After Zhou Ye laughed for a while, he stopped laughing...

I have to say that the love between these two people is really loyal... In order to stay together forever, the two gave up their bright future in the army and left their military status... So they left their hometown and planned to find someone whom no one knew. The place where the two of them started a new life.

After all, Jiangdu City is the place where they grew up, and there are too many friends and relatives here...

In case someone else finds out about the two of them, then—just relying on gossip, they can be crushed to death.

They are not the King of Wei and Lord Longyang... nor do they have the monstrous power to suppress all the gossip, so they can only leave their hometown... find a place where no one knows them, and start a new life .

After watching the figures of the two disappear on the horizon... Zhou Ye smiled and clapped his hands, then turned to Pei Rong and said, "Let's go back too!!"

"Yeah!" Pei Rong nodded...

So, Zhou Ye and his party took the maid and walked towards the city...

"Husband, I'm bored at home and want to find something to do..." Pei Rong walked with Zhou Ye and said, "Why don't you let me open a rouge and gouache shop to supplement some household expenses!!"

"Subsidize the family??" Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... Is he short of money?

No shortage……


It is still negotiable to let Pei Rong open a shop...

Why? ?

Think about it, it would be more convenient for Zhou Ye to open a shop for rouge and gouache, and the people who come and go are all young ladies and so on... So what, isn't it?

"Alright..." Zhou Ye nodded with a smile, and asked, "What name do you plan to name the shop?"

"Just call it Huiyanzhai..." Pei Rong blurted out a name.

Hearing this name, Zhou Ye could only say - the inertia of history is so great.

It seems that in the movie, the shop run by Pei Rong is called Huiyanzhai, right? ?

However, this is also good... The inertia of history has its advantages. For example, the female guest played by Liu Yan may also go there...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled and said: "Good name, let's call it this name..."

While talking... everyone has returned to the Zhou Mansion.

In the back house, Zhou Ye told all the girls about Pei Rong's idea of ​​running a store...all the girls agreed in unison.

They were almost bored at home too, and it was time... to find something to do.


just do it...

Find a shop, buy a title deed, decorate... and so on...

Turn all the girls around...

In the final analysis, except that Pei Rong was born in a merchant's family and had some business knowledge, the other women knew six things about business and knew nothing about it.

However, fortunately, they are all extremely intelligent... They are also very quick to learn things.


a month later—

A shop named Huiyanzhai opened.

This shop doesn't sell other things, it only sells all kinds of rouge powder and gadgets commonly used by girls...

As soon as it opened, all the ladies in the city came to join in the show...

After all, there used to be no rouge gouache shops in Jiangdu City. If they wanted rouge gouache, they had to ask a merchant to buy it from Suzhou, more than 200 kilometers away.

Many of the rouge and gouache brought by the merchants are not attractive to them... But, it is different now.

In Jiangdu City, there is also a rouge gouache shop of their own...they can choose their favorite rouge gouache.

I have to say... the nature of a woman to love beauty is to be strong.

When Huiyanzhai opened, almost all the ladies from rich families in Jiangdu City came, and the carriages were lined up from the street to the end of the street... For a while, the huge Huiyanzhai became a country of daughters, a land of yingyingyans. Yan's... is very lively.

At this time, Zhou Ye did not go to Huiyanzhai...

After all, there are too many people there now... Besides, they are all ladies from various families, so it is not suitable for him to go there as a gentleman.

So what is he doing now? ?

Zhou Ye is drawing at home right now...

As a loyal dog, Xiaomeng naturally stood by his side... watching Zhou Ye paint.

I saw that the paintbrush in Zhou Ye's hand was swaying on the white paper like flowing clouds and flowing water. Soon, a lifelike picture of a lady appeared under his pen.

"Master... this woman is far less beautiful than Xiaomeng, why did you draw her?" Xiaomeng asked curiously.

"Because she has a pair of good babies..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Sixty-five e..."

Chapter 1839

Chapter 1839

At this time, Zhou Ye had already drawn the picture of a lady in his hand...

To say how artistic Zhou Ye's paintings are is pure nonsense...

Although he has supreme supernatural powers, but... he has not practiced seriously for a day. All his strength is obtained by trickery.

However, regardless of whether he got the power by chance or not, his power is already enough to dominate the entire multiverse at this time...

The power is there, but the state of mind is not, so...the so-called meaning is born from the heart, the painting is like the person - just looking at it will make people die suddenly, there is no such thing...the words in his pen are just a picture Ordinary

The lady portrait of...

Even, there is no artistic conception in the painting... If there is something to say... Well, the pair of sixty-five e in his painting is quite vivid... Even through the clothes, you can feel the pair of babies rushing to face The artistic conception that comes...

After blowing lightly on the drawing paper twice to dry the brush and ink on it, Zhou Ye casually handed the painting in his hand to Xiaomeng...

"Master??" Xiaomeng took the painting with a dazed expression, and looked at her master without knowing why. She had no idea why his master wanted to give the painting to her...

"Hold this painting..." Zhou Ye touched Xiaomeng's head with a smile, and said, "Go to Huiyan Zhai to see, did the woman in the painting go there..."

"What if I see the woman in the painting??" Xiaomeng asked dumbly.

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