At this time, it is already the first day of the new year...

On the streets, Qin people in colorful clothes and ghost masks with blue fangs and ghosts are everywhere, performing Nuo dances to drive away ghosts and evil spirits...

Moreover, it does not matter whether it is a nobleman or a commoner...

On the door of every household, there are statues of gods and Yu Lei carved in peach wood.

The children scrambled and frolicked among the crowd dancing the Nuo dance.

at this time--

Zhou Ye had already put away his carriage, and by the way, also put Meng Qiniang into his bracelet, so that she could hibernate quietly in it.

With only his little one, he strolled through the wide streets of Xianyang City.

Looking at the crowds dancing the Nuo dance on the street, Zhou Ye felt a different Chinese New Year atmosphere from later generations.

"Master, look... the Nuo dance that that person dances is so funny... It looks like a big horse monkey!!" Xiao Wei is clearly a demon, watching these Nuo dances to exorcise ghosts and demons, but she can't see So happy... I have to say, it's a very ironic thing...

Zhou Ye shook his head with a smile, and threw out the complaints in his mind...Looking in the direction of Xiaowei's finger...

I saw that in the middle of the street, among a group of people dancing the Nuo dance, a guy danced especially funny...

The movements of opening and closing, extremely exaggerated actions... no matter how you look at it, it looks like a monkey.

And the children around were also laughing non-stop...

"It really looks like a monkey..." Zhou Ye responded with a smile...

The two simply stood on the side of the road, watching this exaggerated guy, and dancing there while hearing the drums.

The surrounding people saw the luxurious clothes and handsome faces of the two of them...

One by one involuntarily leaned make more space for the two of them.

Offending a nobleman is a serious crime.

Qin Dian gave heavy punishments, many of which were directly cutting off the feet and gouging out the eyes, and there was no chance for people to rehabilitate... So, they couldn't help being careless.

Of course Zhou Ye also felt this weird atmosphere, but he didn't say anything.

He himself doesn't like the crowded feeling of being crowded with people, and he can't wait to be free.

After watching for a while...

Zhou Ye took Xiao Wei and wandered aimlessly along the streets of the city.

to be honest……

After spending the freshness at the beginning... Zhou Ye lost interest in this place.

You can say that……

There is no such thing as a private hotel in the entire Great Qin Empire.

There is only such a thing as a building...

And this kind of thing is generally not open to private people. When Zhou Ye was in Shangjun County, the inn he stayed in was opened by a local barbarian who was doing business, in order to make it easier for his own clan to come here to sell war horses and other things... …

Generally speaking, it is not outside...

It's just that Zhou Ye is not an ordinary person, he just got rid of the owner of the inn with a hint of his mind.

But - after arriving in Xianyang, there is no way... Shangjun County is because the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so there are inns that are convenient for Hu merchants, but in Xianyang? ? No one dared to do things under the eyelids of the first emperor...

That's just life-threatening.

And...the most tragic thing is———

There is nothing delicious in the wine shop here...

beef? ? It doesn't exist... Killing a cow is a felony in this day and age.

Stir fry? That is not...

All you can drink is nothing more than some simple pickles and barbecue...

Why did Zhou Ye know so clearly? ?

Because he was sitting in a wine shop by the side of the road at this time, together with Xiao Wei, looking at the heavy snow outside and the crowds on the street... While drinking millet wine with a slight aroma of yellow rice, he tasted bland barbecue...

pickles? ?

That thing Zhou Ye can't eat no matter what...

And what about Xiao Wei? ? I simply have no interest in these foods at all...

How could she be interested in these bland foods after tasting the delicacies that Zhou Ye made with those top-quality ingredients?

At this moment, Xiao Wei is just so happy to help her master remove the fish bones from the grilled fish, and at the same time help her master to pour a bowl of wine from time to time.

And Zhou Ye just sat in the restaurant and drank wine just to taste the food of Qin Dynasty... On the contrary, he didn't care so much about the taste.

What I want is that kind of mood...


No matter how beautiful the artistic conception is, there will eventually be times when it gets annoying...

The wine has been tasted, the food has been eaten... it's time to get out of here...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye flipped his palm, and threw a coin made of gold on the table... got up and was about to leave...

However, at this moment, a group of dusty people came from the distance of the street...

The clothes on these people are obviously very different from those of Qin Min...

If Zhou Ye had to say what it looked like, it probably looked like a Korean costume...

"Huh?" Zhou Ye was startled by this group of guys who came out of nowhere...

According to official history, Goryeo at this time should still be a barren land...

There shouldn't be such an existence as the Koryo clan...

But - Zhou

After thinking about it, Ye felt relieved again... Ma Dan, how could this world be the world of official history? ? Demons and ghosts have appeared... The history of the first lunar month in the Qin calendar has changed to the first lunar new year...

How could it be a normal world? ?

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