To say that this man will yell when he is drunk?

After this woman is drunk, she is also very courageous...

They actually dared to tease and play their husband Zhou Ye...

That's pretty cool...

Is Zhou Ye someone who can be molested? Of course, he rose up bravely and shot the girls one by one.

As the sun sets and the night falls...

The open space on the banks of the Qu River is a mess...

All the girls, you hold me, I hold you... All of them have passed out... On the ground, more than a dozen red wine bottles were discarded.

Looking at the appearance of the girls, Zhou Ye shook his head helplessly, and then carried them into the car one by one...

After arranging the girls, Zhou Ye got out of the car... Just as he was about to put out the bonfire and go back to the car to sleep.

A big head came close... The snake head stretched out to add Zhou Ye's face...

"Don't move!!" Zhou Ye held down the big head, looked at the drunken dark horse, and smiled wryly... "Today, you guys have spoiled me at least a million!!"

Soaring Lulu - Yu Ji's favorite horse, Black Pearl, snorted and neighed... as if to say - a cheapskate.

"Bah, I'm stingy... You ask which guy will feed the horses with Romanee Conti... Okay!! Don't be wronged, I'll give you two more bottles... Drink it by yourself, rest early after drinking it. !!" Zhou Ye said as he took out two bottles of Romanée Conti from his wristband, opened them, and poured them into a recessed stone trough...

Black Pearl couldn't wait to rush over and drank heavily...

Zhou Ye smiled, waved his hand, put out the bonfire, and then... got into his car... The autumn night was cold, but luckily I had a beautiful woman to warm up...

Chapter 1780

Chapter 1780

The next morning————

On the official road leading to Kuaiji County...

A dark horse is jogging gracefully...

On the back of this black horse sat a man and a woman.

It's none other than Zhou Ye and Yu Ji...

It is said that Zhou Ye has already obtained Yu Ji, so he can naturally leave.


It's the same sentence... The women of this era pay attention to etiquette, especially Yu Ji's strong character. She doesn't ask for anything else - she just asks her husband to propose marriage to her brother in an upright manner and marry herself back home...

In this regard, Zhou Ye has no refusal.

As for saying...

Xiaowei and others? ?

Naturally, they went to the mountains and waters again.

Just kidding... Who would want to watch their husband and marry a wife...

It's one thing to be calm in my heart, but... seeing it with my own eyes will still make my heart uncomfortable.

So, after the girls and Zhou Ye agreed on a time and place to meet...

Just drove away Zhou Ye's land vehicle...

As for the safety of the girls?

Zhou Ye wasn't very worried, not to mention that Xiao Wei was a fox demon who had practiced for thousands of years, just talking about Zhou Ye's land vehicle Doomsday Mecha I was enough to protect all the girls.

Once in danger, when Xiao Wei can't handle it, the land vehicle will turn into a Transformer to protect the girls.

In this era of cold weapons, Zhou Ye's vehicle could already reach Wan Jun.

Not to mention those high-tech weapons, just relying on the fighting ability of the doomsday mecha, it can kill tens of thousands of troops with heavy casualties.

However, speaking of...

If there is a real danger, if the intellectual brain in the vehicle starts to kill...

Will future generations remember such a passage? ?

The demise of Qin was not the fault of the Qin army, but is there a Gundam rebel against the party? ?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye couldn't help but let out a snort and laughed...

"Zhou Lang...why are you so happy??" Yu Ji, who was nestled in Zhou Ye's arms, heard Zhou Ye's laughter and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"'s nothing!" Zhou Ye suppressed his smile and said, "I just thought of some funny things!"

It's not that he doesn't explain, it's really - if you want to explain, there are a lot of things to say in the middle, including the Internet meme... This is a bit laborious.

Since his own Zhou Lang refused to explain, Yu Ji stopped asking questions, but instead introduced him to her family affairs.

"Zhou Lang... My parents passed away early, and it was all my brother and sister-in-law who brought me up..."



With Yu Ji's description, Zhou Ye gradually learned more about Yu Ji's home...

Yu Ziqi, Yu Ji's brother...

He supports his family by selling the weapons he secretly built on the black market, and there are a bunch of brothers around him begging for food with him.

Kuaiji County was originally a place where copper was produced... During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was an important casting place in the Chu State.


After the Qin state unified China, the banning of martial arts in the world made it impossible for these generations to live by making weapons.

Weapons are not allowed to be cast, copper farming tools? ? Which one to use? ?

So... Yu Ziqi had to rely on selling weapons on the black market to support his family.

"Brother Xiwu, when I see Zhou Lang, I will definitely take Zhou Lang to discuss..." Yu Ji said here, glanced at her own Langjun and said

: "Zhou Lang must be careful with his brother's swordsmanship... Be careful not to get hurt by him!!"

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