"I, of course I can!!" Liuli said while still wanting to use her mana to punish the human being behind her who dared to act presumptuously on her...

However, she found sadly...that she couldn't use her magic power at all, and——that she couldn't use any strength in her body...

At this moment, Liuli really panicked... "You, don't act recklessly...you are breaking the rules of heaven..."

"What is Tiantiao? Can it be eaten??" Zhou Ye didn't care what Tiantiao was or not... Straightforwardly, he pointed his hand under Liuli's skirt...


"Your body is far more honest than your scorpion..." Zhou Ye felt the super sense coming from his fingertips, and smiled slightly: "Then... I won't be polite!!"

He dared to scold himself in the morning... If he didn't make this celestial girl look like eighteen, how could he hang around in the multiverse in the future? ?


Liuli soon——experienced the feelings of Kohaku, and also understood why Kohaku made such a sound... However, what is worse for her than Kohaku is that Kohaku drank alcohol and she didn't, so-the pain will be a little bit more... Hehe hey-hey.

Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725

The sky is getting brighter...

Under the sunlight, Amber opened her eyes...

"Hiss...it hurts..." As soon as Hu Po woke up, she was taken a breath by the pain coming from her body...

Enduring the severe pain, Hu Po stretched her arms and wanted to get up, but... she found that she couldn't get up at all... because her waist was tightly held by an arm.

Amber couldn't help turning her head to look, and what caught her eyes was a handsome face... none other than Zhou Ye...

In an instant—everything from last night flashed across her mind like a movie reversed...

She couldn't help reaching out to caress this face... The experience she had never experienced last night made her feel that she was no longer alone... Her heart, following what happened last night, was touched by him The figure is completely occupied...

"Ye..." Hu Po murmured...

At this moment, she only had him in her eyes... She didn't even realize that around her, her sisters were lying here just like her.

Zhou Ye seemed to be awakened by Hu Po's actions, and he opened his eyes. "Morning, Amber!"

"Morning??" Amber didn't quite understand what Zhou Ye said, but...it didn't prevent her from following suit. "Morning, Ye!!"

"From today onwards, you are my woman... Do you know?" Zhou Ye smiled, teasing Amber who was stunned in front of him... "Come on, let me stamp you first!"

While talking, Zhou Ye leaned over, not keeping his mouth shut against Amber...

Everything about last night was hazy in Humber's mind because of the alcohol, but Zhou Ye's good morning words, she got it this time in a sober state. Just for a moment... She fell in love with this way of expressing her feelings...

If Liuli hadn't woken up and dragged Zhou Ye out of her arms in dissatisfaction, Hu Po would still be holding Zhou Ye and would not let go.

"Amber... I, I don't care how you snatched away the head of the goddess before... But, Ye - I will never give it to you!!" Liuli, who was under Zhou Ye's actions, obviously fell more thoroughly.

In the face of the provocative Liuli, the good-tempered Hubo became hardened, "Liuli, I won't let you monopolize Ye!!"

That's how Zhou Ye was, like a rope in a tug of war, being snatched away by the two of them...

This is not over yet... As the other celestial maidens wake up...they also joined the ranks of the competition...

According to the distance between each other, there are those who help Hu Po and those who help Liuli... For example, Ya is the one who helps Hu Po...

All the while—the whole room was in chaos...

Zhou Ye was angry. "I said—you give me enough time!!"

Withdraw—get up—time enchantment—second ten thousand strikes—

Finally, the whole world is clean again...




Time passed day by day, and the Jiuli tribe also underwent rapid changes.

Amber and the others carefully taught their human sisters how to sow food on the earth, how to use plant fibers to make exquisite cloth...how to practice...and so on.

They work at sunrise and rest at sunset...

Slowly, he merged into the group of girls in Jiuli.

Although it took a lot of Zhou Ye's strength to blend in at the beginning... However, under Zhou Ye's spring wind and rain, no woman can survive three days... So, some small waves are like this It was rendered invisible by Zhou Ye.

a month later......

The first original tribe to return to the Jiuli tribe is back...

They set up camp directly more than 100 kilometers away from the Jiuli tribe...

And Zhou Ye notified the original girl in their tribe to come to his tribe to learn the knowledge brought by the celestial girl...Why the original girl? Because the original human male wants to hunt...

over time……

half year later----

All the original tribes that split off from the Jiuli tribe have returned

, They all sent the original female representatives of their respective tribes to the ancestral clan to learn the heavenly knowledge brought by the heavenly female.

They began to learn to forage food from the land, and they did not need to rely entirely on hunting to obtain food to feed the entire tribe.

With the cultivation methods brought by the celestial maidens, the original people have also become smarter and stronger...

However——with the enlightenment of the original people... something called ambition began to spread among the original people.

Jiuli Tribe———

In Zhou Ye's room...

Zhou Ye was leisurely helping Chacha cleanse his essence——

I saw Chacha, who had become a fifteen or sixteen-year-old big lolita, lying flat on the couch... and Zhou Ye, with one hand on the Dazhui acupoint on her back, and the other on her perineal acupoint... My own spring wind and rain will wash her essence and marrow.

"Dad, dad...it's so hard!!" Little Chacha looked at Zhou Ye with a blushing face...and murmured out of breath.

"Be patient...Baby!!" Zhou Ye said while practicing his kung fu.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Chacha couldn't help but complained: "End...forbear...I have endured for sixteen years...bad dad...when will you eat me..."

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