Chapter 1849

"Bad guy, don't follow me...I want to divorce..."

Xia Bing walked in front angrily, followed by a grinning Zhou Ye.

It's almost noon now...

There are not many pedestrians on the street...

However, at this time, these passers-by, no matter men or women, all looked at the sun rising from the west, looking at a man and a woman in front of one another in the street.

The man—of course they know each other, the famous Mei Zhou Lang in Jiangdu City, who doesn't know who doesn't know? ?

As for the woman walking in front of Zhou Ye, they were not very familiar with it.

It doesn't really matter...

What really surprised them was... Zhou Ye, who was always sought after by women, was smiling and apologizing to this woman they didn't know?

This appearance really surprised them...

You know, who is Mishuro? That's a guy who is almost praised by women.

I have always seen him ignoring women, when did I see him like this? ?

And the sharp-eyed woman...recognized that the woman in front of her who was being treated tenderly by Zhou Ye was the woman who almost ran into Zhou Ye on horseback yesterday.

It took them by surprise...

Could it be——Zhou Lang likes such savage women? ? Or? ? Is this a ruse used by this woman? ? Playing hard to get? ?

Just when everyone was pointing at the two of them...

Zhou Ye had already grabbed Xia Bing's little hand... and said with a smile: "Okay, don't be angry... why are you divorced? I haven't married you yet, why are you divorced?"

"You..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xia Bing was aggrieved for a while... She raised her eyebrows and said coquettishly, "Don't you want to marry me?"

"How is it possible...??" Zhou Ye rolled his eyes, "You said you wanted to divorce, okay?"

"I don't care, anyway, I'm only allowed to say, you are not allowed not to marry me, if you dare not want me, I will show you to death!!" Xia Bing said angrily.

"Alright...I'll definitely marry you..." Zhou Ye replied with a smile.

It's impossible for him to coax Xia Bing like this...

This morning, the game was a bit too exciting... Zhou Ye accidentally played it off...

He originally thought that with Xia Bing's cheerful personality, he should be able to accept more serious games... So, he played a trick...

Relying on his fast enough speed, he played a sandwich sandwich with Xia Bing directly in front of the girls... Uh—Zhou Ye is the sandwich, and Xia Bing is the dish in the sandwich.

At Zhou Ye's inhuman speed, the whole scene was very, very...well, you can imagine...prompts—back and forth, sandwiches.

At that time——Xia Bing was ruined by the game...

Not only did he lose his strength... but he also yelled very delectable words...

So - when everything was over and Xia Bing's sanity recovered, he was in a bad mood.

It was the first time she met her sisters, and she was made into this look by Zhou Ye... Her image... Her status among the sisters... Will she be laughed at by the sisters from now on...

All kinds of thoughts made Xia Bing completely angry...

Of course, anger is anger... She was just losing her temper. If Zhou Ye really ignored her and let her be embarrassed, she would go back obediently after a while.


Then again...

Zhou Ye actually doesn't care if his woman loses her temper occasionally, and besides... this time, he really did go too far... So, it's okay to coax Xia Bing a little...

Cough cough, it's a bit far away...

Let's pull back...

In fact, when Zhou Ye caught up, Xia Bing was almost calm... She was just afraid that this enemy would play new tricks on her in the future, and she planned to scare Zhou Ye... However, when she divorced her husband When the words blurted out, Zhou Ye was still doing well, and she regretted it first.

She was really afraid that Zhou Ye would come down in a fit of anger, "Just rest, from now on you are you and I am me, and they have nothing to do with each other. 】

Then she couldn't find a tune to cry...

Fortunately, Zhou Ye is not the kind of guy who has a low EQ and can't hear his words...

That's why she just went downhill and quickly took the opportunity to reconcile...

"And... from now on, don't treat me like that..." Xia Bing's face was as red as a boiled shrimp when he said this.


When Zhou Ye hesitated, Xia Bing immediately felt tense... She hurriedly changed her mind and said, "At least you can't treat me like this in front of my sisters... I, I want to save face..."

"What kind of face do sisters want..." Hearing Xia Bing's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing... This girl's words were too blunt... Obviously, she was afraid that she would not want her..."Big deal, in the future, Let you also see how they look when I play like that... Aren't you being fair?"

"Okay, I want to see you play with Xiuqing like this..." Xia Bing is very interested in what the dignified Xiuqing will look like when she is quilt...

However, after finishing speaking, Xia Bing realized something was wrong...

Fuck, didn't you mean that you are not allowed to play like this in front of your sisters in the future? How did this happen in the blink of an eye? ?

Isn't she instigating

Is my husband bullying other sisters? ?

If the other sisters knew about it, would they be beaten? ?

Just when Xia Bing was hesitating, Zhou Ye had already held her hand and walked towards the east of the city... "Okay, don't think about it, the most important thing now is to help you get your luggage back from the inn ..."

"Hmm..." After Zhou Ye held his little hand in such a way, Xia Bing felt that his whole body had become dazed...

Unknowingly, she followed... What was being isolated by the sisters, what was encouraging her husband to bully the sisters... She forgot all about it.

After arriving at the inn...

Zhou Ye helped Xia Bing pack his luggage, settled the pre-dinner and room charges, and left the inn with Xia Bing...

And the waiter at the inn looked at the bounty in his hand with a dazed expression...

[This lady is really amazing. How many people have inquired about Mei Zhoulang from me, but I haven’t seen them succeed... That’s this lady, the information I inquired about yesterday, I got it today——in the future, please call I am Mishuro Raiders! 】

The above is pure bullshit...

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