Although they always answer the customers saying...their husband is not in the store, but only occasionally come to the store to take a look...but those customers still refuse to give up and insist on pestering the girls to meet their husband Can't...

In desperation, the girls would occasionally meet the demands of some wealthy customers and invite their husbands over... sit here...

To put it bluntly, these women are using their men as advertising stars...

However, once or twice, three times or four times, Zhou Ye became a little impatient... So, he said that he was not sure to go to Huiyanzhai again.

This is very bad for the girls, after all, if your man is always absent from Huiyanzhai, after a long time, those high-profile female guests who come after him will not patronize Huiyanzhai again.

As an economically minded Pei Rong, how could she allow such a thing to happen? ?


On a dark and stormy night, Pei Rong and all her sisters... collectively advised Zhou Ye...and asked him to appear in Huiyanzhai at least three times a month...

Of course, Zhou Ye flatly refused...

It's not that he has never been a star...

You know, in the first world, he was a world-class supermodel... The life under the spotlight has already annoyed him so much, how could he easily agree to such a thing? ?

In this regard, Pei Rong and other women have long expected...

So—they sacrificed their magic weapon—that is—Fang Die and her daughter...

At this moment, Xiaorou is almost fourteen years old, and it's time for her to be cute...

Faced with such a temptation... Zhou Ye, of course - we will talk about it later?

After eating up Fang Die's mother and daughter...Zhou Ye directly played the trick of turning his face and denying others... Just kidding, taking what he had already ordered in exchange for his freedom, that was a dream...

In the face of her husband's unreasonable behavior, the girls were immediately dumbfounded...

However, at the suggestion of the newly joined sister, Xu Luo...the girls changed their minds...

【Zhou Lang... don't you want to see how many beautiful girls there are in Huiyan's Zhai? 】

【Ye Lang——Go, it's a big deal, which one do you like... We'll help you take her down...】

【That's right...】

[Zhou Lang, you know...they go to Huiyanzhai to buy rouge and gouache, but there are many beautiful girls...don't you really want to see them? Maybe there is a type you like? 】

Faced with such persuasion, Zhou Ye said...he was shamefully moved...

In the end, after paying the price of not being able to go to the ground for three days, the girls got Zhou Ye's promise to sit in Huiyanzhai on the first and fifteenth day of each month.

Although they paid a heavy price, but—this also allowed the girls to get their husband's promise...

Making money is second, after all——Zhou Ye himself is not short of money.

The most important thing is - they like the feeling of standing next to their husband and enjoying the envious eyes of other women... To put it bluntly, they just love showing off.

As for...

Promised my husband, whoever he likes, they will help get started?


They think that their husband is still very picky, and he doesn't want all the fat and vulgar fans, otherwise——in the past two years, the Zhou family compound should have been replaced by a bigger house...Why? Because there are so many women that I can't pretend...

Of course, Zhou Ye is well aware of their psychology...

In fact, he is really past the age when a woman is a woman... He chooses a woman now, she wants to be beautiful, and she must have her own characteristics. The most important thing is - to be famous... For example, a certain woman The demon faller who hasn't appeared yet...

Why hasn't Xia Bing appeared yet? ? Does she have to come up with some weird things by herself to show up in Jiangdu City? ?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye couldn't help but sigh...

Today coincides with the first day of the new year... It's time for him to go to Huiyanzhai to sit in town...

Surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, although it looks very beautiful, but——he is almost tired of it... After all, this is not his harem in the underworld. Snapped……

That would be a bit boring...

After all, with his personality, he will take them back home after sex... But there are many of those girls that Zhou Ye still doesn't like...

Hey, let's not talk... Now that you have promised, you must do it...

"Little Meng..."

"Master..." Hearing Zhou Ye's shout, a white shadow appeared beside Zhou Ye. After breakfast, she went to the kitchen to steal it again... Faced with this situation, Zhou Ye couldn't help but sigh... Is this guy a wolf or a husky? Why doesn't he know if he's hungry or full?

Fortunately, Xiaomeng's figure won't lose shape no matter how much she eats... Otherwise, Zhou Ye would have forced her to lose weight long ago.

Chapter 1843

Chapter 1842

"Master...what's the matter??" Xiaomeng came to her master and found that her master was just looking at the chicken leg in her hand without speaking, and hurriedly passed the chicken leg in her hand: "Master, do you want to eat?" ?? Sister Fang made it, it's delicious..."

"...I won't eat it, Xiaomeng, you can eat it!!" Facing Xiaomeng's cute appearance, how could Zhou Ye bear it?

Want to grab her food?

In other words, he is indeed not hungry...

However, Zhou Ye couldn't help but look at Xiaomeng's flat belly again... Could it be that all the nutrition of this girl has been absorbed by the pair of babies before? I don't see her getting fat elsewhere, but her pair of babies tend to approach Xu Luo...

You know, Xu Luo is sixty-five years old... Besides, she is taller... more than 1.6 meters... And what about Xiaomeng? This cute guy is only less than 1.55 meters tall, but there are such a pair of treasures... I have to say... This fully explains what it means to be a real childlike giant...

"Master??" At this moment, Xiaomeng found that her master was looking her up and down... Moreover, her eyes were still hovering over her chest... Her eyes suddenly lit up... "Be shy Something?? Xiaomeng is always available..."

Xiaomeng is not at all against doing something very comfortable with her master, and even likes it a little...Of course, it is only limited to her master.

"Of course...cough cough...not anymore!!" Zhou Ye resisted, and swallowed the sentence [of course]...

That kind of thing, you can play at night... Now, the most important thing is to go to Huiyanzhai... "Ahem... go change your clothes, dress up, and go to Huiyanzhai with me!! "

"Good master!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xiaomeng nodded vigorously...

Although it's not about doing such a shameful thing, but——she can be by her master's side at any time, she is already very satisfied...

Soon... Xiaomeng finished packing...

A master and a servant walked out of the Zhou Mansion one after the other, and walked towards Huiyanzhai...

Along the way...the master and the servant chatted leisurely, all over the world...about everything.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Xiaomeng is just listening to her master... She completely meets the highest standard of a fan girl. No matter what her master says, Xiaomeng will look at her master with admiration...

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