Lu Zhi carefully climbed into the carriage...

It's just that when she got into the carriage, she might have touched a certain wound, and she couldn't help but gasp...

With this pain, Lu Zhi couldn't help but make a note of some bastard in his heart...

After climbing onto the carriage with great difficulty, Lu Zhi lay down next to his sister again...

Looking at the carriage shed, Lu Zhi couldn't help but reveal a smile...

That villain was actually very considerate... He used his spells to clean up his body, and he also cleaned his body by the way...

Especially this villain, deliberately scaring himself, yelling that he would come to see Master Taishan...which made her feel anxious...I couldn't think about it anymore, it was really embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Lu's smile deepened...

Unknowingly, a name came out of her mouth. "Yelang..."

With such a sweet smile, Lu Zhi gradually fell into a dreamland...

after all--

She suffered a lot tonight...

Not to mention being frightened, but when she was born, she fought Zhou Ye recklessly for more than half an hour. You know, she has been lying between the branches of the tree... and so on.

Although compared to Zhou Ye, she is much more relaxed...but she doesn't have Zhou Ye's body of steel either.


As soon as he lay down, it didn't take long... Lu Zhi let out a slight snoring sound...

Until——in the dimness, my sister's shouts came from my ears...

"Sister... wake up, it's time to eat!!"

"... Ye Lang..." Lu Zhi opened his eyes... Feeling the shaking of the carriage under him, looking at the pretty face of his sister in front of him... For a moment, he couldn't figure out whether he really met last night. There is a handsome young man named Zhou Ye...


Everything is just a dream of my own...

Chapter 1769

Chapter 1769

"Ye Lang?? Who is Ye Lang?" Lu Su looked at her sister who had just woken up, and asked strangely, "Is there a relative named Ye Lang in our family?"

"No..., you heard it wrong!!" Lu Zhi said with some regret...

Last night, she dreamed that she and Zhou Ye were staying and flying together...

Live a sweet life like a fairy couple...

As a result, after waking up from the dream, I found that everything was just a dream.

How could this not make her feel melancholy? ?

"Sister...get up and eat...we're going on the road after dinner!!" Lu Su didn't care about the melancholy in her sister's words, she was about to get out of the car with a smile and go to eat...

"You guys eat, I'm not feeling well today, I don't want to eat anymore!!" Lu Zhi really didn't want to eat...

She is currently in the stage of worrying about gains and losses...

After being in love with her husband last night, because of her daughter's reservedness and shyness, she refused to let Zhou Ye come here to meet her father...

Of course, it's not that she doesn't want Zhou Ye to marry her back home, but she wants to change it...

She made an appointment with Zhou Ye for today's daytime, and asked Zhou Ye to pretend to meet her own team by chance, and then go together...

After getting along for a while, let him propose a marriage plan to his father.

In this way,...the fact that she handed over to Zhou Ye innocently before she got married can be concealed.

And Zhou Ye also fully agreed... (This guy is thinking about his sister-in-law)

But at this moment—

Lu Zhi felt a little regretful...

[What if Yelang doesn't come? ? 】

[What if Yelang suddenly dislikes me? ? 】

Such thoughts kept flashing in Lu Zhi's mind...

Because I care, I am afraid...

Lu Zhi is in this state now, and she has given everything she has to Zhou Ye... In case Zhou Ye really misses the appointment, all she can do is die.

How could Lu Zhi, who was in such an anxious state, be able to eat? ?

And Lu Su's younger sister, Lu Su, obviously didn't know what was going on in her sister's mind. As soon as she heard that her sister was not feeling well, she rushed out of the carriage and shouted as she ran, "Father, mother... my sister is sick, what should I do?" ?”

Hearing his sister's startled voice, Lu Zhi couldn't help but want to smile wryly, but couldn't...

Doesn't her making a fuss worry her parents? ?

as expected--

After a while, Mother Lu walked into the carriage with an anxious expression on her face, and stroked Lu Zhi's forehead with her hand, "Pheeter, what's wrong with you... tell mother quickly!!"

Father Lu was also outside the carriage, beckoning himself to cook a bowl of porridge for his eldest daughter...

That was a hell of a lot of fun.

"Mother, my daughter is's just that I feel a little't want to eat!! Don't listen to Susu's nonsense..." Lu Zhi softly comforted his mother, and at the same time gave his sister a hard look .

Lu Su sat aside with an aggrieved face...

She couldn't figure out why she was blamed by her sister for her good intentions? ?

"It's fine, it's fine!!" Hearing Lu Zhi's words, Mother Lu felt a little relieved...

After another conversation with my daughter, the porridge outside was also prepared


After Lu Zhi drank some porridge, Mother Lu finally felt relieved...

Then, everyone packed up and started on the road again...

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