Zhou Ye even felt that the patriarch's sacrificial dance was not as good-looking as the great god dance - just like the crazy fool after taking drugs.

But——in the face of such an ugly sacrificial dance, all the original people looked at the sacrificial dance of their family head solemnly with pious expressions.

After a while, the patriarch shouted: "Sacrifice----!!!"

Following the words of the patriarch, all the warriors who were responsible for carrying the sacrifices stood in front of a small hole in front of the platform, and cut open the necks of the sacrifices in their hands with the stone knives and axes they carried, letting their blood flow down the small hole. Flowing towards the ancestral cave.

Because there are more sacrifices prepared this time, and the mouth of the sacrificial cave is relatively small...so it took a little time to pour the blood of all the sacrifices into the sacrificial cave.

The patriarch looked at the entrance of the ancestor cave in front of him with some excitement——

He was waiting...waiting for Zudong to give him a message.

After a while————

Zudong finally brought a message...

I saw that from the entrance of the ancestral cave, a stream of blood-colored water began to flow out slowly.

These streams are obviously not the blood of the sacrifices used by the priests just now, because there is no bloody smell...

Not only did these red streams not smell of blood, but they also had an indescribable fragrance.

Seeing the blood-colored stream flowing in the ancestral cave, the patriarch was overjoyed...he shouted: "Enter the ancestral cave!!"

Then he took the lead and walked towards the entrance of the Ancestral Cave.

And Zhou Ye also walked towards the ancestral cave with his women in a good manner.

Ancestral Cave——

Narrow at the front and wide at the rear, the narrowest place can only allow one person to pass through, but—after passing through that narrow passage, you will find—the eyes suddenly open up.

The completeness inside is another picture of the completeness of heaven and earth, which is a super large cave that can accommodate thousands of people.

In particular, the ground in the cave, like marble that has been scoured for thousands of years, is unimaginably clean and smooth.

"Why, how could there be only one? Why only one??"

Before Zhou Ye led his women into the depths of the cave, he heard the voice of the patriarch's distraught voice.

"Huh?" Zhou Ye hurried a few steps curiously, and rushed into the big cave.

I saw that in the depths of the ancestral cave, the patriarch was looking at the empty ground in despair. In front of him... was only a baby wrapped in animal skin.

Zhou Ye hurried over and picked up the baby from the cold ground...

While tearing off the animal skin a little to see the baby's gender, he looked at the patriarch and asked, "What's wrong, patriarch?"

"Why is there only one this year??" The patriarch did not answer Zhou Ye's words, but murmured to himself with a look of despair, "Didn't there be at least a thousand babies born before?? This time I prepared such a baby." There are many sacrifices, why only one was born..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... Maybe God didn't want to recreate the original man.

Of course, Zhou Ye would not say these words...

All he could do was to pat the Patriarch on the shoulder consolingly...

Seeing the empty ground, not only the patriarch became distraught, but the other original people were also stunned on the spot.

What does the ancestral cave sacrifice once in eighteen cold winters represent? ?

It represents the addition of the Jiuli tribe.

It means that the Jiuli tribe needs to split into another tribe.

However, this time the sacrifice to the Ancestral Cave did not harvest thousands of babies as in previous years... What should they do? ?

Do you want to split the tribe?

What should I do next? ?

What if the tribe will not increase any more? ?

This sudden change made all the original people fall silent.

They came here happily and returned to the tribe in despair.

Everything... makes it difficult for them to adapt.

At night——in Zhou Ye's house.

At this moment, Zhou Ye was holding the baby girl in his arms, teasing her with a smile... "Come on, baby, call me Daddy!"

Raising daughters - he's a professional.

However, the baby girl's name hasn't been chosen yet. According to the rules - everyone's name should be chosen by the patriarch...

So, Zhou Ye called her little baby for now...

"Little baby, you are the last original person. Are you happy or surprised..." Zhou Ye smiled and gently teased the baby girl's face with his hands... and the baby girl also showed her face to Zhou Ye very politely. Ye giggled and laughed non-stop.

At this time, Xi walked in... "Ye, the patriarch asked you to go to his place!!"

"Huh?" Zhou Ye was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and stood up... "Well, I'm going now!!"

While talking, Zhou Ye picked up the baby girl and walked out of his sea view suite... Why is he holding the baby girl? Because——he had to ask the patriarch to name the baby girl.

Chapter 1715

Chapter 1715

The patriarch's house is located in the center of the Jiuli tribe...

Although the location looks very good, but - the size of the house is no different from other Jiuli people's houses.

After all, in this day and age, there is nothing extravagant about wanting to be extravagant.

At most you can wear two more animal skin coats, but what's the use of that?

In fact, the hide

This thing is almost flooding the Jiuli tribe.

The original people's physical fitness is really good, any original woman can run around carrying a cow, not to mention those strong Jiuli warriors? Animal fur is not a rare item for the Jiuli tribe.

Zhou Ye was holding the baby girl and walking towards the patriarch's house...

At this time, the setting sun had already set on the horizon, but in the tribe, there were bonfires lit everywhere, so it didn't look dark.

"Patriarch, are you looking for me?" Zhou Ye, who walked to the door of the patriarch's house, lifted the curtain made of unknown animal skins and walked in.

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