She smiled a little bit Zhou Ye's mouth, "Did you just call it Man Niu Wu? It's so ugly... Let me show you what it is called [Dance]!!"

While talking, Kohaku started her own dance steps...

Should it be said that she deserves to be the head of the Heavenly Maiden? ? The dance steps are gorgeous and soft...the girls were stunned as soon as they came on stage.

I don't know when, all the girls have already left the scene... Beside the campfire, only Hu Po was left.

Of course, the girls who left the stage were not idle... Maybe they got the inspiration from Zhou Ye drinking amber... They took out a jar of fermented Baihua Baiguo from the cellar, and persuaded all the celestial girls we drink...

Women, how many can resist the temptation of sweets? ? The celestial maidens were soon bewildered by the sweetness of the stuffed flowers and fruits...

After a while——on the square, there were no traces of the original girls anymore, only a dozen or so goddesses were left dancing there... The leader of the dance, of course, was Hu Po...

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, simply stood there as a prop for their dance...

The moonlight gradually deepened——and the celestial girls were all drunk.

Facing this group of drunken celestial girls, Zhou Ye pulled out an evil smile from the corners of his eyes. "God will take the blame if you don't take it!! Then I won't be polite..."

Chapter 1724

Chapter 1724

Above Kunlun, the goddesses are also divided into ranks.

The highest celestial maiden is none other than a celestial maiden who has her own name and is in charge of awakening the sun, like Kohaku.

The next class is the goddess who has her own name but no other rights.

The first-class ones are just like newcomers like Ya, a rookie who doesn't even have her own name.

And Liuli is a goddess with her own name.

She is proud of her name... From Liuli's point of view, she is no worse than Hupo, but the Queen Mother of the West handed over the right to control the sun to Hupo, which filled Liuli's heart with dissatisfaction.

However, Liuli did not dare to be dissatisfied with Queen Mother Xi, so she could only blame Hu Po for all her dissatisfaction.

The same is true for Linfan this time.

Originally, she was supposed to lead the team—but after Kohaku volunteered to go down to earth, the person who led the team... became Kohaku.

This made Liuli's dissatisfaction with Amber even more.

Especially this morning, in front of Ye, the patriarch of the barbarians who didn't know etiquette, was scolded by Hu Po... The dissatisfaction with Hu Po in Liu Li's heart has almost turned into hatred.

Therefore, she did not participate in the so-called welcome party held by those barbarians, but stayed quietly in her own room.

From Liuli's point of view, standing with those barbarians is a kind of defilement to herself.

She disdains, and she doesn't want to get along with those barbarians... She really doesn't understand why, as the most noble goddess, Amber gets along so well with those humans.

However, instead of attending the welcome party of the Jiuli clan, in her own room, Liuli, who was meditating with her eyes closed, was awakened by a deafening drumbeat.

"What a ignorant human being!!" Liuli opened her eyes and muttered angrily to herself, then closed her eyes again... She wanted to force herself into an ethereal state to continue her meditation...

However, the sound of Kui Niu's drum sounded like a beating on her heart, making Liuli unable to calm down at all...


I will endure----

I tried my best to endure———

I can't help it—————

"Damn it!!" Liuli angrily stood up from the animal skin cushion... walked out of her room quickly...

Liuli walked towards the center of the Jiuli Tribe in the direction of the sound of the drum...

However, before Liuli reached the square, the drumming stopped abruptly.

At this moment, Liuli is really neither advancing nor retreating... After standing away from her and hesitating for a while, she still decided to take a look... "I want to see what the hell you guys are doing?"

Thinking of this, Liuli eased her footsteps, and walked towards the square under the cover of the shadow of the house...

Just when she saw the square from a distance, she couldn't help but widen her eyes at the scene in front of her.

I saw—at this time, there were no traces of human beings in the square... No, there was still one, that is, the patriarch of the Jiuli clan, Ye.

At this moment, he was standing behind Hu Po, hugging Hu Po's waist... What was he doing to her? ?

That kind of action, that kind of behavior... Liuli has never seen it before.

In the distance, under the reflection of the bonfire, she could vaguely see a smear of red, which seemed to be flowing out from under the cluster of amber...

And from Humber's mouth, there seemed to be a humming sound that seemed to be happy, joyful, and painful.

"...What the hell is this..." Liuli couldn't help but widen her eyes, she didn't know why, the scene in front of her actually made her heart beat faster, and... Hu Po's cry The sound also made her feel as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat...

Liuli wanted to turn around and leave...

However, she found that she couldn't move her footsteps no matter what.

Not only was she unable to move her steps, she even squatted down unknowingly, hiding herself in the shadows... She widened her eyes, wanting to look more carefully.

As time passed, Liuli just squatted here... doing the helmet movement with flickering eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Hu Po let out a sharp scream, and then... fell down as if she had lost consciousness.

Huber's scream made Liuli's heart beat violently... Then, an indescribable feeling filled her body.

Liuli couldn't squat there anymore... With a snap, she sat on the ground.

"I... what's wrong with me??" Liuli murmured while clutching her heart.

In the past thousand years, Liuli has never lost her composure like this. She doesn't know what's wrong with her... And the strange feeling coming from her body makes her feel unspeakable. Discomfort, emptiness...

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from her ear.

"Do you want to know what happened to you??"

"You...??" Liuli is not unfamiliar with this voice at all, she recognizes this voice... This voice is the patriarch of the Jiuli clan, the voice of that young man named Ye... But he was still in the square just now of it? ? Why did it suddenly appear behind him? ?

However, Liuli couldn't afford to think about the following things...

Because, she felt that her waist had been embraced by a pair of strong arms... The breath from behind was completely different from that of a woman, which made Liuli feel like she couldn't exert herself..."You, you What do you want to do?? You, this is blaspheming the goddess, it is a felony..."

"Really?? Then you kill me..." Zhou Ye smiled and whispered in Liuli's ear: "Are you—are you going to do it?"

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