In this world, the backyard of the Jiang family is still breezy...

However, the people in the pavilion in the lotus pond have disappeared.

Kong left Guqin here, as if telling what just happened here...

Time passed by every minute and every second...

After an hour———

A golden portal opened directly in the pavilion, and then... Zhou Ye led the three women out in a file.

Meng Jiang is still the same Meng Jiang... It's just that on the tip of her eyebrows, there is a bit more of a woman's mature demeanor, making her delicate face that is already unparalleled in beauty even more charming...

Even the maid, Yun'er, looks a bit more beautiful...

No way, Zhou Ye came to the mirror world on a whim, and a master and servant took it all.

Besides, even though Yun'er is a maid,... her appearance can be regarded as above-average in future generations. With a little makeup, she is ten thousand times stronger than those so-called Internet celebrities.

"Ye Lang... When will I propose marriage to my parents?" Meng Jiangnu asked, er no...according to the rules of marrying with her husband's surname in this era, she should be called Zhou Jiangji now...Jiang Ji for short.

Chapter 1765

Chapter 1765

Hearing Jiang Ji's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's now, how about it?"

"Really?" Jiang Ji's eyes lit up.

In the mirror world, she had been with Zhou Ye for nearly three months...

During these three months, she and Zhou Ye were almost inseparable, facing the East China Sea to watch the sunrise, and staying in the sand sea to enjoy the moonlight at night.

Until now, she wished she would never be separated from her husband...

As for the fact that she has many wives and concubines, she also knows a thing or two from Xiao Wei.

But so what? ?

Women in this era are like this... They really did it, as long as their husbands don't neglect themselves, they will never fight for anything.

Those who are rich in the family, who doesn't have a few concubines?

Even her father had several concubines...not to mention that his husband is as powerful as a god? ?

Therefore, even though she knew that her husband had many wives and concubines, she still just tried to persuade her man to pay attention to his body and didn't say anything else.

And the so-called persuasion to pay attention to the body, under Zhou Ye's cheating second thousand blows, quickly turned into a cry of begging for mercy...

Cough cough - pull away.

Jiang Ji was really pleasantly surprised when she heard that her husband was willing to propose marriage to her parents now.

But after the surprise, Jiang Ji was a little embarrassed again...

This suddenly made my husband go to his parents to propose a marriage...not to mention anything else, what if my parents don't agree? What if the matter of marriage is brought up again? ?

For a moment, Jiang Ji was full of sorrows and joys... I don't know what to do.

Zhou Ye looked at the melancholy on Jiang Ji's face, and smiled slightly: "Okay, have you forgotten that I am very human?"

As Zhou Ye said, he hugged Jiang Ji's waist, walked along the path of the pavilion, and walked towards the front yard...

Up to now, Jiang Ji can only hope that her husband can convince her parents...

When Zhou Ye led the girls out of the backyard and came to the front yard... I had seen Zhou Ye's slaves report the matter to the old man of the Jiang family.

An hour later———

In the main hall of the Jiang family...

The old Jiang couple sat in the main seat, looking up and down at Zhou Ye...

To be honest, when the Jiangs saw Zhou Ye for the first time, they felt satisfied from the bottom of their hearts...

Extraordinary figure, unparalleled handsome appearance... At least in terms of appearance, Zhou Ye is enough to get a super full score.

The couple took another exam on Zhou Ye...

Except that he doesn't like to chew on words when he speaks, it can be said that he knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom...and he also gets full marks in terms of talent and learning.

The only thing that makes the old couple a little bit dizzy is——

The quality of this product is somewhat...

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that he took his concubine (Xiao Wei) to play around at a young age, and... as soon as they met, he was fascinated by his own daughter. The daughter was eaten and wiped clean... How could this not make the couple hesitate? ?

But... No matter how much hesitation, seeing their own daughter leaning against that guy, looking like a king or not, they couldn't say any words of rejection.

After pondering for a while, the Jiang couple finally spoke.

"Get married tomorrow... I have objections!!" After the Jiang family finished speaking, he fixed his eyes on Zhou Ye, as if... If you dare not agree, I will immediately break your legs.

Broke my daughter's innocence, you dare to play a rogue, don't marry my girl... Do you want to die? ?

One must know that Jiashan Village is not a prosperous place, here... the power of the clan is greater than that of the law.

If I say kill you, I will kill you...

"Great kindness!!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded...

Regarding the displeasure in Jiang's old man's words, he just pretended not to hear it...

It doesn't matter if he cheated his daughter.

the next day…………

The Jiang family held a grand banquet and invited all the old and young in the village to congratulate the New Year together...

Ordinarily, according to the etiquette of this era, it is necessary to go through a whole process of marriage proposal, engagement, welcome, and marriage. It takes five or six months to think about it.

Don't even think about...

But—isn't Zhou Ye eating up the girl first? ?

This made the Jiang couple feel helpless...

They also want to marry off their daughters in a glorious manner...but...they are even more afraid that their daughters will be conceived in the dark, and when the time comes, if they get married with a big belly, it will be humiliating...

So, they simply kept things simple...

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