Soon, the alarm gongs in the city also rang, and several other city gates were also closed...

A moment later, the guard of Yumen Pass also boarded the top of the city...

"What's ringing the alarm gong??"

"Reporting to the general, there are hundreds of bandits attacking from a distance, just in case, this subordinate ordered to ring the alarm gong!!" The soldier hurriedly saluted.

"Huh?" Hearing the words, the guard of Yumen Pass went to the crenel and looked out... Sure enough, there were more than a hundred horses galloping towards Yumen Pass in the distance...

Seeing this scene, he looked at the military officer standing beside him, and nodded, "You did the right thing, be careful..."

Speaking of this, the guard at Yumen Pass laughed. "A small group of horse bandits actually dare to spy on my big man's door, it's really courting death..."

"Hey...they are here as a gift for you...jun commander..."

"Gifts?? Why did you say that??"

"Isn't this one hundred and tenth horse bandit just the military merit that was sent to you?"

"Haha... well said!!"

Just when the two of them were holding each other, and the other was enjoying it...

The more than a hundred horse bandits they thought had arrived at the city...

"Open the door... open the door quickly..."

"General, please open the door, we are businessmen from the Western Regions..."

Hearing the words of those guys in the city, the general's expression froze... What's going on? merchant? ?

"Don't lie to us..." At this time, the military officer also shouted loudly: "You say you are merchants, where are your goods?"

"Our goods were intercepted by wolves..."

"Yeah, there are many, many wolves behind us... We left the goods behind in order to escape..."

"General, I beg you to open the city gate and let us in... We really didn't lie!!"

"Tch... there are more than a hundred of you, each armed with weapons, enough to deal with hundreds of wolves..." Hearing what the businessman said, the military officer said disdainfully: "You actually said that you were scared and abandoned by the wolves. Those who fled with their own goods... are you trying to deceive ghosts??"

"General...we really didn't lie..."

"Please, let us in..."

"A lot of wolves...we really...really saw a lot of wolves..."

Listening to the voices of the merchants... the general fell into deep thought.

Wolves? ? A merchant who abandons his goods and flees? ? Could this be cheating the city? ?

While the general was contemplating... Suddenly, a soldier's loud cry woke him up.

"Look far away..."

Following the sound, the general looked into the distance...

I saw - on the endless horizon in the distance, the original blue color of the grassland has been covered by a layer of gray color.

That color is like a monster on the edge of the sky, devouring the whole earth... It looks terrifying...

As the gray gradually approached...

The general finally believed the words of those merchants...

I saw a wave of wolves that could not be seen running towards Yumen Pass... This huge pack of wolves was rushing towards him like a gray-black tide.

"This this…………"

"...wolves, wolves...a lot of wolves..."

Chapter 1855

Chapter 1855

At this time, it doesn't matter whether it is the soldiers, or the military marquis and general.

They were all so shocked by the scene in front of them that they couldn't utter a complete sentence.

They have been guarding Yumen Pass for a long time, and they are no strangers to creatures like wolves, or it should be said - they can't sleep without hearing a few howling wolves at night...


The pack of wolves in front of them shocked all of them. It turns out that when tens of thousands of wolves gather together, it is such a terrifying thing.

Just when a group of officers and soldiers on the top of the city were shocked and speechless by the scene of thousands of wolves galloping.

The wailing sound from below woke them up...

"General...quickly open the city gate..."

"Please, let us in..."


Seeing the wolves approaching, the merchants who were locked outside the city were all scared out of their pants...

"General, you can't open the city gate..."

Just when the general was hesitating, the military marquis spoke...

"Now once the city gate is opened to let them in, what if the wolves also rush in??"

"This..." The general felt that what his subordinates said was right...but - without opening the city gate, he couldn't bear to watch those merchants being eaten by wolves.

Just when he was hesitating...

The wolves have already rushed outside the Yumen Pass... At this time, it is too late to open the city gate again.

He couldn't help sighing... As a general, it is most taboo to be hesitant before the battle, and he obviously committed a big taboo in the military.

Just when everyone thought the wolves would eat those merchants...

Suddenly, there was an incomparably loud wolf howl from the wave of wolves...

Following the howl of wolves, the wolves took a big bend in vain at a distance of 500 meters outside the city, and walked around the city...

Everyone was shocked by this sudden turn of events...


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