In fact, ever since Xia Bing lived in the Zhou Mansion in an upright manner and appeared in Huiyan Zhai as the hostess...

All the girls in Jiangdu City are going crazy...

what's the situation? ? The locals haven't succeeded yet... They were actually caught by a foreigner? ? I can't stand it...

So they went around asking what kind of means Xia Bing used to win Zhou Ye's favor...

[Riding a horse almost ran into Zhou Ye? And after Zhou Ye left, he drew his sword and threatened? ? Have you ever declared on the street that you want to divorce your husband? ? 】

Chapter 1850

Chapter 1850

I don't know when...

A style of martial arts has become popular among the girls in Jiangdu City.

As a girl, if you go out without a sword, you are embarrassed to say hello to people.

What is even more exaggerated is that many girls with good conditions in the family no longer ride in a carriage, but buy a horse, and then ride on it. , how can you do it without a mount? ?

And Zhou Ye was a bit unlucky...

He didn't go to Huiyan Zhai anymore on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year...

Why? ?

Every time I go out, there will always be a girl running towards me on a horse... Are you fussing with her? They are girls... and although each one of them pretended to be unreasonable, but—the averted eyes when they faced Zhou Ye made people know what they were thinking...

This shit is obviously imitating the process of Xia Bing and Zhou Ye looking at each other, okay...

Facing these admirers, Zhou Ye really couldn't get angry...

If it was a serious and savage girl, Zhou Ye would never give her face except for what she liked.

But—these are obviously his little fans... What can he do?

Like a cold-faced cool guy, grab those girls and beat them up? ?

forget it……

Therefore, Zhou Ye can only dodge temporarily...

It's just that Zhou Ye became a little irritable after staying at home for too long...

After all, this is not the underworld, how big is the underworld...and there are so many women, changing tricks every day is enough for Zhou Ye to play for several years.

And what about the Zhou Mansion in Jiangdu City? It's only that big, and it doesn't take a few minutes to walk from the front of the yard to the back.

So - Zhou Ye wanted to go out to play...

Where should I go? ?

Um? ?

At this time, Zhou Ye suddenly thought of something... It seems that this year is the second year of Huanglong, that is, 48 ​​years BC...

Uh, maybe... Maybe... Brother Long is going to be unlucky...

Do you want to go see a good show? ?

Zhou Ye was lying on the recliner at this time, hugging Xiaomeng...while thinking about whether he should join in the excitement of the Protectorate of the Western Regions...

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Xiaomeng seemed to feel the state of her master's disorientation. She turned her figure around, facing her master, and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing..." After Zhou Ye said this with a smile, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Does Xiaomeng miss the prairie outside the pass??"

"Of course I thought about it..." Xiaomeng said obediently: "But, Xiaomeng prefers to be with the master... As long as you are with the master, it doesn't matter whether you are in the prairie..."

"You're the only one who can talk..." Hearing Xiaomeng's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but smile, and lightly scratched Xiaomeng's nose. "Okay...Since Xiaomeng misses the about we go back and have a look??"

"Okay, okay..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xiaomeng burst into joy...

However, for a moment she looked at Zhou Ye with some hesitation, and asked, "Is it just the master and Xiaomeng?"

Seeing Xiaomeng's hesitant to speak, Zhou Ye knew - Xiaomeng wanted to be alone with him...

In fact, he also knows... What Xiaomeng misses the most is the five hundred years spent with him in the mirror world...

During that time, the two of them could be said to be truly staying together and flying together...

However, seeing Xiaomeng like this, Zhou Ye couldn't help but want to tease her. "Why don't you call your sister Lengyue and sister Xiuqing too?"

"Then...well then..." Xiaomeng was obviously a little unhappy in her heart, but she still pretended to be generous and said, "Sister Lengyue and Sister Xiuqing haven't gone back for a long time... It's time to go back and have a look..."

"You..." Seeing Xiaomeng's sensible appearance, Zhou Ye couldn't bear to tease her... "I'll just take you back this time, how about it?"

"Are you really not bringing Sister Lengyue and Sister Xiuqing?" Xiaomeng blinked her cute big eyes with a look of disbelief.

"Really, of course it's true..." Zhou Ye smiled, and softly whispered into Xiaomeng's ear, "I also miss those five hundred years..."

"Master..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xiaomeng's face turned red...

How did the five hundred years pass? ?

Traveling in mountains and rivers, training—plus—all kinds of sex after turning into a human form...

Even after Xiaomeng transformed into a human form, in order to deliberately please her master, she deliberately turned into a half-demon state... Doing shameful things with her master...

What is a half-demon state? ?

of course----

with a wolf tail,

The animal ear girl with wolf ears is in a state...

Zhou Ye especially likes Xiaomeng's state... In that state, Xiaomeng looks almost cute...

And Xiaomeng's surname is derived from the color of her fur, and her name is naturally derived from her appearance in a half-demon state.

After Zhou Ye chatted with Xiaomeng for a while...

The two agreed on a plan...

After the girls came back from Huiyanzhai's busy work in the afternoon, Zhou Ye brought up this matter during dinner...

Of course, he wouldn't say that he was going to the Western Regions... he just said that he was bored in Jiangdu City and wanted to go out for a walk.

The girls agree with this...

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