Especially those who are not short of money like Zhou Ye...

"Yo, Mr. Zhou, you are here..." Without waiting for the shopkeeper's order, the waiter greeted him with a smile on his face, "It's really early for you..."

"What's so early, isn't there someone earlier than me?" Zhou Ye smiled and pointed at Pang Yong...then waved his hand unceremoniously, "Okay, I'll find a place to sit by myself, you pick it up Just serve me wine and food..."

While talking, Zhou Ye went straight to Pang Yong's seat... "It's early in the morning, I'm here for a drink... I'm very interested..."

Seeing Zhou Ye, Pang Yong was taken aback...Looking at the familiar young man in front of him, he thought for a long time, and finally remembered...Isn't this the buddy who gave him a drink yesterday? ?

Remembering that he was also responsible for his drunken sex, Pang Yong couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Brother, you hurt me yesterday..."

"I?? Harmed you??" Zhou Ye walked to the bar, sat cross-legged, and asked curiously: "Why did I harm you?? Could it be that you had a headache because of a hangover this morning?" , that's why you blame me?? This is wronging me... The wine is fragrant, but it's on the top, but it's okay... just have a few more bottles the next day and vote for it!!"

While Zhou Ye was talking, he took out two bottles of Erguotou from his pocket and put them in front of Pang Yong... "Come on, vote, just vote!!"

"..." Looking at the white wine in a fine porcelain bottle in front of him, Pang Yong smiled wryly...

What can he say? ?

Could it be that he told Zhou Ye that he messed up after drinking last night and messed with his brother? ?

He can't say that...

Thinking of this, Pang Yong sighed. "I don't need it today..."

"Don't... this wine, the more you drink it, the better it tastes... I see that my dear brother is still looking worried today, and I just need my worry to help you get rid of it!!" Zhou Ye said, Without any explanation, he filled the wine bowl in front of Pang Yong again... "Come on, we have met in this wine shop for two consecutive days, which means that we are destined, and for this fate, let's have a drink!!"

As he said that, Zhou Ye directly picked up the wine bowl, and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing Zhou Ye so happy, Pang Yong was too embarrassed to stop drinking...

He had no choice but to pick up the wine bowl and drank it in one gulp.

I have to say that when I drank with Zhou Ye yesterday, he was almost half-drunk, and he didn't taste the taste of the wine at all, but... Today, drinking again——I feel that the wine is extremely powerful, Really good wine...

Watching Pang Yong drink it all down, Zhou Ye clapped his hands and laughed, "This is a real man... Come, let's have some food..."

At this time, the waiter also brought up the cold dishes...

After the two of them ate two mouthfuls of food, they started chatting...

Today, Pang Yong's conversation was not very happy, and he still listened to Zhou Ye's nonsense... However, Pang Yong couldn't help asking: "I don't know why my brother has been to so many places at such a young age. Woolen cloth??"

"Hahaha... Traveling thousands of miles is worse than reading thousands of books... I read these travel notes from miscellaneous books..." Zhou Ye laughed.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Pang Yong couldn't help being awed... Scholars are very respected in this era. "I didn't expect my brother to be so knowledgeable. He turned out to be a scholar... Pang is really ashamed..."

"Haha... I am a scholar who is useless... I just read too many idle books!!" Zhou Ye humbly asked, "I don't know why Brother Pang is worrying, why don't you tell me, maybe I can enlighten you. Where is Brother Pang One or Two??"


Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Pang Yong hesitated for a while...

In other words, he and Zhou Ye are just two-sided friends, and the worries in their hearts should not be shared with him.

But... when people are bored, they always want to find someone to talk about...

Sometimes it's hard to speak out if you are too familiar with friends, and it's easy to spread among friends...

And people who meet by chance and are not very familiar with each other are better people to confide in... After everyone finished talking about the big deal, they patted their buttocks and broke up, and never saw each other again...

Coupled with the strength of the wine, the fishing net that Pang Yong confides in is even bigger...

It's just that he is hesitating, how to speak...

And Zhou Ye didn't urge Pang Yong, he just took a leisurely sip of food, sipped wine, and waited for Pang Yong to speak in a leisurely manner...

Why did he come here today? To drink with Pang Yong? ?

Isn't it for the fulfillment of a great love between men and men? ? If this is not the case, he might as well play a game with the girls if he has some free time... Is he free to drink with a big man? ?

The great life mentor, the angel who spreads true love—Zhou Ye, at this moment, is waiting for Pang Yong to speak...

It's fine if he doesn't speak, as long as he speaks...

Zhou Ye has the confidence to completely turn him and Wang Sheng into a pair of gods and immortals who will never leave... If it really doesn't work, there are spiritual hints... Hehehehe... Those who make big things don't care about trivial matters, cheating Just cheated... What are you afraid of, it's not that you haven't cheated?

Chapter 1837

Chapter 1837

After hesitating for a while——

Pang Yong finally spoke...

"Brother Zhou, you have a lot of knowledge, but did you ever know that there is love between the same sex?" Pang Yong racked his brains and said such a sentence.

After finishing speaking, he pretended to hide it and said: "Well... I just asked a friend of mine. He fell in love with a man recently... As an elder brother, I was very worried... That's why I came here to drink away Sad..."

"Hahaha...what am I supposed to do!!" Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing when he heard Pang Yong's words: "This kind of same-sex love has existed since ancient times...and it's a kind of elegance... "

"What? It's been there since ancient times?? It's also elegant??" Pang Yong was shocked...fuck it, the ancients are so tired...

"Warring States Policy · Wei Cezhong, there is a recorded love story between King Wei and Lord Longyang..." Zhou Ye said, sitting up... Then, he began to describe the story of King Wei and Lord Longyang vividly ...

After the lecture... Seeing that Pang Yong listened seriously, he simply kept on doing nothing, and told him the story of King Chuxuan and Lord Anling...

Hearing Zhou Ye's description... Pang Yong's heart was also influenced unconsciously...

It turns out that there are so many people who love the same sex... Moreover, all of them are emperors...

This... this is really...

Just as Pang Yong was being twisted bit by bit by Zhou Ye's story, suddenly, a cry of Brother Yong attracted his attention.

I saw, at the door of the restaurant, a thin figure was standing there... If it wasn't Wang Sheng who made him tangled up, who was it? ?

"Brother Yong..." When Wang Sheng saw Pang Yong, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face...

He walked towards Pang Yong quickly, but the walking posture looked a bit weird... as if his legs were hurting.

"Brother drink less wine, too much wine will hurt your body..." Wang Sheng said while sitting beside Pang Yong, and then called the waiter to pour some water... Sober up his brother Yong...

"You... why are you here??" Pang Yong looked at Wang Sheng with embarrassment on his face...

To be honest, I don't know why, but he felt that Wang Sheng today was a bit charming... Especially on him, there was a faint scent of rouge...

"I heard from my brothers in the army that Brother Yong went out to drink early in the morning... I was afraid that you would get drunk again, so I came to look for you..." Wang Sheng said affectionately, while looking vigilant Looking at Zhou Ye...

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