After a while————

She didn't stop her chopsticks until Xia Bing couldn't eat even a single vegetable leaf...then swaggered up to the second floor...that was the room she reserved...although it's daytime, but—— She planned to visit the Zhou Mansion at night, happened to rest during the day...

Besides, with so much food, even if she wanted to investigate the movement of that monster now, she couldn't detect it...



I don't know how long I slept, but when Xia Bing opened his eyes, he felt that the entire room was extremely dark...

She got up, sat up from the wooden couch, and after a little relief... looked out the window...

At this time, it was already pitch black outside the window.

Xia Bing walked to the window, pushed open the wooden window, and looked outside...

I saw that in Jiangdu city at this time, except for the lanterns hanging at the door of the rich family, almost all places were dark.

"It should be midnight..." Looking at the quiet street, Xia Bing whispered to himself, "It's time to go see that monster..."

Having said this, she turned around and came to the couch, and took the long sword and all kinds of monster-hunting tools that she took off when she was sleeping, and then...she didn't leave the door, and jumped directly from the window go out……

If you want to subdue demons and eliminate demons, how can you do it if you don't have any skills? ?

Apart from other things, at least Xia Bing still has the ability to fight chickens and dogs.

She turned over and jumped onto the street, carefully avoiding several waves of patrolmen... Based on the information she got from the waiter in the shop during the day, she made her way to the Zhou Mansion...

Looking at the majestic gate with brackets and cornices in front of him, Xia Bing couldn't help laughing at himself: "In these days - it's better to be a monster than a human... hey..."

While teasing, Xia Bing followed the courtyard wall and began to circle around...

What is she doing? ?

Of course they were looking for the backyard of the Zhou Mansion...

After a while, Xia Bing walked around to the backyard of the Zhou Mansion, and she looked at the lantern hanging at the gate of the backyard...Looking at the big Zhou character written on it, she knew that she had touched the right place.

She turned her head and looked at the wall, then took a few run-ups, and dashed to the top of the wall...

Just at the moment when she rushed to the wall of the mansion...

In the back house, Zhou Ye, who was sleeping soundly surrounded by the girls, suddenly opened his eyes...

" it is!!" Zhou Ye pulled out an evil smile from the corner of his mouth, and then flew straight up... After crossing the encirclement of the girls, he landed on the ground...

Xiaomeng, who is vigilant by nature, also woke up at this time... "Master... there are thieves..."

"Hush!!" Zhou Ye gestured to Xiaomeng with a silence gesture, and comforted him: "Hey, go to sleep...I'll deal with this stupid thief!!"

"Hmm..." Hearing what her master said, Xiaomeng obediently agreed, then closed her eyes again...

With the master here, what is she afraid of? ?

At this time, Zhou Ye had already put on a robe casually and walked out...

There is no way, he is not very used to the clothes of this era... And, most of the time, the girls help him wear them... He is too lazy to wear it by himself...

Besides, once you put it on, you have to take it off after a while, what a hassle... He might as well go into battle in a vacuum.

After Lai Hao tidied up, Zhou Ye's figure disappeared into the room in an instant...

And at this moment——Xia Bing has already touched the back house...

"Tsk tsk... This monster is living a good life... This house is so big, I almost lost my way..." Xia Bing was talking to himself in a low voice while walking around in the back house of……

She has actually lost her way...

After all, the Zhou Mansion is a bit too big...and it's still dark, what the hell can she find?

At this moment...Suddenly, she smelled the aroma of food...

Smelling this fragrance, her stomach growled unbearably...

After all - it's common sense to wake up hungry easily.

After a little hesitation, she turned around and walked towards the place where the fragrance came from...

Of course she knew it was the kitchen, but—you can have the strength to subdue demons when you are full, right? ?

The door of Zhou's kitchen is usually not locked... Whether it's a maid or the master, when you're hungry, you can come here to get some food to pad your stomach.

Zhou Ye didn't have the habit of mistreating his subordinates. Besides, his maids were the lambs he had carefully selected, and he couldn't wait to eat them anytime.

It doesn't feel good to touch someone so hungry, doesn't he?

Xia Bing quickly followed the smell of the food to the Zhou Mansion's kitchen...

Borrowing the light of the ever-burning lamp in the kitchen, Xia Bing saw many snacks placed on the kitchen table...

What kind of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, what kind of mung bean cake... There are many desserts that Xia Bing can't even name... This immediately whetted her appetite.

What are women most vulnerable to? ? Of course it's all kinds of sweets... Seeing these beautifully made desserts, Xia Bing didn't care too much, jumped on them, grabbed a few and stuffed them into his mouth.

Chapter 1847

Chapter 1847

"'s can it be so delicious...

...Umm..." Xia Bing muttered while eating Zhou Mansion's snacks..."This is really not as good as a monster..."

And Zhou Ye, who had been following Xia Bing invisibly all this time, couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw Xia Bing's reincarnated appearance of a starving ghost...

Hey, you are a demon faller, you are not a foodie...

Did you come to my mansion just to have some snacks? ? What about your work ethic? Where is your sense of justice? ?

Just when Zhou Ye kept complaining about Xia Bing in his heart...

Maybe it's because the pastries are a bit too dry... She actually choked on it...

This made Xia Bing choke enough... She kept stroking her neck with her hands, and kept looking for water in the kitchen...

However, the kitchen of the Zhou Mansion is very particular. The large vat containing clean water is fastened with wooden boards to prevent floating dust from falling into the water.

And Xia Bing, who was so anxious, didn't notice that the big vat covered by wooden boards...

Just when Xia Bing felt that he was about to choke to death, a pottery bowl was suddenly handed over from behind...the bowl was filled with clear water...

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