What's happening here? ?

The wolves stopped eating people? ?

What does their alpha wolf want? ?

"They...they are heading towards Mingze..."

"There, there is the territory of the Huns..."

"That would be great...let the wolves eat the Huns' cattle and sheep, and make them hungry!!"

"That's a good idea..."

The general was not as optimistic as the soldiers... He frowned, thinking why the wolves had to bypass Yumen Pass? ?

At this time... Suddenly the military officer beside him said loudly: "Look, general, there are people in the wolf tide..."

"Is there someone?" The general was startled when he heard what his subordinates said, and he hurriedly held the crenel to look out...

as expected……

In the gray and black tide of wolves, a tall horse stood out so conspicuously.

From a distance, he could only see two people sitting on the horse. They seemed to be a man and a woman by their figures... and by their clothes, they looked like Han people...

"Is this my big man's capable man??" Seeing those two figures, the guard couldn't help muttering.

"Maybe it's really my big man who is capable of commanding the wolves to drive out the Huns..."

In fact...the people in the pack of wolves are none other than Zhou Ye and Xiaomeng...

In fact, Zhou Ye was also a little depressed at this time...

He really didn't expect...

He just said that casually, and Xiaomeng made such a big battle for her...

What he didn't even expect was... Xiaomeng's subordinates are so powerful, they have almost gathered the entire wolves of the Western Regions under his subordinates after only a few years away...

This is him, if someone else, he might not be able to support the wolf tide composed of hundreds of thousands of wild wolves.

Based on the fact that one wolf consumes six to seven kilograms of meat a day, one hundred thousand wolves would consume seven hundred tons of food a day—this shit is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it would be fine for wild wolves to starve for three or four days after a meal, and it would not affect their physical strength too much.

Therefore, Zhou Ye was relatively relieved.

"Hee hee...Master, look quickly... Those guys who closed the Yumen Gate were scared by my wolves and closed the city gate..." Sitting in Zhou Ye's arms, Xiaomeng looked at the Yumen Gate guards in the distance. Facing the appearance of the enemy, he laughed and said: "They are so timid..."

"..." Hearing Xiaomeng's words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

Those guys are just ordinary people, okay... Even an invincible general who has been through battles for a long time will be shocked when he sees this tide of wolves.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled and gently rubbed Xiaomeng's long hair. "Shut up... We've been delayed for quite some time... It's time to speed up..."

"Hmm..." Hearing what her master said, Xiaomeng nodded obediently, and then raised her head, and there was another long wolf howl...

With the sound of her howling wolves—the wild wolves at the front of the wolves suddenly accelerated their running speed, and the entire gray-black wave of wolves, like a rushing water, accelerated towards the direction of Mingze... …

It took almost half an hour for the whole wave of wolves to pass through the Yumen Pass...

It wasn't until the wolf tide was no longer visible on the top of the city that everyone breathed a sigh of relief...

Fuck, I never thought that such a terrifying pack of wolves would be under the command of someone...

Moreover, that person still looks like a Han Chinese...

This made the soldiers look very proud...

After waiting for a while, after confirming that the wolves would not turn back, the city gate opened...

And the No. 100 businessman outside the city was almost paralyzed from fright... he needed help to get off the horse, and many people's pants were even wet...

Faced with the seemingly cowardly performance of these guys, the soldiers who have never been merciful in the past did not laugh at them this time. In fact, they asked themselves that if they were standing outside the city, they probably behaved similarly to them Bar? ?

Not to mention those guys who were scared enough by Xiaomeng's subordinates... just Zhou Ye and Xiaomeng and the others...

At this time, they have passed through the Yumen Pass and are heading towards the territory of the Huns...

To be honest, this part of the road is not easy to walk... After crossing the grassland, there is a vast desert...

Fortunately, Zhou Ye is not an ordinary person. If it were another person, it is estimated that more than half of the wolves would starve to death on the road.

With Zhou Ye's ability, there is actually no need to use Xiaomeng's wolves... Even if he is facing millions of modern soldiers armed to the teeth, he can just slap him lightly.


Just like a full-level trumpet, half of the dishes in Novice Village...

Gotta have some fun for yourself, don't you? ?

Especially Zhou Ye, who often builds bunkers all over the screen when playing Red Alert games... even more so.

You slap him to death, how boring it seems...

It would be great to let those Roman legions who came from afar feel the intimate greetings from the Chinese wolf...

Chapter 1856

Chapter 1856

And when Zhou Ye led Xiaomeng's army of wolves towards Yanmen Pass...

Huo An was already outside the Yanmen Pass, fighting with General Lucius of the Black Eagle Legion who came from Rome.

have to


The fight between these two people is really nothing to watch. After all, they are both from the army. Their swordsmanship styles are mainly based on actual combat, and there are not so many bells and whistles.

Strictly speaking, there is not much difference in the strength of the two. Although Huo An is very strong, Lucquis is also the number one warrior in Rome. The two fought for a while, but the ending was— —The battle ended with the sudden onset of a sandstorm...

At the cost of surrendering their weapons, the Roman soldiers led by Lucius obtained the qualification to enter the city to escape the sandstorm.


Huo An took the wine jar and walked up to the unfinished city...

At this time, Lucuis was sitting on the top of the wall, quietly thinking about his future.

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