It's just a good morning kiss, do you want to be so fierce? ?

"Ahem..." Azshara finally interrupted the conversation between the two of them with a dry cough before a certain little loli made a more excessive move...

"Hee hee!!" Facing Azshara's dry cough, Chacha chuckled indifferently, then leaned into Zhou Ye's ear, and whispered: "Dad...Ai is angry, are you Didn't feed her last night??"

"How is it watched her pass out last night..." Zhou Ye whispered pretendingly.

"Hey—you two—that's enough!!" Azshara's little face was already blushing...

In her thousands of years of life, she has never felt so embarrassed one day... and this embarrassment was caused by a certain little girl.

"Hahaha... Ai is shy..." Chacha laughed, broke free from Zhou Ye's embrace, and then trotted away, avoiding Aishara's tickling attack.

Seeing the senior and junior laughing outside the house, a smile appeared on Zhou Ye's face.

Over the past ten years, he watched Chacha little by little, from a baby to a loli...... If you want to say, what is the biggest change from Chacha in the original book?

Zhou Ye would say without hesitation - Chacha has become dirty...

There is no way, learn from whoever... Zhou Ye can ban fishing for a day, a month... or even half a year, but if he is asked to ban fishing for a year, he really can't do it.

And Chacha, who had been washed by Zhou Ye with the furnace method since childhood, was unwilling to leave him, so Zhou Ye had to take her with him at such times....

Under the influence of my ears and eyes, Chacha couldn't help but become filthy...

Chapter 1719

Chapter 1719

After laughing for a while... Azshara also returned to the room with Chacha.

They also have to change their clothes... to be ugly.

And what about Zhou Ye?

Standing outside the door with his hands behind his back, he looked up at the dozen or so slim figures floating down in the sky... A smile appeared on his face.

"Finally... the wait is over!!"

The war between primitive people and gods?

It's about Zhou Ye... as long as he doesn't provoke him, he doesn't care who wins and who loses...

But—the goddess is destined to be his.



Soon, the women all changed their clothes... They put all the exquisitely handcrafted animal skin dresses they made later into the room, and changed into the sloppy dresses they wore when Zhou Ye was still in the future. Scruffy fur coat.

"Okay, let's go and meet the celestial maidens!!" Zhou Ye said, holding Chacha's little hand, and walked towards the place where the celestial maidens landed.

Of course, the women followed behind their men, and also walked towards the place where the celestial maidens were about to land.



The place where the goddesses choose to land is by the sea...

Beside the beach lined with boulders...Zhou Ye brought Chacha and met a group of celestial maidens.

Zhou Ye looked at the beautiful girl in the goose-yellow palace dress walking in front of the celestial maidens, and couldn't help but smile...

He knew her, and of course she didn't know him. But it doesn't matter, as long as he knows her...

Hu Po, the most honorable goddess above Kunlun, is responsible for dancing and beating drums every morning to wake up the sun from the black sea and illuminate the world...

This time, the heavenly girl who is in charge of leading the team down to earth is precisely her...

Ordinarily, as the most honorable celestial girl... She should not be sent to lead a team for things like going down to earth to spread knowledge... This is like going to the countryside to investigate in a village, there will never be provincial and ministerial cadres... because of that It is really that some cannons hit flies, making a fuss over a molehill.

However, Amber came...

Because——this is her own invitation to the Queen Mother of the West.

She—hates the icy and cold Kunlun... She yearns for a mortal life full of fireworks, but extremely warm.

So, here she is...

"I am the goddess of Kunlun, Hu Po..." Looking at the handsome young man in animal skin in front of her, Hu Po felt her heart beating a little fast. She had to put on a straight face and pretended to be serious and said: "God!" I created you... and I feel sorry for you suffering from the wilderness, so I specially ordered our goddess to come here and teach you various survival skills..."

"Then we will thank God..." Zhou Ye said with a playful smile.


Just after Zhou Ye finished speaking, a celestial girl in white palace attire came out from behind Hu Po, and she scolded with a frosty face: "As God's creation, you are not grateful for God's gift, so... "

"Okay, Liuli!!!" Before the celestial girl could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Hu Po. "They are uneducated and ignorant of etiquette, which is inevitable... In the future, they will know how to be grateful..."

"But, Mrs. Hubo!!" The celestial girl called Liuli was a little unwilling to say something...but was forced back by Hubo with her eyes... "Yes, Liuli knows!!"

Is it Liuli? ? I remember you...

Zhou Ye was furious in his heart, and smiled and said to Hu Po: "Is your name Hu Po?? My name is Ye... I am the patriarch of the Jiuli clan, you can call me Ye!! This is not a place to talk, why not come to us How about talking about it in detail with your tribe?"

"Hmm!! Then let's go

Let's..." Facing Zhou Ye's slightly impolite address, Amber was not angry...

For this handsome young man in front of her, Amber always has a feeling that she can't bear to be harsh... She doesn't know where this inexplicable emotion comes from... But, she just doesn't want to see him angry... I want to see him smile, smile at her...

What happened to me? ? In her endless life, there has never been such a phenomenon...

At this moment, Amber was a little confused.

With this in mind, Hu Po led the celestial girls, followed Zhou Ye and a group of original girls, and walked towards the Jiuli tribe's residence...

"Are you the only man in your tribe??"

On the way, Hu Po also discovered the abnormality of the Jiuli tribe... She had also peeked at the human world from above Kunlun, and she had never seen a tribe as special as the Jiuli tribe, with only one male...

"Yeah!" Zhou Ye held Chacha and said with a smile, "Anyway, I'm enough alone..."

"Aren't you tired... by yourself?" Amber didn't even notice the pain in her words...

She knew the original people's division of labor.

Men are responsible for hunting, and women are responsible for collecting wild fruits and sewing animal hides.

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