However, he didn't care.

Today, when people don't know how to love and can't reproduce—the role of women is to do some logistical work that men don't bother to do.

For example-making animal skin clothes, drying meat, collecting wild fruits, etc., which are extremely low-level jobs in the eyes of men.

In the view of the patriarch, it is their freedom to live wherever they want, as long as they don't delay things in the tribe.

And there was Zhou Ye, the number one warrior of the tribe standing there... It was even more impossible for the patriarch to say anything.

Although the patriarch also felt that women in the tribe were getting more and more pleasing to the eye, but—he didn't think about other places.

Because—these native women all follow the three iron laws set by their own men, and hardly talk to other men.

Without communication, there would naturally be no spread of the [Love] virus...

Even, to a certain extent, Zhou Ye's cliffside sea view community has almost become an independent small group in the tribe.

When there is a task, the original women will be a female worker, and when they are free, they will play and have fun with their men.

For them, life with their own men is far more interesting than their life in the tribe.

Here at Zhou Ye, you can watch something called a movie, and there are various movies describing the life of later generations...

There is even a gym where you can sweat it out...

And you can also taste food with various spices added...

Eat, drink, play and play every day, discuss the plot of the movie with my sisters when I have free time, and then accompany my man to treat [love disease]... That life, even a god would not change it.


After seeing modern life, how could these women be interested in the primitive and simple life in the tribe? ?

Even, if it is not necessary, they are unwilling to step out of this small world.

Because, that means they have to change into ugly animal skin clothes, and put on that ugly primitive man again.

For those who love beauty, this is simply the most unbearable thing, none of them.

As the saying goes - it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.


Today, they had to take off all the beautiful dresses they were used to, and put on the animal skin clothes they used to... they walked out of this small world.

Because today is the first day of the past of the cold winter, and it is also the most sacred day in the tribe every eighteen years.

They can't help but go out...

After all the girls finished taking care of themselves, they looked at each other and started to help their men take care of themselves.

In the blink of an eye—a handsome young man turned into—ahem, a primitive warrior full of wild style.

Well, even if Zhou Ye changed his outfit, the women also said that they loved him unconditionally.

Chapter 1714

Chapter 1714



As soon as Zhou Ye walked out of his small world with his women, a group of Jiuli warriors greeted him warmly... After all, Zhou Ye is the most respected warrior in the tribe...

Facing this group of fighters whose names he could not pronounce, all Zhou Ye could do was to keep smiling.

Soon, Zhou Ye, surrounded by all the girls, came to the open space in the center of the tribe together with these Jiuli warriors.

At the edge of the open space, Jiuli's patriarch had been waiting for a long time.

"Today is the day for offering sacrifices to the ancestral cave once every eighteen harsh winters! " The patriarch said, looking at his clansmen... He didn't shout until no one spoke anymore: "I announce that the spring festival hunting has begun!!"

As his words fell, all the clansmen cheered...

And Zhou Ye - also pretended to cheer twice.

The so-called spring festival hunting...

It was the hunting activity that started in preparation for offering sacrifices to the ancestral cave...

In this hunting, all the prey will be sacrificed to Ancestral Cave.

Spring festival hunting—compared to the hunting before winter, it is extremely short.

After all, this was only hunting for sacrifices, not hunting to fill the stomachs of the whole clan—all sacrifices had to be living creatures.

This brings a certain degree of difficulty to hunting - after all, catching dead and catching alive are completely two concepts.

But even so, the harvest of the hunting team is still very gratifying—the spring when all things recover, the beasts are almost starving.

Two days later————

When the hunting team rushed back to the tribe with abundant prey, the women were also ready to do what they should do.

They collected a whole large basin of dew from various plants.

Then, the patriarch led the whole clan non-stop to a mountain range about a hundred kilometers away from the tribe's residence.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of these original people is astonishing. A mere 100 kilometers is nothing to them... After half a day, they rushed there.

"Is this the Ancestral Cave?" Zhou Ye looked at the strange cave in front of him and couldn't help but wonder.

He couldn't help being surprised...

The mouth of this cave is so weird, it's like———————————————

How can it be described as unharmonious? ?

It is probably exactly the same as a woman's biological organ.

"Well, this is the Ancestral Cave!" Xi, who was next to Zhou Ye, responded in a low voice when she heard her man's words.

As for the fact that Zhou Ye is not the original person, they, as the bedside people, already knew...

If they were original people, no one would be unaware of the Ancestral Cave, because - they were all born in the Ancestral Cave.

At this time, the patriarch had already led the soldiers to climb up the giant rock platform in front of the ancestral cave, and there, began to dance the sacrificial objects.

Let's be honest - it's pretty damn ugly.

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