As the Lu family's convoy went further and further, Lu Zhi's heart became more and more restless...

From time to time, she poked her head out of the car window, wanting to see if the figure in her dream appeared in the distance...

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Lu Su looked at her sister's distraught appearance, and asked curiously, "What is there to see outside?"

"It's nothing..." Lu Zhi replied absent-mindedly, and then ignored his sister again...

How could she be in the mood to talk to her sister right now, all she could think about was Zhou Ye...

Seeing her sister's appearance, Lu Su didn't bother to talk anymore... She leaned in the carriage, looked at her sister, and thought in her heart...

The daughter's family has a delicate mind, and Lu Su has noticed that something is wrong with her sister since this morning.

Not only is there a touch of indescribable beauty on the face, but also... there are many inconveniences in the movement...

Although Lu Zhi said it was because of a headache, but from Lu Su's point of seemed that there was something wrong with his legs and feet.

Could it be that something happened last night? ? ?

Lu Zhi, who was anxiously watching the long road, didn't know that his sister had already seen a clue...

In her restless mind at this moment, she had no other thoughts at all... She only hoped that the villain who took away her innocence would appear before her eyes early...


From a distance, Lu Zhi saw a tall and straight figure in front of the convoy...

Seeing this figure, Lu Zhi's heart hanging in the air finally fell down...

She couldn't help but murmured to herself in a low voice: "This scoundrel... really put me off!!"

She was really scared to death...

Why? ?

Because it was eaten and wiped clean...

She was really afraid that some bastard would rub the soles of her feet with oil after eating it dry... Then she couldn't find a way to cry.

Fortunately, Zhou Ye is not the kind of scumbag who eats everything, turns around and runs away...

Although he is also a scumbag, at least he is willing to bear the consequences he caused... This is already very good.

at this time----

Zhou Ye, who was pretending to be on his way, also turned his head when he heard the creaking sound of the carriage behind him...

Lu Gong, who is proficient in the art of physiognomy, the moment he saw Zhou Ye... couldn't help secretly admiring in his heart, such a face of an emperor, such a man of gods....

Lu Gong, who has been acquainted for dozens of years, has never seen someone with Zhou Ye's face...

According to the book, a person with Zhou Ye's face, everything goes well, the heaven and the earth bless him, is the supreme face that is unique in all... It's just that there are more peach blossoms...

"Old man invited!!" Seeing the convoy approaching, Zhou Ye cupped his hands at Lu Gong and said, "Excuse me, old man, is this road leading to Pei County??"

"Exactly!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Duke Lu, who already had a good impression of him, would naturally not turn a blind eye to him, "Master, are you going to Pei County??"

"It's just... I'm going to Pei County to find friends!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"That young master, why not go with us, so that you can have someone to take care of you on the way!!" Lu Gong dared to say this, there is a reason...

In his opinion, a person who is born with such a facial expression will definitely not be a bad person... He is not confident in Zhou Ye, but in his own facial recognition skills...

For decades, he has never had a wrong time...

"Such a great kindness!!" Of course Zhou Ye was willing... Wasn't he pretending to be a traveler just to sneak into the Lu family's convoy? ? Otherwise, he would have been out of the way long ago...

And through the curtain of the carriage, Lu Zhi, who was secretly looking at Zhou Ye, heard that her husband had finally mixed into her motorcade, and her heart hanging in mid-air was relieved... She put down the corner of the curtain contentedly, and sat back. In the car... She needs to plan carefully, how to get in touch with her own Ye Lang, so as not to arouse suspicion...

Chapter 1770

Chapter 1770

The wheels are leisurely... The Lu family motorcade is still slowly heading in the direction of Pei County.

At this time, Lu Zhi was sitting in the carriage, really anxious and angry...

She looked at Zhou Ye, who was sitting in front of the driver's seat, chatting happily with her father all the way, and wanted to bite him angrily...

This villain, why didn't he mention himself? ?

In fact, Lu Zhi was also a little anxious...

She didn't even think about it, Zhou Ye had just sneaked into her family's motorcade, and he opened his mouth to mention his daughter, which was too outrageous.

Moreover, Zhou Ye had his own thoughts... and was not in a hurry for this moment.

But Lu Zhi couldn't wait any longer...

At this time, she is in the deep mud and cannot extricate herself.

I can't wait to hang out with my husband all the time...

How can we bear this kind of result that we can see but we can't recognize each other?

This feeling of being so close to the world made her feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching a dog.

Seeing her sister fidgeting, Lu Su asked strangely, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"No..." Lu Zhi just wanted to cover up and said that it was nothing, when he suddenly thought of an idea. "Sister, did you just see the young man asking for directions??"

"No!!" Lu Su said with a blank face... "Although I didn't see anyone, but that son's voice is quite nice!"

Just now her sister was occupying the car window, and she couldn't make it could it be

Can you see what's going on outside the car window?

Lu Su only heard Zhou Ye's voice.

"That's such a pity..." Lu Zhi said with a look of pity for his sister: "That young master's appearance is really extraordinary, it's a pity that you didn't see it..."

"Really??" When Lu Su was told by her sister, she suddenly became curious...

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Just like men like to look at beautiful women, beautiful women like to look at handsome men... It's nothing strange.

Seeing that his sister was aroused by his words, Lu Zhi smiled slightly and said, "Of course it's true. When did my sister lie to you?"

"Then what should I do??" Hearing what her sister said, Lu Su became more and more curious...but now there is no chance. "That son is talking to daddy...I can't go out...what should I do??"

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