"Young master is so rude, my young lady hasn't engaged anyone yet, where's the lover!!"

Chapter 1764

Chapter 1764

"Yun'er, how can you be so rude!!"

The little maid's words on behalf of her young lady not only did not make Meng Jiangnv happy, but instead brought a reprimand...

This made the servant girl grumble for a moment of dissatisfaction...

However, when she saw her young lady's affectionate eyes... instantly understood...

Well, it seems that my young lady, Hong Luan, has moved.

He immediately covered his face with a smile, and never spoke again...

At this time, Meng Jiangnu had already stood up from behind the qin platform, and saluted Zhou Ye who was sitting on the wall, "Little girl Meng Jiang has seen the young master, but I don't know where the young master came from? Why are you sitting in my yard? "

".........!!" Zhou Ye who was sitting on the wall was dumbfounded for a while... After pondering for a while, he said: "I came from Xianyang... Passing here, I was attracted by the sound of the young lady's piano. Let's see who played the qin sound like the sounds of nature, there are so many offenses, please forgive me..."

Meng Jiangnv couldn't help blushing when she heard Zhou Ye's words...

She was both happy and nervous at the same time...

In the end, Meng Jiangnv lowered her head, summoned up all her courage... and stammered like a mosquito, and asked, "No, I don't know... I don't know, my lord. , but still satisfied??"

This sentence is almost equivalent to asking—【Do you like me】...

For a woman, uttering these words is already her maximum limit...

After saying this, Meng Jiang lowered his head and refused to straighten up again.

"A person is more beautiful than a piano!!" Zhou Ye's voice rang in Meng Jiang's ears, and what she said was like a deer bumping into her heart, a sweet feeling rose from the bottom of her heart.

Meng Jiang, who only cared about being happy, didn't notice that Zhou Ye's voice was so close to him.


Instead, it was the scream of the maid beside her that raised Meng Jiang's head in shock. "Cloud?"

Meng Jiang looked at his servant girl strangely, and asked, "Why are you so panicked?"

"Little miss...he...he!!" The servant girl Yun'er pointed at the back of her young lady, and was so startled that she couldn't speak for a moment.

"What's wrong with him?" Meng Jiang looked curiously in the direction his maid pointed...

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a handsome face with a smile...

Then, that handsome face was infinitely magnified in her eyes... and then...she felt her dick was blocked by a soft thing...

Meng Jiang was caught off guard by the sudden change, and in panic, he opened his mouth and wanted to shout...

As a result, a warm strip-shaped thing got into her mouth all at once...

In an instant, Meng Jiang felt his whole body go limp...and he couldn't use any strength.

Because she finally realized what happened...

Myself, I was underestimated by that bad guy...

And Yun'er, the maid standing behind Meng Jiang, opened her mouth and wanted to call...


But her little buttocks were covered by a soft hand... Then, a strange fragrance came into her nose, and a slightly hoarse soft voice came from her ears: "Hey, don't make trouble." ...Honestly watch how my Yelang wins over your young lady."

Following these words, the servant girl Yun'er felt that she couldn't move her whole body.

In the final analysis, Xiao Wei, as a thousand-year-old beautiful fox, still has the ability to charm and seduce people.

that's all……

In the lotus pond pavilion in the Jiang family's backyard, a man and three women get along in such a strange way.

Meng Jiang has been completely told by Zhou Ye that I don't know what year it is.

After half an hour...

Zhou Ye smiled and let go of Meng Jiang's cock...

At this time, Meng Jiang still looked out of his mind... the weight of his whole body was supported by Zhou Ye's arms, his beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and his small cockroach was slightly tilted forward... a look that was still unfinished.

To be honest, Zhou Ye also had some unfinished business.

But... this place is really not a place for good things to happen.

So——as expected——

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye snapped his fingers lightly, and following the snap... there was a sound of broken glass...

A group of people were directly pulled into the mirror world by him.

Meng Jiang, who was overwhelmed, was startled by the crisp sound of the glass shattering, and regained a little bit of consciousness... "This..."

However, before she could finish her sentence... Zhou Ye blocked her again.

It's a pity that Zhou Ye won't show mercy this time...

Taking advantage of Meng Jiang being messed up by himself, what year is this eve... and Meng Jiang was completely disarmed.

Originally it was midsummer, and because he was in his own home, Meng Jiang dressed very casually, only a single shirt and a skirt... This made Zhou Ye a lot easier.

Otherwise, with the way women go out in this era, with three layers inside and three layers outside, it would be difficult to kill.

With the disarmament, Meng Jiang also felt that her body was much cooler. At this time, she also recovered a little bit of sanity... hurriedly held

Zhou Ye begged with his mischievous hands: "Your Majesty...Your Majesty, don't do this...you and me...you and I are not married yet—ah!!!"

"Beauty, you're too late!!" Zhou Ye shrugged his shoulders, saying...it's too late.

When things come to this—all Meng Jiang can do is to hold back his eyes with resentment, lament, and endure the pain... Sadly, he said: "Lang Jun... If Lang Jun betrayed Meng Jiang...Meng Jiang, Meng Jiang only The only thing left is to die!!"

"To live up to heaven and earth, to live up to Qing..."

Zhou Ye's gentle words of love made Meng Jiang feel no more grievances in his heart... He closed his eyes tightly, wrapped his hands around Zhou Ye's back, and let this bastard do things to him...



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