She didn't care too much, grabbed the pottery bowl, put it in her mouth and drank it all down... in one gulp.

"Thank you, thank you... I almost choked to death..." Xia Bing, who regained his strength, handed the pottery bowl back and complained, "What kind of wine is this? Why is it so hot...?"

"Erguotou..." A faint voice came from behind her...

"Erguotou?? I don't think it's as good as Baiyingchun..." Xia Bing said here, and suddenly came to his there someone behind her? She sneaked into Zhou Mansion secretly... There is actually someone behind her?

Xia Bing, who was belatedly aware of it, hurriedly took a stride forward, distanced herself from the person behind her, and then turned around to look...

It doesn't matter, she almost didn't cry out...

The person who came was none other than the monster she guessed—Zhou Ye.

"..." Zhou Ye really wanted to roll his eyes looking at Xia Bing's fully guarded appearance...

This girl, the nerve reflex arc is too long, right? ? Does the empress still have the attribute of natural dullness?

"Are you a human or a demon..." Xia Bing is still very confident in her five senses. After all, she grew up under the training of her grandfather...

However, with such strictly trained five senses, she didn't notice Zhou Ye appearing behind could this not surprise her.

"Hehe..." Hearing Xia Bing's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but smile and said, "You sneaked into my mansion late at night, and then asked me if I was a human or a demon... Don't you think you are committing a crime?"

"Humph——to people, this is a crime, but——to demons, this is not a crime... This is called doing justice for the sky!!" Xia Bing was even more sure that Zhou Ye was a demon at this time... "You What kind of monster is it? Why are you lurking in Jiangdu City... If you can tell me a reason, then I will spare you..."

Xia Bing is not a demon slayer who likes to overturn the entire ship with one blow. Influenced by her grandfather, she feels that just like there are good and bad people, there are good monsters and bad monsters among monsters... Some monsters are because of Hatred is born, this kind of demonic hostility is extremely must be eliminated.

And some monsters are born out of love... Such monsters are generally harmless... On the contrary, they are cuter than humans.

Now, Xia Bing wants to find out what kind of monster Zhou Ye is...

"Do you think I'm a demon?" Zhou Ye looked at Xia Bing with a half-smile, and asked, "Are you so sure that I'm a demon?"

"Nonsense... If it's not a monster, how could you appear behind me without a sound..." Xia Bing said unceremoniously: "Monster, hurry up and show your original shape..."

"..." Zhou Ye sighed speechlessly... "Okay, since you have seen through everything...then——let me show you the demeanor of the Demon King..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xia Bing couldn't help pulling out his long sword... His eyes were fixed on Zhou Ye...

Demon King? ?

Hit the iron plate this time...

However, now that things are going on, it is impossible to shrink back...the only way is to bite the bullet...

Thinking of this, all the muscles in Xia Bing's body tensed up... As long as the man in front of him showed his original shape, he would be cut in two...

At this moment, Zhou Ye slightly raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly...

Then, a sound of glass breaking suddenly rang in Xia Bing's ears... Although she was a little surprised where the sound came from, but—she still didn't dare to take her eyes off Zhou Ye... …

She guessed that this must be the prelude to Zhou Ye, a monster who wants to make a big move...


The work of a cup of tea has passed...

Xia Bing found that nothing around him had changed...

What the hell? Could it be that the big move of this guy who claims to be the demon king is to smash the glass? ?

Seeing Xia Bing's searching face, Zhou Ye smiled...

"You're weird? Why didn't anything happen?"

"Don't talk nonsense..." Xia Bing, who was teased by Zhou Ye, was also a little embarrassed at this time... He was obviously just teasing her, but she was waiting for his big move seriously, this is really stupid... "Take my life—"

Xia Bing, who became angry from embarrassment, waved the long sword in his hand, and rushed towards Zhou Ye...

Regarding this, Zhou Ye just smiled... "You can't reach me..."

As Zhou Ye's voice fell, Xia Bing found in astonishment—not only did the distance between herself and Zhou Ye not shorten as she sprinted, but the distance between the two seemed to be getting farther and farther...

"What the hell is this??"

"It's just an application of the law of space..."

"Space? Law? What is that??"

"Do you think I will tell you...?" Zhou Ye smiled...

"Hmph, it's fine if you don't tell me... Miss Ben is not willing to listen!!" While talking, Xia Bing turned around decisively and ran away...

She's not really a fool...

With such a means of changing space, how can she, a little demon-fallen, be able to kill monsters? ? Thirty-six tricks are the best strategy... A good girl will not suffer from immediate losses, she will run away first...

And Zhou Ye, who was about to tease Xia Bing again, was speechless when he saw her turn around and run away...

This girl is really clever... Seeing the situation is not good, turn around and run away... Yes, not bad...


Can she really escape? ? Into his mirror world...

Did she think she could still run? ?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled...

He slightly raised his hand and waved at Xia Bing. "come back……"

As the voice fell to the ground...Xia Bing felt that the ground under her feet seemed to be moving towards Zhou Ye quickly...In an instant, she felt her back crashing into an embrace..." What to do??"

"you guess……"

"Let go of me... you silver demon..."

"Well said... I like this nickname..."

Then there was the sound of cloth being torn apart... Soon——Xia Bing let out a scream... "Ah————————————————————————————————————————!!"

Chapter 1848

Chapter 1848

Fang Die opened her eyes when the gong of the fifth watch came from the street.

At this time, the sky outside has not yet brightened, and it is the darkest period before dawn...

However, it was time for her to get up and get ready for the day's work.

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