After all, my man has been bored at home for too long, and he hasn't gone out for several months. It's time to go out for a walk...

Besides, men's ambitions are in all directions, although it is enough for their men's abilities that they don't need to go all over the place, but-after all, they can understand the psychology of their own men after all.

In fact, there was a reason why Zhou Ye didn't mention going to the Western Regions. If he said he was going to the Western Regions, Leng Yue and Xiuqing would be the first to take them away. If he took them away, would the other women take them? ? You know, Zhou Ye always prides himself on being fair, especially when it comes to treating his own woman.

It's not appropriate for you to wear this without that...

But——this time, Zhou Ye went to the Western Regions to watch the fun... You know, this time Brother Long was unlucky to face the Roman army.

There are bloody things on the battlefield, and such a scene is really not suitable for taking all the girls to watch.

Therefore, fortunately, Zhou Ye also concealed the fact that he was going to the Western Regions...

After everything is negotiated, the evening is naturally a madness before parting...

Knowing that my man may not come back for several months when he goes out this time, all the girls are not crazy? ?


In the early morning of the next day, when Zhou Ye rode his dream horse and led Xiaomeng on the journey...the girls were still in a deep coma.

This may be because the girls don't want to face the scene of parting, so they did it on purpose...

Zhou Ye originally thought that this trip was just a short trip, but he didn't will take him a few years...

Chapter 1851

Chapter 1851

Outside Yumen Pass...

A black steed, one and a half taller than ordinary war horses, was carrying the two of them, galloping leisurely towards Luntai City...

Of the two people on the horse, one was wearing a black Hanfu, with long black hair tied casually behind his head, while in his arms was a smaller figure in a white dress.

These two people are none other than Zhou Ye and Xiaomeng.

Since leaving Jiangdu City, the two of them have been running all the way... It only took three or four days to arrive at Yumen Pass...

This was already the result of Zhou Ye's deliberate slowing down, otherwise, if he let the Dream Demon Horse free himself and allowed it to gallop, it would have arrived in a day.

After all, it's not a real horse...

Looking at the majestic pass behind him, and at the endless prairie in front of him...

There was a surge in Xiaomeng's heart...

This can be said to be her home... Now, she is back...

Excited, she couldn't help being in Zhou Ye's arms, and Yang Tian let out a wolf howl [Aww——].

Zhou Ye smiled and let Xiaomeng howl loudly in his arms... At this time, Xiaomeng is a little more wild and beautiful...

I have to say...a person is beautiful, and everything is beautiful...

Wild beauty, soft beauty, intellectual beauty... Wait, no matter how you look at it, how comfortable it is——

If you are ugly, you are ill-bred, weak, glasses girl...wait a minute...

Hey, this face-seeking world...

Just when Zhou Ye was looking at Xiaomeng and spreading his thoughts... There was a wolf howling in the distance, as if they were echoing Xiaomeng...

"Hee hee... These guys still have a conscience, they haven't forgotten me..." Hearing the howling of wolves in the distance, Bai Xiaomeng could not help but smile. She turned around... and said coquettishly to her master: "Master, let's go and see Bai Da, okay?"

"Bai Da?? Who is that??" Zhou Ye asked in a daze, he was sure that he had never stopped with such a name.

"It's the few wolves left behind when I disbanded the wolf pack..."

Hearing Xiaomeng's words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while: "Uh——when did you name them??"

"No..." Xiaomeng showed an innocent expression on his face, "I never named them..."

"But didn't you just say...Bai Da..."

"Oh... this one!" Xiaomeng said solemnly: "I heard from Xiaorou that in the houses of other big families, servants have to bear the master's surname... and I am their king, my surname is Bai, so of course they The surname is also Bai... For the name, let's line it up like Bai Dabai Er..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... You are so right, I am actually speechless.

But—is it really okay for you to treat your subordinates as domestic servants who were born in a wealthy family? ?

But forget it... let her be happy...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye rubbed Xiaomeng's silver hair with a smile, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and see Baida..."

To put it bluntly, he came out this time to relax, and to watch Brother Long get beaten by the way...

For the rest, he has nothing important to do.

"Master is so kind..." Hearing what her master said, Xiaomeng smiled and pecked lightly at Zhou Ye's cock...then urged: "Quick, let's go over there..."

As she spoke, Xiaomeng pointed her finger in the direction where the howling sound of the wolf came from.

Zhou Ye smiled, turned his horse's head, and ran towards the direction Xiaomeng was pointing at.

Not too long ago, the two stopped in front of a mound...

I saw——

Around the mound, thousands of wild wolves squatted here and there, following the

With the arrival of Zhou Ye and the two of them, the wild wolves became a little restless. They kept growling at Zhou Ye and Xiaomeng, as if they were warning them not to get closer. And at the highest point of the mound, a wolf that looked like a calf and had gray fur was watching the two of them vigilantly.

After a while, it seemed to recognize Zhou Ye, and with a low growl, it stopped the commotion of the wolves, and then nodded at Zhou Ye...

"Yo, Bai Da, you don't know me anymore?" Bai Xiaomeng was excited when he saw the wolf...

She jumped directly from Zhou Ye's arms... and ran towards the hill...

And the head wolf looked at Xiaomeng who was running towards him with a dazed expression...

[Who is this woman? ? I do not know? ? 】

[Why did she come here? What does she want to do? ? 】

[Although this wolf is respectful to that man, it is because he is the master of the leader, who are you? ? 】

The wolf's fangs bared, and it roared at Xiaomeng... as if warning Xiaomeng not to come over.

At this moment, it was Xiaomeng's turn to look dazed... What the hell, why can't his subordinates recognize him? What's happening here……?

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