Zhou Ye comfortably leaned his back against the carriage, hugging a long-haired Xiao Wei in his arms... He comfortably watched the wind and snow outside the window.

a moment later...

Xiao Wei, who closed her beautiful eyes, slowly opened her eyes...

As soon as she woke up, she wanted to bite Zhou Ye's cock viciously... While biting, she said angrily, "Are you trying to kill him? Scoundrel...Obviously they said no...you still do that ..."

The words in her mouth were vicious, but she didn't use much force in her mouth...

There is no other reason-it's just reluctance.

Although Xiao Wei knows that her master possesses great supernatural powers, and her body is extremely strong and strong...but--reluctance is reluctance...

Even if she knew that this enemy had made her faint on purpose, she couldn't bear to bite him.

"Hey..." Facing Xiao Wei's anger, Zhou Ye just smiled and helped her pull the fur covering her body...

This inadvertent tenderness made Xiao Wei unable to pretend any longer... She let go of her mouth, and then gently licked the place she just bitten with the pink snake... Asked softly: "It hurts to bite Have you??"

"It doesn't hurt!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "No matter how painful it is, it won't hurt like you!!"

Hearing her master's teasing, Xiao Wei had the urge to bite him hard again...

This bastard......

The so-called no matter how painful it is, it will never hurt like you... This is a topic with a double meaning.

It is already the seventh day since Xiaowei's incident happened...

After Zhou Ye rescued Xiao Wei, he didn't criticize those Qin soldiers. In the final analysis, they were also responsible, so Zhou Ye just punished them...not killing them all.

And after leaving there, Zhou Ye ate and wiped Xiao Wei off that day...

It's also fun to say...

When Xiao Wei was the first time, it was really painful... She was smaller than ordinary women, and the size of Zhou Ye was different from ordinary people... The first time, Xiao Wei was really Really suffered a lot.

But fortunately——

After all the hardships and rewards... she enjoyed a feeling far beyond others...

After the two laughed and quarreled for a while, Xiao Wei nestled lazily in Zhou Ye's arms, and said lazily, "When will Sister Meng wake up... I really can't handle it by myself!!"

"When Qiniang wakes up, it will be spring and the flowers will bloom..." Zhou Ye felt a little depressed when he thought of the sleeping Meng Qiniang...

To be honest, the little fox is a bit too much to use.

Often, I would completely pass out within an hour... This feeling of being suspended in mid-air, unable to get up or down... is a bit uncomfortable.

However, he couldn't forcefully give the little fox to that...

Although the little fox has a demon body and is more durable than ordinary humans...

However, that is also limited... If it is too much, the little fox will also hurt the foundation.

"Otherwise...when the bustling place arrives, let's help the master find some beauties!!" Xiao Wei said here, her eyes lit up... "In that way, the master can have fun too!!"

At this time, Xiao Wei, whose whole heart had been tied to Zhou Ye, no longer cared about things like serving a husband together.

For her, those things are far inferior to watching Zhou Ye not being able to enjoy herself to the fullest while she is unable to bear the guilt.

Don't doubt, Xiao Wei is this kind of character who falls in love and is desperate.

As long as she is sure that her master loves her too, that's enough...

As for the matter of grabbing the big house and the wife?

She doesn't have the guts yet...

Although, these days, Meng Qiniang has been sleeping deeply...

However, when Meng Qiniang woke up, she had heard something from Meng Qiniang's few words...

That is----

In her master's backyard, Meng Qiniang, who she thought was the most powerful figure in the demon world, was just a very inconspicuous little character.

Even the ancient god, the Queen Mother of the West, is the woman of her master...

How would she fight? ?

Fight - can't fight.

Escape - can't escape.

Forget - reluctant.

In the end, she had no choice but to accept her fate... All she can do now is to try her best to establish a virtuous image of herself who does not fight or snatch, and thinks of everything for Zhou Ye...

Anyway, she couldn't do without this friend...

And what about Zhou Ye? ?

I have a clear understanding of the little fox's pretending to be generous...

So, facing the little fox's suggestion to help him find a few more women, he just smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry...take your time!!"

"Hmm!!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the little fox nodded... He lay obediently in Zhou Ye's arms, and didn't say anything anymore.

She also needs to rest...

You know, just now she expended a lot of physical strength to face the big devil Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye smiled, gently fiddled with the little fox's long hair, looked at the snowy scenery outside... sighed slightly: "Xianyang, we are almost here!!"

Chapter 1746

Chapter 1746


In the hinterland of Qinchuan for eight hundred miles, the Wei River runs through the south, the mountains run through the north, and the mountains and rivers are all sunny, so it is called Xianyang.

The capital of the Great Qin Empire deserves its status...

Looking from a distance, the tall city walls guard its surroundings. In the city - pavilions, towers, arches, especially the Xianyang Palace, which is more than 100 meters above the ground, is like a giant in the city. In the capital of the Great Qin Empire.

Zhou Ye's carriage slowly entered Xianyang City from the north gate.

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