In fact, Zhou Ye told her a long time ago that it doesn't matter if she doesn't need to get up so early... But, as a busy woman, Fang Die is already used to waking up so early.

As soon as Fang Die opened her eyes, she turned her head away and covered her daughter with a quilt... Then she turned over and got ready for a busy day.

Although the mother and daughter had already been wiped out by Zhou Ye, Fang Die did not want to listen to Zhou Ye's words. Since then, she lived in the inner house, and became one of the mistresses of the house from a servant...

In Fang Die's view, the first thing is that the rules cannot be broken... The second is that you can't make a bad head for other maids.

Oh, climb up on Zhou Ye's couch, and from then on you can jump the dragon's gate like a carp? ?

Wouldn't that make those maids who were already coveted by their masters even crazier?

Moreover, if she did this, would the maidservants in the future want to do the same?

Once it starts, it is not easy to stop the car.

What's more--my master treats his own woman very well, once this kind of thing gets out of her body, then those eccentric maids, don't change their ways to seduce their master every day? When the time comes...the maids will all become mistresses, so who will do the maid's work?

Buy another batch of maids?

What if this batch of servant girls also inherited the glorious tradition of the previous batch? ? If these batches of maidservants are bought at home, sooner or later there will not be enough space in the Zhou Mansion.

Therefore, Fang Die decided to set an example and let them know that even if they climbed onto the master's couch, their identities would still not change.

Of course, even so, Fang Die also knows that those little girls are all eager to let their masters do whatever they want, after all-they have reached this age.

While thinking, Fang Die got dressed...

After tidying up, Fang Die gently picked up the lantern placed beside the couch, lit the lantern on the ever-burning lamp in the house, picked up the lantern and walked outside.

She wants to go to the kitchen first to see how much food is left from yesterday, and then arrange the work for Zhou Mansion today.

After all - people depend on food, and Fang Die's daily work starts from the kitchen.

As soon as she walked out of the house, a gust of wind blew by, and Fang Die couldn't help tightening her skirts... The spring was cold, and it was a bit cold to walk out of the warm room suddenly, especially at this time it was early morning, Even more so.

After getting used to the temperature outside, Fang Die took the lantern and walked towards the kitchen...

Seeing that the kitchen door was open from a distance, Fang Die frowned, "Which little girl was so careless when stealing food, and forgot to close the door?"

While talking, Fang Die walked into the kitchen...

Looking at the case, the somewhat messy pastries... Fang Die was shocked...

She knew that although the maids in the mansion were sometimes very playful, they were all good girls who knew the rules.

After they had eaten the cakes, they definitely wouldn't make a mess here... Plus the door here was open... The first thought that popped up in Fang Die's mind was——Zhou Mansion was robbed?

"Not good..." Fang Die didn't feel sorry for these snacks. What she was afraid of was something wrong with her master... You know, although her master has great supernatural powers, but-it's easy to hide with an open spear and hard to defend against a hidden arrow... just in case……

Thinking of this, Fang Die couldn't care less, she turned her head and planned to shout... "Come here..."

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind her... A voice came over. "Die'er, don't shout..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Fang Die forced the rest of the words into her throat. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the voice. It didn't matter if it didn't matter, she was dumbfounded...""

No wonder Fang Die was so surprised...

At this time, Zhou Ye's image was indeed not very good...

I saw him holding Xia Bing in his arms, and the two are still in a state of seamless connection... Uh, how do you hold Xia Bing? ?

Ever seen a koala climb a tree? ?

If you imagine Xia Bing as the koala and Zhou Ye as the tree, you are probably right.

At this time, Xia Bing was stunned. She and Zhou Ye had actually been in the mirror world for almost a month... One can imagine what happened during that time.

However, when the two of them were having sex, she found that she could be seen by others... This made her feel bad...

"Let go of me... bastard... let me go..." Xia Bing beat Zhou Ye's shoulder desperately...

However, Zhou Ye remained unmoved...

He greeted Fang Die directly with a smile, "Die'er, I caught a thief stealing food... cough cough, well, I'll take this thief to find Yue'er and the others first..."

While talking, Zhou Ye just walked out with Xia Bing in his arms...

Xia Bing was almost crying from embarrassment...

The whole person is not well...

And Fang Die chuckled lightly, watching her master Zhou Ye hugging the woman she didn't know, and walking towards the back house...

How should I put it...

Of course she wouldn't really think that her master had caught a thief...

In her opinion, it must be that a certain girl has been misfortune by her master again...

Of course, she has actually experienced this kind of situation... But she also knows that, don't look at her master's face, she looks very evil, in fact... He is careful

Woolen cloth……

With his narrow mindedness, he would never let outsiders see the state of his woman.

Of course……

This situation of performing in front of other women has happened many times...

She has also experienced Xia Bing's state before, but after getting over the initial awkwardness, she gradually got used to it...

In fact, she has seen other hostesses being played by their masters like this. In fact, everyone is the same... On the couch, they also tried a way that is more embarrassing than this way with their own men. What is this? ?

Thinking of this, Fang Die smiled slightly, she should get busy... Maybe, I have to prepare an extra breakfast today...

Moreover, I am afraid that the family will add another person in the future...

While Fang Die was busy... Zhou Ye had already returned to his room with Xia Bing in his arms...

The sleeping girls were also awakened by Xia Bing's cry...

They looked at their man speechlessly, this--is this too ridiculous? ? ?

It's just that when I woke up, it seemed that my family was going to have another sister...

However, for Xia Bing's joining, all the girls still welcome Xia Bing's joining... No way, why did they find out that even though there are already many sisters now, they are still not the opponent of that bastard? ?

So - a special welcome meeting for morning exercise began.

Chapter 1849

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