Don't gossip, just do what you say——

Zhou Ye was in charge of peeling the skin and cramping the rabbit meat...

And Chacha also sensibly helped her father collect firewood, and then——a picnic began.

I have to say... After so many years, Zhou Ye's craftsmanship has become more and more exquisite. It is just a simple stir-fried rabbit meat, and the tea tea he eats is full of praise.

After lunch, Zhou Ye certainly wouldn't just leave...

He dug out a few more rabbit nests, and out of a dozen rabbits, he picked out a female rabbit that looked the cutest, and gave it to his daughter Chacha as a pet.

After receiving the gift, Chacha happily gave her father a kiss in return... Then she hugged the rabbit and never let go.

There's no way, girl paper, you're always immune to cute things.

Zhou Ye, who had obtained the ingredients for the main course, returned to the tribe directly with his daughter.

At this time, the women of the Jiuli tribe have also returned...

Although there are no fruits in the mountains due to seasonal reasons... But there are still many edible shoots of plants... and the women have also collected a lot of bird eggs, which can be used to make various side dishes... …

Soon - in the Jiuli tribe, it became lively...

The women divide the ingredients, divide the ingredients, prepare the bonfires, prepare the bonfires...

They are going to prepare for the welcome party in the evening... and those celestial maidens are also curiously watching the women of the Jiuli tribe busy there...

For them who never eat, the preparations of these women in front of them are obviously very novel... Of course, this also includes the leader of the celestial women, Amber,

Chapter 1721

Chapter 1721

"What are you doing?" Amber looked at Zhou Ye curiously and asked.

At this moment, Zhou Ye was busy sitting beside a temporarily dug firepit.

On the fire pond, there is a round flaky rock... From the appearance, it looks like a pancake pan used for pancakes in the countryside. Between the firepit and the stone frying pan, several square stones are placed as supports for the stone pot to ensure that the flame in the firepit will not be extinguished due to lack of oxygen.

"I'm making some delicious food for the welcome party!!" Zhou Ye stretched out his hand while talking, and took out a piece of white fat from the clay pot beside him, and put it on the stone frying pan.

As soon as the hot stone frying pan that had been roasted by the firepit came into contact with the animal fat, a puff of white oily smoke came out...

The oily smoke had a unique smell of grease... Amber, who was standing by the side, took a deep breath involuntarily. "What, what is this? It smells so good!!"

"It's just an auxiliary material!!" Zhou Ye said, and kept rubbing the piece of fat from rhinoceros on the stone frying pan back and forth in his hand.

Soon... the surface of the stone frying pan was covered with fat and oily... a fragrance unique to fat also permeated the air.

Wait until the fist-sized piece of fat in your hand is finally squeezed dry and becomes a piece of yellowed waste. Zhou Ye casually threw the waste into the firepit, and pulled out a few firewood from the reduce the firepower in the firepit, and then took out a large piece of pickled firewood from another clay pot. Rhino meat.

This piece of rhinoceros meat is taken from the belly of rhinoceros. It is really multi-layered and looks very beautiful.

Zhou Ye first put the long strip of rhinoceros meat, which was as thick as an arm, on the top of a stone frying pan, and fried it.

Fry until golden brown on one side, turn it over and fry the other side.

Slowly frying on a low fire... an indescribable tangy meaty aroma emanated from the rhinoceros meat, attracting all the other goddesses here.

"Patriarch Ye... what are you doing??" A celestial girl swallowed involuntarily, and asked, "Why is it so fragrant?"

"That's smells really good." Another celestial girl also asked curiously: "Obviously I have just inhaled the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, why do I feel a little hungry now when I smell this fragrance?"

Even Cowardly Ya cautiously approached the celestial maidens, staring at the piece of rhinoceros meat that Zhou Ye was frying with shining eyes, swallowing her saliva non-stop.

Zhou Ye saw Ya who was hiding behind all the heavenly girls at a glance, and he suddenly felt teased.

Facing the questions from the celestial maidens, he smiled slightly and said, "This is the black bird meat... the best!! Especially the black bird meat after transformation, it is the most delicious..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, before all the celestial girls could speak, they heard a loud cry from behind them... "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

All the celestial girls turned their heads and saw that it was none other than Ya in the form of a mysterious bird...

At this time, her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Zhou Ye with a face of fear... The tears in her eyes were pouring down like a torrential rain... "It's so scary... Amber... I want to go back Kunlun... so scary!! Woohoo..."

Seeing Ya being frightened into this state by Zhou Ye... Hu Po glared at Zhou Ye coquettishly...

Of course she wouldn't really think that what Zhou Ye cooked was the meat of the mysterious bird... the mysterious bird, soaring above the nine heavens, never falls into the mortal world throughout its life. Even if Zhou Ye really wanted to get a mysterious bird to try, he couldn't get one...

Facing Hu Po's blank eyes, Zhou Ye spread his hands, expressing that he was innocent too, and he was just joking with her, who knew that this Ya was so unintimidating.

"Okay... Ya, Ye is just

I was just kidding with you..." Hu Po walked to Ya's side and comforted her in a low voice: "How could he catch the black bird? ? The mysterious bird flies so high..."

"Woooooo... so scary... really scary!!" How could Ya listen to her and persuade her at this time? ? The whole person hugged Hu Po tightly, and it was painful to cry... "Hu Po, let's go back to Kunlun... The world is really terrible..."

Seeing Ya's appearance, the other celestial maidens burst out laughing.

They weren't laughing at Ya, they just thought Ya's cowardly look was too funny.

At this time, the rhinoceros meat in Zhou Ye's hand had already been fried until it was golden on all sides...Zhou Ye directly picked up a sharp stone knife, swiped it, swiped it...a few times, and sliced ​​the long strip of rhinoceros meat, Cut into slices of meat as thin as cicada's wings, cut it a little on the stone frying pan, and then put it on the pottery plate that had been prepared, stood up and brought it to the celestial maidens: " Do you want to try the black bird meat??"

"Hee hee...then I really want to try it!!" One of the heavenly girls said, stretched out her hand, gently pinched a piece of meat, and put it in her mouth.

"Hiss... hiss... so hot..." As soon as the piece of meat was in the mouth, the heavenly girl couldn't help but cover her small scorpion lightly, exhaling was so hot...

However, even though she was screaming because of the hot meat, this celestial girl was not willing to spit out the meat in her mouth... because - it was so delicious.

The fresh aroma of rhinoceros meat, mixed with the rich aroma of gravy, keeps rolling in the mouth. The exquisite umami taste with a hint of the fragrance of an unknown plant filled her taste buds, making her feel a sense of satisfaction.

Especially when you are chewing, the unique chewiness brought by the fried golden skin of the meat slices is perfectly combined with the aroma of the gravy locked by the fat in the meat slices... That is really, the more you chew, the more Fragrant, the more fragrant the more chewy, I can't stop it at all.

"It's's really delicious!!" The intoxicated expression on the face of this celestial girl who dared to try it also aroused the curiosity of other celestial girls.

They all gathered around...

"Let me try too..."

"I also want……"

"I want to try too..."

A plate full of fried rhinoceros sliced ​​meat, in the blink of an eye - was eaten by the goddesses...

At this time, only Hu Po and Ya didn't eat...

Ya is still crying, and Amber is trying to coax Ya...

Looking at the two people, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and walked to Amber's side with the pottery plate in his hand, "Would you like to try it?"

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