
When Meng Yi goes back, he will definitely be punished.

No matter what, as an envoy to welcome relatives, he actually lost the beauty... This is unreasonable.

As for the characters he likes... Although Zhou Ye still won't be soft on the girl who should be snatched, but--he still has to leave a way for people to survive.

After all, I grew up watching other people's movies... Be a human being and save a thread, so we can meet each other in the next life...

That's why this scene happened - Zhou Ye deliberately used a strange fragrance to lure Meng Yi out of the camp, and invited him to drink meat porridge.

Chapter 1750

Chapter 1750

In the next few days, Meng Yi urged his soldiers to travel day and night.

Only a short rest every day, two meals a day are on the march, replaced by dry food...

Although the soldiers in the army complained a lot, Meng Yi never smelled that weird fragrance again.

Until this time, Meng Yi was slightly relieved.

He was really afraid of that handsome young man who called himself Zhou Ye...

Even though he had five thousand soldiers behind him, he still didn't feel the slightest sense of security.

The ancients were in awe of ghosts and gods, and Meng Yi would be really funny if he was not afraid of a guy like Zhou Ye.

After a few days of rapid march, Meng Yi was not far from the border between Daqin and Goryeo.

But at this time, Qin Jun has almost reached his limit...

Meng Yi had to slow down his marching speed a little, set up camp at night, and let his soldiers have a good rest...

Early the next morning.

Meng Yi led his soldiers to the border...

He wants to pick up Concubine Li as soon as possible, and then return to Xianyang.

Meng Yi has already planned...

At that time, he will let his lieutenant general lead the large army to take the main road, while he will take a team of elite soldiers to take the small road and return to Xianyang with Concubine Li.


Will things go as smoothly as he thought? ?



"Report to General, the frontier is the border between Daqin and Goryeo!!"

The sound of the scout's report woke up Meng Yi who was thinking... He nodded, and then ordered: "Speed ​​up, we will set up camp at the border, welcome Li Fei Xiangjia!!"

"Here!" xn

Five thousand troops are speeding towards the border...

An hour later, the army arrived at the border...

Choosing a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, Meng Yi ordered to set up camp.

Because of Zhou Ye, Meng Yi's troops arrived at the wedding ceremony three days earlier than expected...

At this moment, the send-off team escorting Princess Yushu has not arrived yet...

Not to mention how Meng Yi arranged for his soldiers to camp...

Just talking about Zhou Ye...

At this time, Zhou Ye had already run to the front of Meng Yi and penetrated into the territory of Koryo.

It's just that...he no longer rides in a carriage...but takes his own doomsday armor vehicle...

That's right, it's the barricade that was completely remodeled by the White Queen in the Transformers plane...

At this time, Zhou Ye took Meng Qiniang and Xiao Wei, sitting in the land vehicle transformed into a doomsday mecha——Alt Kalman all-terrain off-road vehicle, leisurely in a place where the procession of seeing off relatives must pass On the hillside, the team waiting to see off the relatives arrived.

Zhou Ye sat in the driver's seat, looking through the car window at the end of the road in the distance... slowly waiting for his target to appear.

And what are Meng Qiniang and Xiao Wei doing? ?

cough cough...

These two girls are sitting in the back seat of the car at this time, passing through the car theater, making up for it...

What to make up for? ?

Make up for all kinds of bloody love series.

even though--

The culture in the TV series is very different from the times and values ​​they live in.

But - this does not delay these two girls, the fun of making up...

The biggest favorite of the two of them is——

While complaining about the woman's contrived acting skills, she scolded the scumbag's playfulness.

Every time after scolding, they deliberately look at their men...

This move of accusing Sang Huai ushered in a new surprise for them.

After tasting my man's [Feeling Double] plus continuous [Second Thousand Strikes]...

The two girls recognized the situation they were in with grief...

Their man Zhou Ye is indeed a scumbag, but——their man has a scumbag of capital...

Especially, after Zhou Ye completely defeated the two of them, he said triumphantly [As long as you can beat me in this aspect, um——I don’t mind not bothering you in the future. 】

Meng Qiniang and Xiao Wei have completely given up on the idea of ​​persuading their husband...

I can't beat it, how about it? ?

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