"Okay, General Meng, please taste the meat porridge, it won't taste good when it's cold!!" Zhou Ye's words interrupted Meng Yi's thoughts... He looked at the meat porridge in front of him, and it was just in front of him. At this time, Meng Yi felt his body loosen, and the invisible force that restrained him just now had disappeared.

"Please use it..." Zhou Ye smiled and pointed to the meat porridge in front of Meng Yi.

"..." Meng Yi was silent for a moment, picked up the porridge in front of him, and ate it...

As soon as the meat porridge entered the mouth, Meng Yi's eyes lit up...

How should I say it?

This delicacy is something he has never tasted before. The texture of the meat porridge is quite tender, it melts in the mouth and leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

"What kind of meat is this made of? It's so delicious??" Meng Yi ate up the meat porridge in front of him in three or five mouthfuls... Putting down the clay bowl, he asked loudly.

"Things beyond the sky... I said it, you don't know!!" Zhou Ye laughed, and he didn't lie to Meng Yi at this point... This meat porridge is made from the meat of creatures from alien systems.

Because of Umbrella's expansion, Zhou Ye has brought the foodie tradition to the entire Marvel universe...

When he is free, Zhou Ye really wants to make a documentary - The Universe on the Bite of His Tongue.

Keke, far away......

Meng Yi, who finished his porridge, put down the bowl, stared at Zhou Ye with flickering eyes, and after pondering for a moment, asked: "Mr. is so capable, and you have two wives who are so charming and lovely, why do you want to go to see that Zhou Ye?" Where is Princess Yushu?"

Hearing Meng Yi's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but burst out laughing...

"Empress Qin's palace has more than three thousand beauties, why does he still want Princess Yushu?" Zhou Ye's rhetorical question made Meng Yi dumbfounded.

After hesitating for a moment, Meng Yi said: "That... my family's first emperor, unified China, and his achievements will last forever..."

"Hehe..." Before Meng Yi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Ye's laughter... "Qin Huang's achievements are not worth mentioning in my eyes... If I am angry, the world will change." ..."

As Zhou Ye's voice fell, the cloudless night sky suddenly became overcast...

All of a sudden, the wind blows up and the rain pours down...

In the sky, thunder and lightning flashed wildly, one approaching one...

This sudden change in the weather made Meng Yi stunned... He found that even if the heavy rain poured down, it would not be able to get into this square inch of land... It seemed that everything outside was like flowers in a mirror and the moon in water.

"If I smile, the world will be in full bloom..." Zhou Ye said quietly again.

Meng Yi found that Zhou Ye's voice was almost synchronized with the world here. Just after he finished speaking, the rainstorm disappeared...the dark clouds in the sky also dissipated...

As if the downpour just now was just a dream.

"Do you think... I'm not as good as Emperor Qin??" Zhou Ye said again: "Do you think I can't snatch his Concubine Li?"

Faced with Zhou Ye's questioning, Meng Yi didn't know what to do for a while...

Emperor Qin is powerful, but he hasn't reached the point where he can control the world...

After all, he is just a mortal emperor.

But Zhou Ye in front of him is already completely the master of this world... How should I say this? ?

Say—how about? ?

That's a bit too bad...

Said - snatched?

That goes against his loyal heart...

Looking at the tangled expression on Meng Yi's face, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, General Meng, please go back..."

Saying that, Zhou Ye waved his hand lightly...

In an instant, Meng Yi felt a flash of light spinning in front of his eyes...

After a while, he found himself in a wilderness...

"General Meng...what's wrong with you??"

"General Meng... are you okay?"

Meng Yi was confused by the shouts of the soldiers in his ears...was he just a dream or real? ? "I... what happened to me just now??"

"General Meng, you just passed out when you were walking ahead..." a soldier said hastily.

"Oh...it turned out to be a dream!!" Just when Meng Yi put a label on what happened to him, he suddenly discovered that all of his own soldiers were wet... This made him bear I couldn't help but tremble in my heart, and asked, "Why are you so wet??"

"Just now a heavy rain hit, brothers have nowhere to hide...so just!!" The guards replied directly without doubting him.

Hearing the words of the soldiers, Meng Yi was even more flustered... He touched his body...

Except for the mud that was stained when he just lay down on the ground, the rest of his body was extremely dry, and there was no sign of being wet by any heavy rain at all...

This made Meng Yi confirm one thing, he -- he did meet a fairy just now...

Thinking of this, Meng Yi hurriedly said: "Let's go, go back... We set up our camp overnight, and we are on our way overnight!!"

Although the soldiers of Qin didn't know why their generals suddenly changed their minds, they had to obey orders.


And on the other side...

In front of Zhou Ye's carriage...

It was the same fire, the same three figures, still unchanged.

"Yelang, why did you suddenly hook up the Great Qin General to show up?" Meng Qiniang asked curiously.

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye hugged

Looking at the slender waists of Meng Qiniang and Xiao Wei, she said, "Because...a lot of things!!"

Wanting to meet Brother Long is one of them, anyway... I grew up watching Brother Long's movies.


It's Zhou Ye's bad taste...

You know, in the entire mythology movie, there are two parts: past life and present life.

Indeed——Zhou Ye could forcibly abduct Princess Yushu directly in front of the two parties without letting them see who he is.


That would not only make Princess Yushu feel resentful... 【After all, she married Emperor Qin for her own country. 】

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