The soldiers shouted loudly that in their minds, their commander Lucquis would always be the person they admired the most, and they were willing to follow him to face a war that was doomed to failure.

Huo An stopped Luckey who was about to walk out of the door...and said: "Luquese...can't go!!"

"Huo An... If you help, they will take their anger out on you... The city we built together is just a dream, a dream that only lasts fifteen days, and I owe you enough!" Lucius said It's not that he doesn't want to find reinforcements, but—he knows that even if Huo An helps him, it's just one more unjust dead ghost, which is useless to the war.

"Wait a minute, Lucius...Think about it carefully, if Tibes is just trying to catch you, why does he need a hundred thousand troops? So many troops have already occupied the entire Silk Road, and even endangered the big man. I think, Tibes must have colluded with the prefect, and the Protectorate is responsible for maintaining the safety of the Silk Road, I will borrow troops from Yin Po, a colleague of the Protectorate, and I will definitely be able to stop them!"

Hearing Huo An's words, Lu Kuisi hadn't spoken yet... Zhou Ye, who was standing aside, smiled...

"Boss Huo, if I were you, I wouldn't go to Yin Po to borrow troops..."

Huo An was taken aback when he heard the words... "Why??"

"Think about it, the customs clearance document of the Duhu Mansion appeared in the box of smuggled gold coins, and the whole Duhu Mansion is inseparable. Why is your lieutenant general Yin Po fine, but you and your brothers were all arrested?" They've all been caught?" Speaking of this, Zhou Ye sighed helplessly... "Boss Huo, you should take care of yourself... Kindness is not a sin, but kindness that is exploited by others is a sin!"


Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Huo An was dumbfounded...

He used to always like to use the greatest kindness to figure out others, but... now, after hearing Zhou Ye's words, he has a vague feeling... Zhou Ye is indeed right...

However, even so, he still refused to believe that Yin Po was such a person... "Impossible...he is also our could he do such a thing??"

Zhou Ye didn't intend to quarrel with Huo An, he just smiled slightly and said, "Maybe it's impossible, but you already have a conclusion in your heart, don't you?"

Huo An trembled, and wanted to refute Zhou Ye a few more words... However, he couldn't think of a reason to refute...

There was an accident with the customs clearance document of the Duhu Mansion. Why was Yin Po, his lieutenant general, fine, but he and his close friends were all arrested and sent to Yanmen Pass as hard labor? ?

Even if it was really done by them, the speed of investigation by the prefect's mansion should not be so fast, and the arrests are so accurate, all the brothers who are close to him... There is nothing tricky in this, who would believe it? To put it mildly, it was because Yin Po, a 25-year-old boy, betrayed him. To put it mildly, it might even be Yin Po who colluded with the prefect to frame him...

Chapter 1864

Chapter 1864

Seeing Huo An's mournful look, Lucius couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, and then said to Zhou Ye: "It seems that the reinforcements are gone... But, I think you really seem like a devil Same, ruthlessly smashing all the beauty in other people's hearts to pieces!"

"If this beauty is achieved based on lies, it really beautiful??" Zhou Ye asked back...

"Hehe... You are right, the beauty that is whitewashed by lies is just a lie in the end..." Speaking of this, Lu Kuis patted Huo An's shoulder silently... just to comfort him..." Huo An, I feel sorry...but this may be good news, at don't have to go to the battlefield with me anymore!"

Having said this, Lucuis is about to step out...

"Wait a minute!!" This time it was Zhou Ye's turn to speak... "Are you just taking your brothers to face the 100,000 army? They trust you so much and love you, but you, Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you let them go to a dead end??"

When Lu Kuis heard Zhou Ye's words, he immediately stood on the spot...

He knew that what Zhou Ye said was right, he was now going to take his brothers to fight a war that must be defeated, and—maybe this war would end with his entire army wiped out... No one Will be spared, no one will survive...

"General, we are not afraid of death!"

"That's right, General... We are willing to follow you and meet Tibes for a while!"



Seeing that Lucius was silent there, his soldiers suddenly became irritable, and they shouted excitedly, as if this gave them infinite courage.

"No..." Luckis said and raised his hand, signaling his brothers to be quiet. "Zhou is right...I am indeed leading you to a road to hell...Now, I declare...all brothers who do not want to go to the battlefield can stay here...or..."

Speaking of this, Lucius' tone became a little heavy...

He knew that if he said the next sentence, maybe the hearts of the entire legion would be scattered, but—he still said it. "Or, you can walk towards the pass and leave here. I think Tibes would not dare to invade the Han towards the pass, and you will have a stable life..."

Hearing what Lucius said, all the soldiers fell silent...

None of them said anything...

It cannot be said that everyone is a warrior who regards death as home, but—at this time, the first person to be a deserter will definitely be rejected by others.

People despise life's...

So, everyone is waiting...

And Zhou Ye, who was standing by the side, couldn't help but roll his eyes... Damn, I said that to make you ask me for help, not to disband the legion... You idiot...

However, he changed his mind and smiled again...

It's really not Luckis' fault for not asking him for help... How should I put it? What he has shown so far is just a young man with more strength and more brains. No matter how crazy Lu Kuis is, he will never think that Zhou Ye can resist a hundred thousand troops by himself...

Alas, it seems that I still have to recommend myself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Lukuis... I can help you wipe out the 100,000 troops... I can even help you take your little lord back to Rome and successfully inherit his father's position... "

"You??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis couldn't help but look at him...

He admitted that Zhou Ye's force is indeed beyond his reach, and his mind is far beyond his reach... But how many people can kill a hundred thousand troops by him alone? ? How could he trust Zhou Ye? ? "Do you have an army??"

"Of course..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded...

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis's spirit was shocked. He just asked casually just now... Unexpectedly, Zhou Ye actually has an army... What is his identity? ?

However, he can't care much about it now... Based on his understanding of getting along with Zhou Ye these days, he knows that Zhou Ye looks carefree on weekdays, but——when encountering major events, he will make conditions..." What price do I have to pay??"

"The price??" Zhou Ye smiled. "Do you think you have to pay any price in your current situation?"

"..." Lucius was speechless...

People are tough, brother... Although I am a little bit down now, you can't lose face like this, can you? ?

"I believe you will not help us for no reason..." Lucius said, "Just like in our country, when hiring other free soldiers to fight, you need to pay, Zhou, tell me your price ...I hired you!"

"My price is very cheap if I say it is cheap, and it is very expensive if I say it is expensive..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "Well, I will help you wipe out Tibes's 100,000 troops first, and then we will talk about the price. ??"

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis fell silent...

He knew that there are only two possibilities for not talking about the price of employment. One is that the price Zhou Ye asked for is too high, so high that they feel pain in the flesh, and the other is that Zhou Ye wanted it. The price - it is not suitable to say in this public...

No matter what kind of price Zhou Ye wants...Lukuis has no room to refuse...

Because, he has reached the end of the road now...

Even if he knew that Zhou Ye might ask the lion to open his mouth after victory... Even if he knew that it was drinking poison to quench his thirst, he—he couldn't refuse...

"I understand..." Lucius nodded vigorously... "I hired you!!"

Speaking of this, Lucuis asked the attendant next to the little prince to quickly bring over a piece of parchment, and wrote an employment agreement in Latin to Zhou Ye...Of course, the column of remuneration is blank, waiting for Zhou Ye fill out by yourself.

Then let Mrs. Pulis press her handprint...

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