The number of men in a tribe indirectly affects how powerful the tribe is. And women are dispensable existences...

After all, the bodies of the original people are very strong, even a little bit of cold is not a big problem, but the women, if they don't rely on men, can't survive in this barbaric era at all...

And in the tribe of more than 500 people named Jiuli in front of him, there is only one man, Ye... In other words, he needs to hunt desperately to feed these more than 500 women... Just to feed these women They, he will pay a hundred times the efforts of ordinary people.

"Not tired!!" Zhou Ye was taken aback when he heard Hu Po's words...but then he smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate them, they work very hard...and for me, hunting counts. Nothing difficult...!"

Although Zhou Ye said it easily...

But Amber didn't believe his words...

One person feeds more than 500 people without getting tired?

How can this be……

She has already made up her mind... When she turns around, she will first teach these people the skills of planting... This way, the patriarch named Ye can relax a little bit.

The place where the goddesses came to the world is not far from the location of the Jiuli tribe...

The celestial maidens soon followed Zhou Ye and others to the Jiuli Tribe.

Looking at the houses in the Jiuli Tribe, which are layered next to each other, even Hu Po, who is used to Qionglou Yuyu, can't help but sigh: "It's such a beautiful place!!"

"Of course!!"

Hearing Hu Po's words, Zhou Ye hadn't spoken yet... Chacha beside him said, "This is all built by Dad with us!!"

The Jiuli tribe at this time is different from ten years ago...

The houses of the Jiuli tribe in the past were completely unplanned and messy layouts where they were built wherever they could be seen.

Since the division of the tribe...

Zhou Ye led his daughters to renovate the Jiuli Tribe, demolished all the unattractive houses, and then built beautiful stone houses with huge stones against the mountains... Although Said that the girls lived in Zhou Ye's room most of the time, but—they didn't mind having a small private space...

Chapter 1720

Chapter 1720

The celestial maidens headed by Hu Po were arranged by Zhou Ye in the most beautiful stone houses...

"You guys take a rest first...Later, we will hold a welcome party for you!!" Zhou Ye said to Amber while exiting the room.

"Welcome party??" Amber asked curiously, "What is the welcome party?"

"You'll know at night!!" Zhou Ye shook his head with a smile, and then said, "I'm going to prepare for the party..."

Saying that, Zhou Ye didn't wait for Amber to ask another question, turned around and left the room with Chacha...

For a moment——in the room, only Hu Po and a celestial girl named Ya were left.

Seeing Zhou Ye leave... the celestial girl named Ya couldn't bear it any longer, she sat by the firepit in the house and began to cry...

Hu Po watched Zhou Ye's figure disappear between the houses, and then turned around and came to Ya's side... Gently lifted Ya's chin with her hand, and asked, "Why are you crying?"

"Amber...I, I want to go back to Kunlun..." Ya said choked up.

"Why??" Amber asked: "Didn't you say that you want to be the best goddess and have your own name?"

"I, I regret it... I'm afraid..." Ya choked up even more...

"What are you afraid of??"

"Everywhere is scary... Humans are scary... This house is also scary..." Ya cried and said, "That human named Ye is the scariest..."

"..." Amber shook her head helplessly...

This Ya was a mysterious bird she met when she was in Kunlun... Feeling that it was destined for her, Hu Po turned her into a celestial girl and brought her to the world.

"I like the human world..." Hu Po stood up, looked at the distant mountains outside the window and said, "It's much warmer here than Kunlun... Besides, don't you think Ye is cute? How can he be scary??"

"Woooo..." Ya didn't know what to say, the only thing she could do was cry.

"..." Looking at Ya who was still crying, Hu Po could only sigh helplessly...Let her cry...I hope the future will be better.

At this time, Zhou Ye was hunting in the mountains with his daughter Chacha.

Of course, Chacha doesn't need to go hunting, she just needs to find a place to sit and play by herself...and watch her father catch the prey.

For Zhou Ye, hunting was really easy and it couldn't be so easy.

In just a short while, he caught a giant rhinoceros that was more than ten meters tall... This thing is called an auspicious beast in the Shan Hai Jing, and it is said to prosper when it comes out.

But for Ye, the meat quality of this product is the most delicious, and the taste is comparable to the super premium beef of later generations.

Therefore, Zhou Ye likes to eat this thing the most...

If there is one thing that Zhou Ye is most satisfied with when he came to this world... that is - he almost ate all the mythical beasts recorded in the Shan Hai Jing.

Since there is going to be a welcome party tonight, Zhou Ye will of course choose what he thinks is the best food to entertain the guests.


Speaking of which, in order to catch this rhinoceros, Zhou Ye spent a lot of effort... There is no way, the rhinoceroses with a radius of 500 miles have long been eaten to extinction by him. In desperation, he could only run a little further away...

It was almost noon when Zhou Ye finished peeling Xi'er and putting it into his space bracelet...

Although it is said that the place where Chacha is located is not far from the tribe, and it is also very safe... But Zhou Ye is still a little worried.

So, after finishing all this, Zhou Ye teleported back to his daughter without hesitation.

At this moment——Chacha is squatting on the ground, having fun with a little white rabbit who doesn't know where it came from...

"Chacha!!" Zhou Ye shouted with a smile...

"Father!!" Chacha happily dropped the rabbit after hearing Zhou Ye's shout, and then jumped into Zhou Ye's arms... "What are we having for lunch??"

"Let's eat..." Zhou Ye was about to talk about eating rhinoceros when he suddenly noticed the rabbit that Chacha was playing with just was a male rabbit. So - he changed his words directly: "How about we eat stir-fried rabbit meat?"

"Stir-fried rabbit meat?" Chacha looked at the cute rabbit staring at her beside her, and understood her father's thoughts in seconds... My father is going to eat this rabbit! ... "Why do you want to eat stir-fried rabbit meat? Dad?"

"Because I don't like it!!" Zhou Ye rolled his eyes at that rabbit... If he remembers correctly, in the TV series, the rabbit that Nine Heavens Profound Girl took away is the one in front of him... Dog Day's Rabbit Fine, I still want to... Hehe, eat it now! !

"Hee hee..." Hearing her father's words, Chacha was not angry... Or, to her—she would unconditionally support everything Zhou Ye did—no way, who called her Zhou Ye? What about Ye's furnace? "Okay, let's eat stir-fried rabbit meat at noon!!"

The cute and cute rabbit seemed to realize that something was wrong at this time... He raised his legs and wanted to run...

However, it is not an egg, it is a little rabbit, where can it go? ?

Zhou Ye stretched out his hand lightly, grabbed it by the ear and pulled it up... "Little guy... Be our lunch obediently!!"

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