Seeing this, the maid couldn't help but eagerly said in her young lady's ear, "Miss, miss... Look at it... That man is so handsome!"


Hearing her maid's words, the girl opened her eyes slightly, glared at her maid in disgust, and then closed her eyes again and prayed... At this time, she was in no mood to see a handsome man... At this moment, she was working for I prayed for my two friends who went to the battlefield... I pray for their safe return.

Moreover, she is already entangled in love and sin, how can she have the heart to see what kind of Langjun...

One of them is Pang Yong, her childhood sweetheart playmate, and the other is Wang Sheng, her sweetheart... These two, she doesn't know how to choose, so what kind of handsome man is she still thinking about?

Seeing her young lady's appearance, the maid couldn't help but sigh...

As her own lady's close maid, of course she knew what her own lady was worried about.

If you choose one, the other will definitely be sad... and that's why my lady is reluctant to make a choice.

In fact, she knew that her young lady actually liked Wang Sheng... but she always treated Pang Yong like a brother, which was really sad.

At this moment, Peirong's heart was no different from what the maid had guessed. She was full of hesitation at the moment...

She likes Wang Sheng, but she doesn't dare to make a choice, because she is afraid that it will make Pang Yong sad... After all, they grew up together, and she regards him as her elder brother.



Just when the maid was scolding her young lady for being indecisive in her heart, the riot outside the Guan had spread to the inside.

She turned her head to look, and saw a handsome young man in a moon-white robe walking towards them...

"Miss...he's here..."

"Why are you so annoyed..." Peirong was already annoyed enough. At this time, the maid kept annoying her by her ear, and she couldn't bear it any longer... She was about to turn her head and scold her maid, but found that... ...I've hit the wrong person...

"Me?? So annoying??" Zhou Ye looked at Peirong with a surprised look on his face... "I don't know why this young lady said she was annoying??"

"..." Pei Rong looked at Zhou Ye's face and had to admit that her maid was right, this gentleman is indeed unparalleled... Facing Zhou Ye's question, Peirong hurriedly explained: "I'm sorry, this son, I'm not talking about you being annoying... I'm talking about my maid..."

"Miss... I'm here..." The maid shouted with a look of grievance... She was clearly standing to the left of her own lady, but her own lady spoke to the right... What's the trouble? ? Could it be that my lady is going to empathize and let go of love? ?

In fact, what this maid doesn't know is... all of this is from Zhou Ye's handwriting.

Isn't the purpose of his coming to Xiaoyaoguan just for Peirong? ?

even though--

He didn't like Xiao Yanzi very much...but - five hundred years later, it's still extremely interesting to be able to make a pair of artificial twins.

In particular, Pei Rong in front of her is not at all the old and fading appearance in the movie, but the appearance of a young girl in the period of Xiaoyanzi, which is really good.

Faced with Peirong's apology, Zhou Ye climbed up the pole, he said with a smile, "It's nothing, since I was scolded by the lady as soon as I came here, we are really destined, why don't I ask the lady to accompany me on the tour How about a trip to this Happy Holidays?"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the maid sighed...

It's a pity that this young master is late. If he had met Wang Sheng earlier, maybe his young lady would have agreed to his request...

No way, who told me that my young lady has a heart at this time? ?

However, the next scene made the maid completely stunned...

Facing Zhou Ye's invitation to travel with him, Pei Rong smiled slightly and said, "That's fine, just take it as compensation for the son..."


Hearing her own lady's words, the maid was stunned...Damn, this is not right... How did my lady change her sex? ? Hasn't she always been steadfast with love? ? And... didn't she like Wang Sheng?

Why did she actually agree to this young man's invitation? ?

Could it be that my lady is actually a face control? ?

I really misread you, miss...

As a matter of fact, the maid was really right about Peirong. With her character, she would definitely not agree to Zhou Ye's invitation...


Is Zhou Ye an ordinary person? Is this guy Zhou Ye the kind of person who likes to be a licking dog in an upright manner?

Obviously, he is not...

In other words... he is not the kind of dog-licking character at all... I took a fancy to it, as soon as the spiritual force field opened, it was easy to catch...

What? Are you saying this is too shameless? ?

Hehe... It's too tiring to be a good person, and it's easy to be deceived. It's better to be a person who does whatever you want... Otherwise, why did Zhou Ye go to great lengths to steal from all the worlds to get a power that disdains the multiverse? ? Is it just to be a good person, to be issued a good person card? ?

Oh, I came to help you match you with your future husband, and finally I got a sentence - you are a good person, why? Why? ? Is it stupid?

As an egoist, Zhou Ye would never do that, because that would be too nonsense...

cough, cough

far away, let's pull back...

And Peirong will have such a big change, precisely because of the influence of Zhou Ye's ability.

Otherwise, with her character, she would definitely decline Zhou Ye's invitation.

"It's so good... Miss please!!"

"Sir, please..."

With that said, the two walked towards the hall of Xiaoyaoguan together... and Peirong's maid seemed to be forgotten by Peirong.

"Miss...wait for me...and me..."

The maid chased after her with a gloomy face - leaving behind her the lamentations of a group of big girls and little daughters-in-law.

Chapter 1828

Chapter 1828

"Didn't you say, just take a tour of Xiaoyaoguan? Why do you want to come to the bamboo forest in the back mountain..."

At this time, the maid was walking down the mountain road in the back mountain of Xiaoyaoguan in a depressed mood. She was still muttering...

There was no way, as Peirong's maid, she could only watch her young lady in front, chatting and laughing with the handsome Young Master Zhou, while she was forced to follow from a distance, being forced to stuff her with dog food.

She was almost dying from being stuffed with dog food... However, at this time—the two people in front of her didn't show any restraint at all. She really didn't know why her young lady joined hands with those two people when she was with them. They didn't let them hold a hand, but when facing the young master Zhou in front of him, he let him hug him...

Really... just thinking about it makes Wang Sheng and Pang Yong feel heartbroken.

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