That's it...Zhou Ye took Xiaomeng, and Yin Po found a wine shop in the city...toast and drink.

During the banquet, Yin Po was if everything was the prefect's fault, cursing the prefect's house while complaining for Huo An...

That's really a character of the acting school, that aggrieved appearance, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a decent character who has gone through many vicissitudes.

However, Zhou Ye, who had already seen through everything about him, didn't say anything, just followed his words and continued...

After drinking and eating...

"How long does Lang Jun plan to stay here this time?" Yin Po asked pretending to be unintentional.

"I don't plan to stay anymore..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "I just wanted to find Boss Huo for a drink, but I didn't expect him to be in jail... It seems that if I want to find him for a drink, I can only go to the Yanmen is closed..."

"Yeah, this is really unpredictable..." Yin Po sighed deeply, and cursed: "If you want me to find out, who framed the guardian, I will cut him into pieces... "

"Hehe... Believe me, you will have a chance..." Zhou Ye smiled and patted Yin Po's shoulder... Then, he got up and said goodbye: "Okay, I've finished drinking, I should go too... ..."

"Where is Lang Jun going on this trip?" Yin Po hurriedly asked.

"Of course it's going to Yanmen Gate..." Zhou Ye smiled. "Since you are looking for Boss Huo to drink, how can you do it if you don't find his people??"

"But...the journey to Yanmen Pass is far away..."

"'s okay, no matter how far away, where can we go??" Zhou Ye said, waving his hand, "I'm leaving, don't send me away..."

Saying that, Zhou Ye led Xiaomeng out of the restaurant...

Watched by Yin Po, he stepped onto the Dream Demon and walked away...

Yin Po stood at the entrance of the restaurant until he could no longer see Zhou Ye's back, then sneered and said, "Hehe... Huo An committed a capital crime, so what if you go to Yanmen Pass? Even if you help him After overturning the case, the current Protectorate Mansion is my world... Huo An is no longer the chief protector of the Protectorate Mansion of the Western Regions..."

On the other side, Zhou Ye, who was sitting on the horse, said with a smile to himself, "That's not necessarily the case... Yin Po..."

"Master... That Yin Po is lying..." Although Xiaomeng is lacking in dealing with people and things, she can easily tell who is lying with her beast-like intuition. Who is telling the truth again...

"I know... I never believed a word of his at all!!" Zhou Ye laughed.

"But then you just..."

"It's just teasing him..." Zhou Ye patted Xiaomeng's head lightly... "Don't you think this kind of scheming person is ridiculous? Especially when you have seen through him , he is still performing his own looks like a clown trying to please you in front of you..."

"Master, you are so bad..." Hearing that his master actually teased that guy like a clown, Xiaomeng couldn't help but giggled and said, "That guy is so pitiful, look at his exhausted appearance, think about it." It's all fun..."


"Then master, where are we going now?"

"Of course I went to Yanmenguan..." Zhou Ye said here, and couldn't help complaining in his heart...Damn it, the guy who photographed the lion of the sky must have never studied geography...I can't bear it if hundreds of Romans ran to Shanxi That's right, one hundred thousand troops also ran to Yanmen Pass! The Romans are really a great army, and they directly crossed the entire Xinjiang and parachuted across the Mongolian grasslands to Shanxi!

This fucker - there are too many slots, Zhou Ye is tired of complaining... But maybe he can also go to Rome? ?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly at Xiaomeng and said, "This time, you can take your white big ones with you... There are a hundred thousand white goatmen to feed them... Are you happy?? "

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xiaomeng's eyes lit up immediately. "Really?? That would be great..."

Chapter 1854

Chapter 1854

Three days later————

Outside Yumen Pass———

The soldiers guarding the city were standing on the top of the city bored, looking into the distance...

To be honest, he will punish him if he does too much of the job of defending the city...

Unlike the soldiers below looking at the city gate, their duty is to stand on the battlements and look into the distance... Once there is an enemy situation, immediately ring the alarm gong at the top of the city... At that time, the whole city will also have a warning time……

However, in recent years, the Han court has been strong, and there are foreigners who dare to come and seize the customs... Therefore, the job of defending the city has become boring.

There were hundreds of soldiers at the top of the city, two or three stayed there, looking into the distance, and the rest gathered together... Holding chess sets, they played a game of lubo.

What is Lubo? ?

Lu Bo, also known as Liu Bo - to put it bluntly, is a board game, which is said to be the prototype of chess, but... also has a certain gambling nature.

The so-called gambling word for gambling comes from this.

Since it is a gambling game, there are naturally winners and losers.

The winner is of course grinning, the loser must mmp...

The winner wants to win more, while the loser wants to make money even more. For a while, the battle on the top of the city is fierce... There is a hardworking spirit that forgets to eat and sleep.

And the soldier in charge of looking out looked at them enviously... He actually wanted to play with his robe, but——

The reason is that there must be someone who is in charge of looking out here, and today's lottery happened to be him, alas... unlucky.

While lamenting his bad luck, the soldier looked down...

At this moment, he suddenly noticed something was wrong...On the horizon in the distance, there were hundreds of black spots rushing towards here...

The menacing appearance made the soldiers feel flustered... "Mr....Mr., come and take a look...something seems wrong!!"

"What's wrong, you kid is just making a fuss..." Hearing the shouts of the soldiers, the officer who was playing Liubo stood up reluctantly, walked towards the battlements, and said, "Don't rob me!" The location...wait, I'll take a look and continue playing..."

"Don't worry, Marquis, who dared to take your place..."

"Hahaha...that's right!"

A group of soldiers laughed and replied...

[The so-called military marquis is the highest officer who leads a group of soldiers, and a group is two hundred... In fact, to put it bluntly, he is not a high-ranking official. It's not something like Lord Hou. 】

At this time, the military officer had already arrived at the crenel, he held the crenel and looked out, and for a moment - he also saw the hundred and ten black spots in the distance... "Are these guys looking for death? "

In his opinion, these hundred and ten black dots definitely cannot be businessmen...

Although the merchants all rode horses, but-the various goods they brought limited their speed, and they would definitely not run wild like these guys.

Most likely, a small group of horse bandits...

However, it was only a small group of horse bandits who came to attack Yumen Pass? ? Are they here to seek death? ?

Even though he thought this way, the military officer did not dare to neglect at all... His duty is to keep an eye on the enemy's situation, whether it is a horse bandit or not, first ring the alarm gong before talking... Anyway, there is no big mistake in being careful. Thinking of this, he shouted Said: "Okay, brothers, stop playing, the fun is coming... Ring the alarm..."

Hearing the words of the military marquis, a group of soldiers also dropped their weapons, those with weapons took weapons, and those who knocked on the police gong knocked on the police gong...

With the sound of the police gong at the top of the city, the soldiers in charge of guarding the city quickly entered the city, and then closed the city gate...

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