Pang Yong is completely stupid...

At this time, Wang Sheng also faintly woke up...

But before he opened his eyes, he couldn't help frowning...

Why did he sleep on his side just now? ?

Because the back hurts...

But Pang Yong turned him over, and his current posture became lying flat... However, this posture hit Wang Sheng's sore spot, how could he not be in pain? ?

However, looking at Wang Sheng frowning, Pang Yong suddenly felt that the expression on Wang Sheng's face in front of him was a bit charming...

When Pang Yong realized the thoughts in his heart, there were thousands of words in his heart that he wanted to say but couldn't.

"Brother Yong..." Just when Pang Yong's heart was overwhelmed, Wang Sheng also opened his eyes...

"You...I...?" Pang Yong pointed to Wang Sheng, then pointed to himself... "What happened last night??"

"I see Brother Yong, you're drunk... want to help you take off your armor...but you...but you just..." At this point, Wang Sheng couldn't continue, his face became pale. flushed...

What can he, a victim, say about this kind of thing? ?

Besides...he really felt a strange feeling last night...that feeling made him feel more comfortable than...


Looking at the blushing Wang Sheng, Pang Yong couldn't help but feel a chill...he hurriedly jumped off the wooden couch...and walked out of the tent..."I'll go out and be quiet..."

"Brother Yong, you haven't put on your pants yet..." Wang Sheng hurriedly shouted...

"..." Hearing Wang Sheng's words, Pang Yong also felt a chill down below him... He hurriedly turned his head and walked over, then picked up his pants and ran out...

Looking at Pang Yong's back... Wang Sheng was actually crazy...

He didn't know what was going on, except for the weakness at the beginning last night, he had countless opportunities to escape later, but he didn't run away... Instead... Could it be that he didn't really love Pei Rong, but Is it Brother Yong? ?

Could it be—is it precisely because of despair over this undeserved relationship that Pei Rong chased after him in anger? Just to make Brother Yong sad? ?

Once such a thought arises in Wang Sheng's mind, it will rush to his heart like waves...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case...

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he actually loves Brother Yong... In his heart, Pei Rong's face has gradually faded away, replaced by the mighty image of Brother Yong fighting bravely on the battlefield... In particular, every move and every move fascinated him so deeply...

[Spiritual suggestion-completed! 】

Just as Wang Sheng was gradually being bent there, Zhou Ye also opened his eyes. He just felt the hint seeds he left in Wang Sheng's heart sprout, so he woke up...

"Hey hey hey... I have made another great love couple, this is really great!!" Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing and said to himself: "A good deed every day, the goal is achieved... Please call me—— Good man Zhou Ye!!"

"Friend..." Awakened by his words, a beautiful face appeared under his thin quilt... none other than Fang Die, his housekeeper and love interest. "Why did you wake up so early? Didn't you take a rest for a while??"

"Is this still early?? Don't you get up at five o'clock every day?" Zhou Ye laughed and teased the beauty in his arms.

"Isn't it your fault...?" Hearing Zhou Ye's ridicule, Fang Die couldn't help beating his crotch lightly twice...

Yesterday, because the girls had joined the battle in advance, so... Zhou Ye was free in the evening, so... he caught Fang Die and caused trouble all night...

To call Fang Die a disaster is that the sky should be called the earth is not working, and he almost called his father to beg for mercy...

So, Fang Die didn't get up early today...

"Hey..." Hearing Fang Die's coquettish anger, Zhou Ye smiled maliciously... His smile almost scared Fang Die to death... "My friend, I can't do it anymore... I really can't do it... Otherwise, I'll call those girls in for you, they've been coveting you for a long time..."

Of course Zhou Ye knew who the girls Fang Die was talking about...

It's the dozen or so maids he bought... In the end, they haven't been raised yet, and the ugly duckling hasn't turned into a swan yet, so Zhou Ye is not in a hurry to eat them right now... Let's talk about raising them for a while...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled, and patted Fang Die's pout lightly, "Those girls are not in a hurry, let's talk about it after a while, okay, get up quickly, I won't harm you..."

Fang Die was slapped by Zhou Ye's slap, and her heart was full of pain. She glanced at Zhou Ye with silky eyebrows... complaining and saying: "Bad guys...forget it..."

Of course she knows her master, in the morning is the happiest time... She has bumped into her more than once, her master is in the early morning, messing around with those wives in the back house... When she thought about it, My master must be holding back at this time...

How can she, who loves this bastard so much, have the heart to let him suffer a little bit of grievance? ?


While complaining to herself, she got into the quilt again... Then... the quilt began to move up and down like waves.

At this time, Zhou Ye squinted his eyes slightly, looking at his quilt with a smile on his face...

Sister Yu knows how to love others... Sure enough—it’s better for a loli to be like a loli, and it’s better for a sister like Yu


With such thoughts in mind, Zhou Ye began to close his eyes and enjoy, Fang Die's good morning bit...

Chapter 1836

Chapter 1836

In the city of Jiangdu... the prosperity is still...

From the south to the north...there is an endless stream.

Still the same restaurant, still the same table... still, the same drinker.

At this time, Pang Yong was sitting at the table very depressed, drinking bowl after bowl of wine...

Yesterday he was because of love, but today...he is because of the disaster of men and women.

In the restaurant, apart from Pang Yong, there were no other guests... No way, he was probably the only one who came to drink early in the morning.

The waiter stood idle in front of the counter, chatting quietly with his shopkeeper.

"Shopkeeper, do you think something happened to the general's house?" The waiter in the shop whispered, "I was drunk at our place yesterday, and today I came again early in the morning... It hurt me Being complained by the chef..."

"Don't worry about it..." The waiter just came here, so it's normal that he doesn't know Pang Yong, but the shopkeeper knows Pang Yong, after all——Pang Yong is the captain of Jiangdu City, how could he not know him? Pang Yong?

When he found out yesterday that Pang Yong exchanged the jade pendant for wine money, he didn't dare to accept the jade pendant, but returned the jade pendant.

Fortunately, that Mr. Zhou settled General Pang's drink bill yesterday... so he didn't lose money, but today... General Pang came to drink again... It seems that this drink can't be escaped by himself. fate...

Hey, I really hope that generous Mr. Zhou will invite this General Pang to drink again... Then I can save myself a fortune.

Just as the shopkeeper was feeling emotional... Suddenly, a voice came from the door. "Xiaoer, I'm coming to drink..."

Hearing this voice, whether it's the waiter or the shopkeeper, the spirits are shocked... No way, who doesn't like big customers in business? ?

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