Yesterday, she clearly said she didn't want it... In the end, she was still harmed by Zhou Ye.

Until then, she didn't know why the three mistresses were tossed like that by her own master... My own master is simply not human, that intensity, that speed, that style... She is a woman who has had children , were tossed and complained endlessly...

Of course, the so-called complaining is what she claims to be. In fact... that feeling made her addicted... In the end, she was even willing to open up all of herself to Zhou Ye... In short, it was the first time she was caught Zhou Ye took away the achievement of three links...

Hearing Fang Die's complaint, Zhou Ye smiled slightly... Just kidding, if he hadn't designed this beautiful woman, his soundproof barrier wouldn't have been made that big, and it would have directly enveloped the side house where Fang Die was... ... "That's not what you called me last night... but what you called..."

"Don't say it..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Fang Die covered Zhou Ye's face with flushed cheeks... If she asked this enemy to say all those shameful words, she would be embarrassed to death...

Seeing the smile in Zhou Ye's eyes, Fang Die couldn't help sighing... "Master... slaves are no longer perfect, slaves don't ask master to give slave family status, just ask master not to forget slave family, three Just come and see the slave's house at five o'clock..."

"..." Just as Zhou Ye was about to speak, he was interrupted by Fang Die again.

"Master, don't tell the three ladies about the matter between us..." After saying this, Fang Die sighed: "The slave does not want to make the master and the three ladies feel bad because of this... If the master wants Now...find a place where no one else can call your servants..."

After experiencing this feeling, how can you let Fang Die keep it? ?

All she was thinking about at this moment was Zhou Ye...

Her mind is full of Zhou Ye's figure... She can't wait to integrate her whole body into his body, and never distinguish each other...

"Huh, you're telling me to talk..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, covered Fang Die's little hand, and pulled it down... He said, "You don't have to worry about Xiuqing and the others..."

"No...enemy..." After hearing Zhou Ye's words, Fang Die was too anxious to call her master, so she called out all the nicknames in her heart. "Don't tell the madam... This is the only request of the slave... If you insist on telling the lady... Then, the slave will only die!!"

"..." Zhou Ye was dumbfounded for a while, was it so serious...

This is actually because he doesn't understand the women of this era...

You must know that since the Han Dynasty began to respect Confucianism, the eight words of filial piety, tidy, loyalty, faith, propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame have become the code of conduct for everyone... Of course, it does not mean that everyone abides by it. This criterion, but the folk customs are simple and true...

Under such circumstances, whether it is a widow's remarriage or a red apricot getting out of the wall, it has become the standard of shame...

There is a saying that is well said, and the words are terrible...

Fang Die really didn't want her and her master's affairs to be messed up all over the city... She wasn't afraid that the three wives were not strict, she was afraid that after her friend told the three mistresses about this, the enemy would became reckless...

At that time, which maid in the mansion was not strict with her teeth and spread the word...

She has nothing to do with herself, in the final analysis... She is a person who has died once, so what is she afraid of.

She was afraid that her enemy would be wronged... If Zhou Ye really walked down the street and was pointed at by others, she would be heartbroken to death.

Seeing the persistence in Fang Die's eyes, Zhou Ye sighed helplessly... "Okay, just do as you wish..."

With Zhou Ye's ability, how could he not be able to see Fang Die's mind?

While being moved by this beautiful woman, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of teasing interest in his heart... I just don't know if she will regret making such a sneaky choice when she understands her abilities better? ?


A wife is not as good as a concubine, a concubine is not as good as stealing... Occasionally, it is very interesting to have a secret meeting with a beautiful woman. Why do you have to expose it now? ?

Hearing that Zhou Ye agreed... Fang Die let out a sigh of relief... She chuckled lightly, and after kissing Zhou Ye's cheeks, she was about to pull Zhou Ye up... "Fellow, get up quickly. …”

"So early??" Zhou Ye looked confused...

You know, the gong of the fifth watch just hit the gong, and the fifth watch is the extreme? ? In today's terms, it's three or four in the morning...

Since Zhou Ye left World of Warcraft, it has been a long time since he woke up so early... Even in World of Warcraft, he was influenced by night elves and became a night owl...

"Fellow... you have to hurry back to the three ladies... go to sleep there... Be good!" Fang Die comforted Zhou Ye softly while helping Zhou Ye get dressed.

Zhou Ye was speechless for a while by Fang Die's sound of "Goodness"...

This sentence is usually said to women... I didn't expect that one day I would be said by a woman [good boy]?

However, this feeling is also full of novelty...

He knew that this was because Fang Die was deceived by his own face... There was no way, who told him that his face would remain unchanged for thousands of years as a young man? ?

This kind of full of royal sister fan is actually very interesting...

With such thoughts in mind, Zhou Ye let Fang Die help himself get dressed, and then returned to the hall...

At this time, are the three girls still resting on the couch in the inner hall?

No way, on average last night they

No one has lost four or five times...that is, four or five thousand strikes in seconds...until the sky is bright, they will not wake up.

Zhou Ye smiled and got into the middle of the three girls, and then... closed his eyes again... At this time, the decisive thing was to choose to sleep again.

silent night...

After the sky was bright, Zhou Ye and the girls got up to wash up...

"Mrs. Xiuqing is early..." Fang Die greeted the girls one by one while greeting the maid, and brought in all the toiletries...

It looks like she is very capable...

"Zhou Lang..." Xiuqing looked at Fang Die's back, and couldn't help but whispered in the ear of her husband: "Have you noticed? Sister Die seems to be very different today..."

"What's the difference??" Zhou Ye asked pretending not to know.

"When I first came to our house yesterday, although Sister Die was beautiful, she looked cold and cold, and she had the demeanor of a cold beauty, but looks like an iceberg has melted." Xiuqing continued: "And have you found it? Today's Die sister seems to be extraordinarily beautiful..."

Chapter 1827

Chapter 1827

More than ten miles outside of Jiangdu City, there is a temple called Xiaoyao Temple.

Because it is said that the Sanqing and Four Imperials enshrined in it are very effective, so there is an endless stream of men and women who go to seek fortune-telling...

Among them, there is a young girl in a light yellow shirt, accompanied by a maid, burning incense and praying in front of the main hall of Xiaoyaoguan...

Seeing her eyes closed, her face solemn, and her mouth reciting words, she was obviously very pious.

However, at this moment... a commotion suddenly came from behind her.

And the girl who was praying was unmoved at all, but—the maid beside her obviously didn't have the kind of determination she had...

Hearing the commotion behind her, the maid couldn't help turning her head in the direction of the commotion, and stepped to look.

I saw, far away from the gate, an extremely handsome young man, walking with a horse...

The people who come to pray for incense are naturally mostly women, and most of them are praying for their husbands or children...

They don't pray anymore at this time, they stand there together, watching the handsome man...

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