Chapter 1787

Chapter 1787


The destination of the soul, the starting point of the regeneration of the soul.

In this dark underworld, I don't know when, there is another palace... There is a man who calls himself Emperor Qin in the palace...

That's right...

This Qin Huang is the first emperor, Ying Zheng.

He did get a different kind of longevity...that is—in the underworld, continuing to be king...

It's just that he is a bit suffocated as a king, and there are people above him who control him... Moreover, basically he can't shake the prestige of the Qin emperor. Except for his loyal Qin soldiers, no one will take him. seriously...

Of course, he was basically satisfied.

At this time, in the center of the underworld, there is an extravagant palace...

The name of the palace is Epang Palace.

That's right, Epang Palace is Bi Epang Palace...

Anyway, Xiang Yu would burn him sooner or later, so Zhou Ye simply kept on doing it.

Of course, at the time, this was regarded as a sign that the heavens were about to destroy Qin, and it even caused chaos in the world ahead of time...

Zhou Ye didn't care about this...

He only cares about whether all the women he wants have been sent.

At this time, in the main hall of the harem, which had been renamed the Palace of Hades, a handsome young man fell asleep with two delicate bodies in his arms.

At this moment, a gorgeous woman wearing a silver-white gorgeous palace dress walked in...

When she saw the three sleeping on the couch, she didn't care, but with a smile, she lightly opened the lotus step and walked to the edge of the couch... Then she bent down... Lightly pecked at the boy's side.

The young man opened his eyes suddenly, and hugged the woman in his arms with lightning speed... "Yunman...why are you being so proactive today??"

You know, Zhou Ye usually has a big party once a week, a big party—all women have to attend.

At other times, Zhou Ye might not necessarily stay there... that's what the girls need to fight for.

And today, he stayed with Qi Meiren and Bo Ji...

Speaking of which... Qi Meiren and Bo Ji were brought back by Zhou Ye's patroller.

What is the Patrolman? ?

The messengers who searched the world to find romantic objects for their masters—referred to as the patrolling messengers...

And there are 3,000 patrolling envoys, all of whom are dowries by Ying Zheng to his daughters...

After being slightly remodeled by Zhou Ye, the Queen Mother of the West, Wan Ai, gave them some magical powers, and they became Zhou Ye's patrol agent...

Of course, these patrolmen Zhou Ye did not let it go... You know, Zhou Ye was a maid selected from the Xianyang Palace to serve as the dowry of the Ying sisters. It can be said that... each one is placed in future generations. , that are almost all beauties over 80, and all of them are virgins.

It was precisely because Zhou Ye had picked out all the beautiful ones... that Ying Zhengcai was in a hurry to search the world after Zhou Ye left to enrich his palace.

Whoa, whoa, far away...

"Zhou Lang...!!" Ying Yuanman seemed hesitant to say anything, leaving Zhou Ye speechless for a while...

"Tell me, what's the matter? What else is there to say?" Zhou Ye asked with a sigh.

"This..." Ying Yuanman is still a little hard to say...

At this moment, Qi Meiren and Bo Ji also woke up... They smiled and said good morning to their husbands before looking at Ying Yuanman and said, "My sister dislikes me for being in the way here? ?"

"No...not!!" Hearing the words of the two women, Ying Yuanman gritted his teeth and said, "Zhou father thinks that the underworld is always dark, to go out...he wanted to Husband, tell Sister Ah Cha...let him be a soul ferryman!!"

"Fuck..." Zhou Ye was dumbfounded when he heard this...

Old man Ying Zheng is very quiet and thoughtful...


I guess it shouldn't be a problem...

Speaking of being very quiet and moving... He seems to want to go out for a walk...

After all, the last time I went to the world was a hundred years ago...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye chuckled... "Your father's business is not difficult... Besides, I did indeed fool him... But..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ye smiled evilly, "You sisters have to pay the price..."

"Bad guy..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Ying Yuanman's pretty face almost turned red...

Of course, she knew what the price her Langjun said was the price—the achievement of three links.

There are ten winners and sisters, you can say that they are from the imperial family, how can they do such a thing? ?

Although they tolerated the misfortune of their eldest brother Fusu's daughter being brought back by their eldest son's patrolling envoy... However, they refused to let their man go through the back door anyway...

However, now it seems... This time it is the back door that cannot be guaranteed.

Three days later————

A group of people walked out from the underworld...

The leader is one old and one young. Although the old man is wearing a ghost costume, his face is extremely majestic.

And what about young people?

It was an extremely handsome young man...the two walked side by side, heading towards the eight hundred li Huangquan...


The adults can play or do nothing during this trip, but—one point, don't let any evil ghosts go..." Zhou Ye told Qin Huang: "Don't mess with the rules of the underworld, otherwise... Ah Cha will be angry at that time. , the little son-in-law is powerless! "

"The widow knows..." Emperor Qin said here, and looked at Zhou Ye with a complicated expression, "My son-in-law, it's so hard to deceive the widow!!"

"Haha... How could Lord Taishan say such a thing?? There is no status for eternity, only immortal officials that last forever. Is Lord Taishan not satisfied with the current life??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"Let me ask you, how did my grandson Chenxi get to your palace??" If Ying Zheng had not met his granddaughter by chance, he would not have known that his granddaughter was taken by his son-in-law...'s really...really...

"Cough cough... I said it was an accident, do you believe it?" Zhou Ye said a little embarrassedly.

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