Fuck, are the fugitives so arrogant now? ?

How dare he shout that he was a fugitive, and rush into his camp... This is really - great.

Just thinking that his civilian service has arrested too few people... There are still people who have thrown themselves into the trap? ?

I asked my own soldiers, and indeed I did not find a way to clear the customs from that guy...

With a wave of his hand, Gou Liang locked the fugitive together with other civil servants and pressed them to Longxi County...

Poor Fan Xiliang was sent to build the Great Wall just because he had the misfortune to meet Zhou Ye without even seeing Meng Jiangnv...I'm afraid no one will cry for him when he dies there this time.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhou Ye...

At this time, Zhou Ye had already enjoyed his own dinner, carried Xiao Wei in his car, and lived a shameless nightlife.

No matter for Zhou Ye or Xiao Wei...

Wan Xiliang is just an insignificant episode...

After sunrise the next day, Zhou Ye took Xiaowei on the road again...

The two of them traveled around the mountains and rivers all the way, heading towards the goal set by Zhou Ye...

Two days later————

Li County——Located in the southeast of Qianzhong County...and adjacent to Changsha County.

Near Li County, there is a mountain named Jiashan...

At the foot of Mount Jia, there is a village named Jiangjia Village...

Nine out of ten residents in the village all have the surname Jiang...

In the village there is an elderly man surnamed Jiang who has been an official in the court for several years... But because Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, the old man did not want to serve Qin, so he resigned and returned to his hometown...

Maybe it's because he's not in court and there's no more pressure... The old man surnamed Jiang, who had no children at all, unexpectedly got a daughter after returning to his hometown...

This can make the old couple happy...

It's really afraid of melting in the mouth, afraid of falling when holding it in the palm of the hand...

And Jiang's daughter is also quite competitive. She has been well-versed in books and rituals since she was a child.

The name of a beauty has a voice of hundreds of miles...

There is an endless stream of people who come to ask for marriage...

However, the Jiang family is old enough to have a daughter, so how can they be willing to let their daughter marry far away? ?

Then it made a rule that if you want to marry his daughter, you have to join Jiang's family...

This Nima is a bit pitted...

These days, the job of the son-in-law is not done by humans...

Once you become a son-in-law... Let alone an official, you will be inferior even when you walk on the street.

Since the Jiang family made this rule, no one cares about his daughter anymore...

There are so many beauties in the world... No man is willing to marry.

Even poor families don't want to be a son-in-law, let alone those high-ranking princes and nobles? ?

After going back and forth, the daughter of the Jiang family was delayed...

In the blink of an eye, Meng Jiangnu has already reached the Double Nine Years, which is already an old girl in this era...

But still no one cares about it, this is worrying the old couple of the Jiang family...

On the contrary, Meng Jiangnv is not worried at all...

In her words, that is - [I am just wishing I could spend more time with my parents at home... Why are you in such a rush to get married? ? 】

In this regard, the old couple had no choice but to let it go...

Here is a little explanation... At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the name Meng Jiangnu did not mean that her surname was Meng. It means - the eldest daughter of the Jiang family.

Keke, pull away...

The weather was so hot that day, Meng Jiangnv simply cooled off in the pavilion in the lotus lake in her backyard...

Looking at the blooming lotus on the lake...

Meng Jiangnu simply asked her maid to put her guqin in the pavilion in the center of the lake...burning incense and playing the piano to meditate.

Although Meng Jiangnu often told her parents that she was not in a hurry to get married...

But whose daughter doesn't have a spring? ?

She knows her family affairs...

In fact, she also wanted to marry... but she couldn't find a man she liked...

Feeling something in her heart, she couldn't help but sound a little sad.

After playing a song...

But there is no bosom friend to deal with...

Kong has tenderness, but he doesn't know who to tell it to...

Just when Meng Jiangnv felt sorry for herself... Suddenly, a burst of applause came from the wall of her house...

She couldn't help but looked up, and saw a handsome young man sitting on the wall of her house, applauding herself...

Just at this glance, Meng Jiangnu was fascinated by the youth's peerless face...

There is such a handsome man in the world? ?

"Miss' piano sounds sad, but is she missing her lover??"

Dazed, Meng Jiangnu was awakened by the boy's words...

Let's say this, faintly provocative, in terms of etiquette, it is not an exaggeration to call him a hooligan...

However, seeing such a handsome man, how could Meng Jiangnu be willing to scold him? ? She even vaguely wanted to explain something...

Before she could speak, the maid beside her spoke first...

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