Although it is cumbersome...but with the help of Yu Ziqi's brothers, it can be considered a lot simplified.

No matter how complicated it is...

There is always a moment when the process is over.

Three months later————

Finally reached the last step, welcome...

When Zhou Ye took Yu Ji's little hand from a woman, the whole wedding was almost completed... Of course, the subsequent marriage can be done in the bridal chamber...

The whole tedious wedding is almost over...

Zhou Ye entered the bridal chamber directly with Yu Ji.

On the other side, Yu Ziqi outside the house... looked at a group of brothers who came to help him and laughed.

"Big brother..., brother, why do you feel that your laughing brother is panicking??"

"Yeah, big brother... This wedding is over, shouldn't the banquet begin??"

"That's right, big brother, my stomach is growling from hunger!!"

No wonder they say so...

Zhou Ye is a wealthy owner. In order to complete the whole wedding process... Zhou Ye directly bought a house in the middle of the county at a high price... This house is much more spacious and brighter than Yu Ziqi's house, and he bought some more. The next person is here to help...

At this moment, they were in the courtyard of Zhou Ye's house... ready to drink.

The banquet was not unheard of, although in Zhou Ye's eyes, it was just some ordinary home-cooked food.

However, for these bitter brothers in Yu Ziqi... this big fish and meat banquet is already a rare treasure for them.

Whoa, whoa... that's too far.

Yu Ziqi looked at his brother's anxious appearance... He smiled slightly, "Come on, today is my sister's big day... Let the brothers eat meat too!!"

Having said this, Yu Ziqi said to the servant next to him, "Bring me the wine!!"

Following his orders... a few servants brought up a few boxes of liquor...

Yu Ziqi didn't use his hands to open the wine box directly, and then took out a few bottles of white wine...


"Treasure... big brother..."

"Where did you get such a fine glass!!"

"This... Big Brother, the money can't be revealed in vain, please take it back quickly!!"

Seeing the glass bottle of baijiu, Yu Ziqi's group of brothers stared straight at it...

Where have they seen such pure and transparent glass...

Fortunately, Zhou Ye ripped off all the trademarks and other items on the wine bottle early, otherwise... it would be funny.

"Look at how you guys have never seen the world!!" Seeing his group of brothers with such a startled appearance, Yu Ziqi couldn't help but feel a strong sense of pride in his heart... This guy completely forgot, The first time he saw the glass bottle, he was no better than those guys.

"Okay... One bottle for each of the brothers. After drinking, you can take the bottle away..." Yu Ziqi said as he distributed baijiu to his brothers.

He knows the strength of these wines...

This guy is just to see the ugly drunken state of his brothers...

I have to say, this is really learning from someone...

After being with Zhou Ye for a long time, he didn't learn anything else, but Yu Ziqi learned a ten percent of Zhou Ye's bad taste.

Hearing that such a precious bottle can be brought back... these guys couldn't care less, they directly imitated Yu Ziqi's appearance, opened the wine bottle... Then, they blew directly at the bottle...

Yu Ziqi stood there happily and did not stop them...

Let them blow white wine on an empty stomach...

After a while————

Look again————

None of these guys can still sit at the table to eat... One by one, they stumbled and got under the table...

And Yu Ziqi sat happily at the table, took a sip of wine, sipped a sip of food, just the drunk state of his brothers... drinking...

"It's cool—it's really cool for me!!" Yu Ziqi could finally feel how Zhou Ye felt when he was drinking with Zhou Ye...

Having said that, drinking with Zhou Ye, a guy who is not drunk at all... This thing is really real.

And the other side...

In the bridal chamber, Zhou Ye and Yu Ji had already drank the wine together...

Yu Ji blushed and said in a low voice, "Zhou Lang... From today onwards, my concubine is yours..."

"No!!" Zhou Ye smiled and gently lifted Yu Ji's chin, "From the day you met me, you've been mine..."

Yu Ji was embarrassed by Zhou Ye's words... It was hard to restrain herself...

She remembered the first time she and Zhou Ye were in the car...

The next project is naturally a project that is not suitable for children.

silent night...

After getting married... three days back home...

After another month, Zhou Ye took Yu Ji to bid Yu Ziqi farewell...

Although he was reluctant to give up, Yu Ziqi also knew that Zhou Ye's house was not here... So he left a sentence, "I will come back often when I have nothing to do..." and let his sister and Zhou Ye leave.

Before leaving, Zhou Ye handed over the title deed of the house and the deed of the servant's sale to Yu Ziqi...

And left him ten thousand taels of gold... At the same time, he told him that if he encounters a person named Xiang Ji, stay far away from him... This person can't make a big deal out of his stubbornness...

In this regard, Yu Ziqi naturally agreed with his mouth... As for whether he listened or not, only God knows.

As for Zhou Ye, he also believed that he had done everything he was supposed to do... The bodhisattva can't save the damned ghost, if Yu Ziqi still became friends with Xiang Ji as in the original history... Then, he didn't do anything. ...

By the way, Xiang Ji is Xiang Yu...

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