for Zhou Ye to stay away from the gathering area of ​​the Jiuli tribe. After all - he has too many secrets. If he can live far away, it is better to live farther away.

However, today, when he was about to return to his house, he couldn't help but let out a hush.

Because—his house got bigger...

Originally, Zhou Ye's house was a boxy, word-shaped house, but now? ? But it turned back into a Chinese character... There is actually a circle of buildings around his house. What's going on? ? With such questions in mind, Zhou Ye walked towards his house.

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711

"I'm back!!" Zhou Ye pushed open the wooden door that was simply wrapped with wooden boards and animal skins, and walked into his house.

"Ye, you're back!!" Azshara, who had already heard her man's voice, came out with a look of surprise... She stretched out her hand, hugged her man and asked happily: "Is this hunting fun? ?”

"It's okay!!" Zhou Ye smiled and lightly smacked Azshara's cunt... "I'm going to take a bath first..."

"Yeah!" Azshara smiled and nodded.

This room has long been transformed by Zhou Ye and Azshara using magic. Ordinary people don’t feel much when they come in, but in fact... if you pay a little attention, you will find that this place is completely a star-level enjoyment, a magic bath, Magic bedroom, magic...blah blah blah.

Zhou Ye walked towards an inconspicuous wall, and when he came to the wall... He pushed the wall lightly... The wall separated to the two sides without a sound.

A luxuriously decorated bathroom with a size of more than two hundred square meters appeared in front of Zhou Ye...

He walked in directly... Before he reached the bath, there was nothing on his body...

Then, he jumped in without hesitation... Feeling the warmth of this all-natural hot spring connected to the underground fire... Zhou Ye closed his eyes and couldn't help but sigh comfortably.

As a hedonist, Zhou Ye would never wrong himself...

Mixing into the Jiuli tribe is mixing into the Jiuli tribe, but—it doesn't mean that he wants to live a dirty life without bathing like these original people.

What a joke... If that's the case, Zhou Ye would rather not mix into the Jiuli tribe.

With strength and ability to live a better life, who has nothing to do to experience the life of primitive people...

It was just a disguise after all...

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps, and Zhou Ye suddenly opened his eyes... Even if he hadn't turned on the super sense, he could still hear that the footsteps were definitely not from one person, but from a dozen people ...

what's the situation? ? Has someone entered their own magic field? ?

It shouldn't be...

There is Azshara outside...

Zhou Ye is still very confident about himself as a student and woman... He believes that with Azshara's magical power, let alone a dozen people, even the entire Jiuli tribe will be sent to death...

Who could have escaped Azshara's eyes? ? ?

With such thoughts in mind, Zhou Ye couldn't help turning his head to look...

At this glance, Zhou Ye was stunned.

I saw that standing in front of him were sixteen beautiful girls wearing simple animal skins...

Those animal skins are like green clothes, they only cover their most important parts.

Moreover, whether their long hair or their faces, they have all been carefully taken care of...

Each of them looks so bright and moving... Coupled with the animal skins on their bodies, it gives people a sense of primitive charm.

"You... are you??" Zhou Ye asked in astonishment.

"I'm Xi..."

"I'm Ling..."

"I am a flower..."

"I'm Ma..."

These primitive girls introduced their names one by one, and finally said: "We are sent by Ai to help you..."

"Help me??" Zhou Ye was dumbfounded... "Help me what??"

"I don't know..." The girl named Xi was also at a loss, "Ai said that you can do anything to us, as long as one night, and then we can get the plant essence she made!! guys How did you make it here?? The ground is so beautiful..."

Not only Xi was full of curiosity about this luxurious bathroom, but other girls were also very curious about it.

They are scrambling to shine their own shadows in front of the mirror in the bathroom...

For them, this mirror is like a treasure, they have never seen themselves so clearly...

Looking at the girls who were curious about the various bathing utensils in the bathroom, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... Did I agree that I can do whatever I want with you? ? Is that what you do? ?

However, Zhou Ye also got some information through the conversation just now...

Judging from the names of these girls, they are obviously from the Jiuli tribe, and they were lured here by their wives...then——he doesn't need to be polite.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye was not polite, picked up Xi directly, and dragged her into the hot spring...

Facing Zhou Ye's surprise attack, Xi was very calm? Uh, that's probably the right word to describe.

Although she didn't know why Zhou Ye hugged him suddenly

But according to the terms of the exchange... she can indeed let Zhou Ye do whatever he wants...

But soon—she regretted it...

"Ah---!!! It hurts!!!"

Maybe it's because of the angle, Zhou Ye's tugging, and her falling down... unexpectedly hit a home run...

After all, under her little animal skin skirt, there is no such thing as underwear...

Following her scream, a smear of blood floated out of the hot spring...

"Bleeding...Xi, where are you hurt!!"

"What to do, what to do?? Is Xi going to die??"


"Didn't it be agreed...that it wouldn't hurt us?"

A group of original girls, seeing the blood in the hot spring, suddenly screamed in fright...

Facing the actions of these bastards, Zhou Ye really wanted to roll his eyes...but let it go, it's better to use actions to prove to them at this time that this kind of thing is not as terrible as imagined.

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