With Zhou Ye's skilled movements... Xi gradually stopped crying... Instead, a feeling that she had never felt before filled her heart, causing her to involuntarily make an indescribable sound... That voice made her feel her face became hot...

As for Zhou Ye, while using his mental strength to hold the other dozen or so original girls in place, he worked hard behind Xi...

In his mind, a certain idea kept turning...

I have to say that the original man is indeed the first human being created by God according to his own prototype. Except for some individual differences, there are almost no ugly women... It's just because they don't know how to dress up, so they look sloppy... ...After a little modification and revealing their true colors, these original girls are all in line with Zhou Ye's aesthetics...

Well—so, Zhou Ye decided—the men of the Jiuli tribe, let them continue to be ignorant... As for the women of the Jiuli tribe? ? He accepted it without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye couldn't help but raise an evil arc...

But—why are these women so nervous at the sight of blood? Don't they all come to relatives? However, Zhou Ye thought about it again—or maybe they really don’t know how to come to relatives, after all, even gods don’t come to relatives...

Chapter 1712

Chapter 17812

early morning----

When the sun rose from the sea and the first ray of sunlight shined on Zhou Ye's face through the floor-to-ceiling windows...he woke up.

"This sleep..." Zhou Ye opened his eyes and yawned... recalling what happened last night.

Thinking of those things, Zhou Ye wanted to laugh...

Oh, what a lot of fun...

After he pushed Xi away first, the other dozen or so original girls saw that Xi was bled by Zhou Ye, and they cried out... They were all frightened like chickens waiting to be slaughtered, and they kept going. Trembling begging for mercy.

Even when Xi passed out, they thought Xi was killed by Zhou Ye.

All of a sudden, as if they were going crazy, they all cried out and begged for mercy...

The results of it? ?

When they really experienced what Xi felt, they immediately seemed to be different people.

Each one is like an octopus, hugging Zhou Ye tightly, refusing to separate no matter what, wishing to be completely fused with Zhou Ye, even sleeping.

So much so that it has become like this now——

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye couldn't help but sigh helplessly...Looking at himself.

At this moment, his body was like a stack of Arhats, full of girls.

These girls who have just tasted that taste, you hold her hand, and I hold your legs, one by one, like conjoined twins, clinging to each other tightly, the one pressing on the bottom...is Zhou Ye .

In other words - Zhou Ye didn't have any bedding on his body, only a group of girls were pressed on Zhou Ye's body as quilts.

If it wasn't for Zhou Ye's inhuman body, just having three or four girls on his body would be enough to suffocate him in his sleep.

Cough cough - pull away.

Just when Zhou Ye was feeling emotional... as if he sensed his situation, the girls also opened their eyes.


"What was that last night..."

"It feels so comfortable!"

"Let's do it again!!"

As soon as the girls opened their eyes... one by one, they rushed towards Zhou Ye again, looking as if they wanted to make the sea dry up.

This is a common problem of girls who have tasted that kind of thing for the first time... and because the original person's recovery ability is far superior to that of ordinary humans, after they tasted that kind of labor pain last night, they have fully recovered after only one night.

When the gate of the fishing net was opened by Zhou Ye, the girls were more active than the boys.

In addition, these former girls who like to be straightforward don't know what restraint is...so—ahem.

"Wait..." Zhou Ye hastily stretched out his hand to block the little hands of the girls, and said, "You can do it if you want...but you have to promise me one condition!!"

"What conditions??" Although the girls were anxious, they... didn't dare to disobey Zhou Ye's words.

This is not only because of Zhou Ye's majesty as the number one warrior of the tribe, but also because they are afraid of Zhou Ye's anger... After experiencing Zhou Ye's spring wind and rain, they have already unknowingly, their hearts have been tied. It landed on Zhou Ye's body.

They don't know what this feeling is called...

But, they know—

They didn't want to make Zhou Ye angry, they wanted to see his happy smiling face.

They—they couldn't live without Zhou Ye.

Looking at the original girls who looked at him eagerly like kittens waiting for their owners to feed, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said: "My condition is-this kind of thing can only be done with me, and you are not allowed to do it with others. Do not allow other men to see your body, and do not have any physical contact with other men... If you can do it, we will live together forever... If you can't, you can leave now It’s gone—from then on we have nothing to do with each other!!”

The last sentence Zhou Ye said was particularly decisive——

There's no way, facing these former girls who don't understand many things, if you don't speak clearly...it won't work.

They don't have the morality and outlook on life of future generations... It's like a blank sheet of paper, which needs careful attention.

Ye made a good adjustment.

"..." xn

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, all the girls fell silent...

They imagined for a while, what would happen if they didn't agree to Ye Hou...

Suddenly, an indescribable pain surged from the bottom of my heart...

Without Ye...they were so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe.

Ye ignored them... They felt as if they were alone, standing in the wilderness with heavy snow, and their whole bodies couldn't help but become icy cold.

"I, am I sick..." Xi covered her heart with her hands, "Why... why when I think of not being able to be with Ye, my heart hurts..."

"Woo...I feel so sad too..."

"I, am I going to die..."



Seeing the sad faces of the girls, Zhou Ye shook his head helplessly... These stupid girls don't know what love is at all, and they still need a little bit of teaching.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye hugged Xi gently, and whispered in her ear: "As long as you do the three things I forbid...we can be together forever...don't you want to be with me forever? ?”

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