This employment agreement is not insignificant...

But - the premise is that Zhou Ye must be able to defeat Tibes's 100,000 troops, and then return to Rome... Otherwise, this paper agreement is nothing more than waste paper.

Zhou Ye took the agreement and looked at it, then smiled and stuffed it into his pocket...

"Now, can you show me your army that can defeat an army of 100,000?" Lucius asked solemnly.

"Of course no problem!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded, "However, it takes some time for the legion to gather, you know!"

"Of course I understand!" Lucius said, "but at least you have to tell me the exact time, aren't you?"

Chapter 1865

Chapter 1865

"Exact time?"

"That's right, the exact time!" Lucius nodded, "I want to know how long we need to hold on before we can wait for your reinforcements!"

"It won't take will be able to see my reinforcements after dawn tomorrow!" Zhou Ye said with a smile...

"Dawn tomorrow??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis was surprised...

How big is an army that can wipe out a hundred thousand troops? ?

Let's put it this way, only when you have at least twice as many soldiers as the Tibes Legion can you dare to relax a little bit, and even so, you can't really claim to be able to defeat a hundred thousand Roman Legions, and various factors such as impromptu reactions restrict The conditions for victory... Even with an army of 200,000, it can only be said that the chances of winning are greater.

War has never been a game of numbers. In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, are there still few examples of using less to win more? ?

So here comes the problem...

How long does it take for such a huge army to assemble? ?

Uh, at least at least, it is calculated by the number of days... In other words, it will take at least a few days to assemble such a huge legion, and this can only be done on the basis that the legion has enough training things...

"Are you sure I'll be able to see the legion you're talking about at dawn tomorrow?" Lucuis looked at Zhou Ye with a look of disbelief and asked.

"Of course!!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded... "You will see a scene that makes you feel unimaginable!"

"...I'm starting to think now, did I believe in the wrong person..." Lucius said helplessly, "Can I go back on my word now?"

"Of course not..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "It's only one night, you have to be patient!!"

"Okay, okay!!" Lucius sighed... "Although I don't have much time, but—I still can't afford to waste one night..."

"You won't regret your decision!" Zhou Ye smiled and walked out... "It's time for me to gather my army, see you tomorrow..."

"See you tomorrow!!"

Lu Kuis, who watched Zhou Ye leave the room, couldn't help but said to himself: "I hope, I'm not joking with my own life..."

At this time, Huo An, who had just been hit and kept silent, said, "Trust Brother Zhou... I have never seen him break his promise. As long as it is something he promised, no matter how outrageous it is, it will eventually come true." !"

"I hope so!" Lu Kuis said, looked at Huo An and asked, "Huo An, are you okay!! That guy Zhou Ye always likes to hit people like this...I think you must be very upset now Nice..."

Hearing what Lu Kuis said, Huo An smiled wryly, and said, "It's really uncomfortable. When I was taken away by the prefect's mansion, I asked Yin Po to help me find out the truth... As a result, I only found out now that I have blind eyes and blind faith in the wrong person..."

Speaking of this, Huo An sighed deeply, "But this is also good, at least, let me see clearly the true face of a person... Although Brother Zhou's words are very unpleasant, but--it awakened me... Kindness is indeed true. I shouldn't be used by others... So, I really need to be more careful in the future..."

"Ha, it seems that guy has done a good thing!!"

"Stop making fun of me..."

"'s okay, it's okay, I think you should really take care of yourself..."

"Well, actually, we're all going to have a little snack..."

Hearing Huo An's words, Lu Kuishi fell silent for a moment... It's really embarrassing to think that his lord died like that... Hey, the conspirators will surely die under the conspiracy... This sentence is really true.

While the two were feeling emotional in the room, Zhou Ye had already led Bai Da out of the Yanmen Pass...

Beside a naturally formed mound not far from the city, Zhou Ye stopped his footsteps...

"Dabai, go and gather your brothers and sisters... Another gluttonous feast is about to begin..." Zhou Ye patted Bai Da's head with a smile, and said: "Let your brothers and sisters, be sure to be in Before dawn, rush here to gather... I don't want to be called a liar, understand??"

"Wow..." Bai Da nodded his head in a sensible way... Then he howled and ran away...

For others, it may be very difficult to find the traces of the wolves... But for Bai Da, it is too easy to find his companions...

Looking at Dabai's distant figure and the occasional howl of wolves, Zhou Ye smiled and shook his head... "This guy is really reliable!!"

While talking, Zhou Ye took out his tent and snapped his fingers.

The magic tent is like

Like a fully automatic machine, it supported itself...

I have to say that magic is really convenient sometimes...

After admiring the convenience of magic, Zhou Ye walked directly into his magic tent, and slept in Yanmen Pass for several days on the kang... He misses his big soft couch very much now...

In the bathroom that comes with the magic tent, after taking a beautiful hot bath... Zhou Ye lay down on the couch and closed his eyes... "Sure enough, I still love the bed..."

Following the sound of talking to himself, Zhou Ye quickly fell asleep...

And Bai Da outside is using his wolf howl to call his brothers and sisters...

In fact, because of Bai Da's hard work, the soldiers in charge of the night watch at Yanmen Gate were tossed by the howling of wolves all night, unable to sleep all night...

When the sun rises above the horizon...

Lucius just fell asleep for less than a while...

Although it is said that those who achieve great things must be calm when dealing with things, but--Lukuis is obviously not a person who achieves great things. Since Zhou Ye left last night, he couldn't sleep over and over again. Bis's 100,000 troops...

He didn't sleep almost all night, only in the early morning, he took a short breath for a while...

Just when he just fell asleep, suddenly, he felt someone shaking him violently...

" wake up!!"

"What's the matter?? Tibes has arrived??" The first thing Lucius said when he opened his eyes was to ask about the situation of the enemy.

"No...not Tibes' army...but...but, the outside of the city has been surrounded by wild wolves..." the Roman soldier said anxiously.

"Wild wolves?? Surrounded us??" Hearing what his subordinates said, Lucius said indifferently: "Then you kill those wild wolves... Isn't that a good material for extra meals??"

"That...we also want to...but, there are too many wild wolves..."

"how many??"

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