"Remember exactly where she lives...you don't have to worry about the rest..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Okay, master!!" Xiaomeng nodded vigorously, then folded the painting carefully, and stuffed it into her bracelet... "Then I'm going, master!!"

"Well, let's go..." Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hand... indicating that she can go.

Xiaomeng smiled and waved goodbye to her master, then bounced and walked outside...

Leave the matter to Xiaomeng, Zhou Ye can rest assured...

Don't look at Xiaomeng who is sometimes cute and cute, but she will never refuse her orders, and she promises to follow Zhou Ye's orders.

In this regard, Zhou Ye is very confident...

Now that the matter was handed over to Xiaomeng, Zhou Ye was free again... What should he do at this time?


How about, let's go to Fang Die to play...By the way, experience...the feeling of secretly...

With this in mind, Zhou Ye walked towards the room where Fang Die was...

Not to mention Zhou Ye who was Xuanyin during the day, just talk about Xiaomeng.

Bai Xiaomeng walked towards Huiyanzhai bouncing all the way...

The neighbors on the street, seeing Xiaomeng's happy appearance, couldn't help but smile knowingly...

There is no way, you can do whatever you want if you are cute... There are very few people who don't like Xiaomeng...

But they also know that it's okay to say hello to Xiaomeng on weekdays... But, don't think about her... There was a habitual offender who took pictures of Hanako and wanted to abduct Xiaomeng... What happened? ? Xiaomeng is safe and sound, but the pair of human traffickers, neither alive nor dead...

Want to abduct a demon? Those human traffickers are really looking for death...

Xiaomeng responded to the neighbors who greeted her...while running towards Huiyanzhai...

The place where Huiyanzhai is located is not far from the Zhou Mansion, only two streets away. According to the current counting method, the straight-line distance is 500 meters. About a thousand meters.

When Xiaomeng rushed to Huiyanzhai bouncing around, all the girls were busy...

There are really quite a few female guests here today... They are all so busy that they are a little dizzy.

Just after sending a female guest out of the gate, Xiuqing saw Xiaomeng walking towards here, and she asked with a smile: "Xiaomeng, why are you here? Why aren't you at home to serve your husband?"

"Master gave me a task..." Xiaomeng said with a smile.

"Oh? Your husband actually gave you a task??" Hearing Xiaomeng's words, Xiuqing couldn't help asking curiously: "What task?"

"I won't tell you..." Xiaomeng said without hesitation: "A task is a task... Sister Xiuqing, don't ask!!"

"Okay... I won't ask!!" Xiuqing smiled and shook her head. Although she didn't know what the task was, she knew what task her husband would give Xiaomeng...except for women, He shouldn't be interested in anything else...

Thinking of this, Xiuqing grabbed Xiaomeng's hand and said, "Just in time...we're all so busy...Xiaomeng, you can help too..."

"But I still have tasks..." Xiaomeng was a little afraid that it would delay her master's role...

"You can do tasks while helping out!!" Xiuqing said, holding Xiaomeng's hand and walking inside...

Soon Xiuqing dragged Xiaomeng into Huiyan Studio... Pointing to a pile of selected rouge and gouache next to her, she said, "Help me tidy it up... Please, Xiaomeng...I have to greet the guests... ...!!"

With that said, Xiuqing walked quickly towards the inner room of Huiyanzhai.

Here is divided into two halls inside and outside...

The outer hall is used to greet guests, and the inner hall is used to entertain distinguished guests, and at the same time, guests can ask about makeup...

The so-called asking about makeup is actually to try which rouge and water powder is more suitable for you... You know, women have always been careful about their own makeup, and they have been picky since ancient times.

Of course... There is no free trial service here, and you can only ask for makeup if you are sure you want it.

At this time, all the girls are helping several female guests in the inner hall to ask about makeup.

In the outer hall, besides Xiaomeng, there were only a few servant girls left to help.

The maids were also busy hitting the back of their heads with their heels... So, Xiao Wei could only sigh and began to help clean up...

Fortunately, when Huiyanzhai first started preparing, Xiaomeng came here to help, so it is easy to do it...

Soon, she tidied up the messy rouge powder...

Xiaomeng, who was free again, simply sat in the hall, watching the ladies and ladies coming and going in the hall, carefully sizing up their faces...

Although Xiaomeng looked at others so blatantly and constantly, it seemed very unruly.

But——when those ladies and ladies saw the cute Xiaomeng, they couldn't help but smile knowingly, and ignored it... She looks young and cute—it's just taking advantage.

During the talk...

Almost two hours have passed...

However, Xiaomeng still did not see the woman in the portrait of her master appearing...

At this time, Huiyanzhai's customer flow gradually became scarce, after all——Jiangducheng is like that.

Big, the ones who should come, almost all of them are here... A girl from a small family will not rush to come here at this time...

Chapter 1840

Chapter 1840

Just when Xiaomeng was about to give up and go back to report that her master hadn't been found...

A gorgeous carriage stopped at the door of Hui Yanzhai, and then...a girl in a light pink Hanfu dress, accompanied by a maid, walked down the wooden steps from the carriage.

This young girl, with an arrogance on her face... walked into Huiyan Zhai under the welcome of the door clerk.

As soon as she walked into Huiyanzhai, the eyes of Xiaomeng, who was bored in the outer hall, suddenly lit up... "I found it!"

"What did you find??" Hearing Xiaomeng's self-talk, the young lady immediately asked with an unhappy face, "What did you find? Why is your maid so rude? When she saw me, she said what did you find..."

"..." Leng Yue, who was about to go forward, suddenly turned cold from her original smiling face...

What is her identity... Although An Guo is not big, she is more or less a princess.

Although, since she followed Zhou Ye, she has never put on the airs of a princess... Moreover, she gets along very well with her sisters... But this does not mean that a stranger can casually scold her...

"What are you?" Leng Yue snapped back immediately... "How dare you say that our little sister is a servant??"

Xiaomeng is Zhou Ye's servant in name, but in fact, no one really dares to treat her as a servant... Moreover, even the maid at home calls Xiaomeng Miss...

The girls also prefer this pistachio in their own home... Although they occasionally tease her, no one is willing to really scold her.

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