"It's okay, it won't hurt in a while!!"

Chapter 1779

Chapter 1779

In the evening———

District Riverside...

A group of women are sitting around a campfire...

And above the bonfire, a fat lamb is roasting. The fat lamb is roasted by the flames, making a sizzling sound, and drops of sheep fat are falling drop by drop along the roasted golden skin. Into the campfire...

These women are none other than Xiao Wei, Jiang Ji's master and servant, and the Lu sisters.

The mutton is ready-made, and it was taken out by Xiao Wei from the space bracelet given to her by her husband...

The Lu sisters are in charge of grilling the mutton.

Looking at the busy Lu Zhi, Xiao Wei couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect that sister Lu Zhi has such a skill! This fragrance really whets the appetite..."

"My sister praised you..." Lu Zhi smiled, took out various seasonings from his bracelet, and used a small brush to spread them on the roasted mutton in a certain order... "Ye Lang His craftsmanship is truly amazing... When Ye Lang was around, our sisters didn't dare to make a fool of themselves!!"

"Don't compare yourself to Yelang!!" Jiang Ji laughed and said, "Our gentleman is a monster...who can compare with him??"

"Hee hee... Sister Jiang Ji is right!!" Lu Su smiled, carefully took off the roasted mutton slices with a knife, put them on the plate, and said: "My sister often said, Ye When Lang was preparing the food, she didn't dare to do it... she was even afraid that helping Ye Lang would make Ye Lang's food taste bad!!"

Hearing Lu Su's words, all the girls burst into laughter...

That's true, the husband of their family cooks really delicious food...

They can't get enough of delicious food.

"You!!" Lv Zhijiao yelled, picked up a piece of mutton from the plate, and quickly stuffed it into his sister's mouth. "Meat can't block your mouth!!"

While chewing on the mutton stuffed into her mouth by her sister, Lu Su said, "I'm telling the truth!!"

While the girls were laughing, the mutton had already been divided, and the rest on the grill hadn't been completely roasted, and still needed some heat.

At this time, Xiao Wei also took out a bottle of wine from the bracelet, and took out several ceramic bowls, and filled them for the sisters. "I got this from my husband. It is said that it is the best wine from another world... Sisters, come and taste it!!"

"Hey, the color of this wine is so beautiful!!" Lu Zhi looked at the wine in the pottery bowl, which was as bright red as blood, and couldn't help admiring: "My husband always has all kinds of strange things... It can surprise us!!"

"Especially the kind of small balls that vibrate??" Xiao Wei blinked at Lu Zhi narrowly...

Lu Zhi's pretty face was blushed by Xiao Wei, and she said coquettishly, "Miss Xiao Wei!!"

A vibrating ball... Ahem, everyone knows what it is for, so I won't talk about it...

The reason why Lu Zhi is so shy is because - she is the biggest victim... Who told Zhou Ye to always like to stuff that thing into her backyard?

Keke, pull away...

After laughing for a while...

While eating the mutton, the girls raised their wine glasses——

"Cheers to the newly joined sisters!!" xn


This slogan is really strange, after all, Yu Ji is not among them... They use the reason that the first time of the new couple is very important and they need to be alone, after throwing Yu Ji to their husband, they all ran out... Concubine Yu, who was fascinated, faced her husband alone...

I have to say, these chicks are really bad...

Just when the girls raised their glasses and were about to drink...

A figure suddenly appeared among them, holding a girl with disheveled hair in his arms...

There is nothing long on this girl's body, she is just wrapped in a layer of quilt, and with the breeze blowing, she can still see some snow-white skin...

"Since it's a toast for the newcomers, how can there be no newcomers present??" Zhou Ye hugged Yu Ji and teased, "Come on, I've brought your new younger sister... Now everyone is here!!"

"Zhou Lang..." Concubine Yu, who was embraced by Zhou Ye, heard her husband's teasing, her head drooped, her pink neck was slightly red... Obviously, she was almost dying of embarrassment.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Wei immediately smiled, took out another ceramic bowl, and filled it... Then she stood up with a smile, and walked in front of Yu Ji, "During the day today, it's my sister who is wrong... come , my sister toasted Yu Ji’s sister with a glass, as an apology!!!”

Hearing Xiao Wei's words, Yu Ji raised her head slightly and looked at this beautiful woman in purple...

It's nonsense to say that Yu Ji didn't have any grudges in her heart for what she did to Xiao Wei...

After all, every girl has a fantasy about her future partner...

Fantasy can have an epic love story...

And what about her love? ?

It's exactly - ghost stories and love for a long time.

But... After all, they are all a family now, and they will still get along all year round in the future.

And although Yu Ji is strong, she is not an unreasonable and pedantic person...

Although she was tortured by Xiaowei's enchantment...

But—hasn't she also met her wishful husband?

Thinking of this, Yu Ji stretched out her hand to take the cup from Xiao Wei's hand.

The wine bowl said softly: "Sister, you are being polite. I should thank my sister for being a matchmaker. Come on, I will do it first as a respect..."

With that said——Yu Ji picked up the wine bowl and drank it down in one gulp.

"Okay, what a strange woman..."

"Sister Yuji is really sweet-hearted..."

"No wonder Yelang misses sister Yuji so much!!"

Everyone carried the sedan chair, and since Concubine Yu was so generous, the girls would not intentionally squeeze her out... After all, the days when they will fight side by side in the future are still long.

Xiao Wei saw Yu Ji drink it all, of course she couldn't show weakness...

He simply raised his neck and drank all the red wine in his own bowl.

The other girls also raised their bowls to drink...

The grudge between Xiao Wei and Yu Ji can be regarded as a smile to wipe away the grievances...

Next, it's time for the girls to drink...

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